The game have changed me

I got kicked for doing the wrong emojie. They said i didn’t have the same humour.

I had an in game boyfriend and he cheat, dump me and kick me out of his guild. He couldn’t have told me he found someone else?

I had a best friend. We could sit and chat for hours. He was new in WoW and left and ignored me when he found new friends to do mythics with.

In one guild the guild leader demotes me (without a word to me), right after i posted my dog i had for 14 years died.

I used to be in a guild where new people got promoted after around 3-5 days. After 50 days without promotion i left. Found out later they wanted to have fun and see how i reacted.

Someone asks me to open up and i do. He was probably thinking doing a dungeon is more fun, and he did, leaving me sad and crying.

I was in a guild for people with anxiety. There i got threatened, bullied and whispered that i’m rotten etc and finally kicked. Who does that to someone you know have aspergers, social phobia and severe anxiety??

What the hell is wrong with people in this game?!?!
What i just wrote is just a small amount of what happened to me. There is absolutely no respect or understanding anymore. People don’t care about others anymore, people have become so selfish. Where is the compassion?

Im so tired of this. I can’t deal with bad people anymore. I feel broken.

This game have changed me. I used to be a fun, happy and positive person and excited over things. Now i’m so negative, sad and depressed. So many bad memories.

I love WoW and was looking forward to Shadowlands, but i have no mental strength left to continue playing. I need a break from it all. I need to heal.

Great game, bad community… so sad.


Take a break from game and this community . Check other games . If game is stressful it is not fun why to struggle . Just advice you can always come back in future. I got a break from game for 2 years recently . Now I really like game


You either are the unluckiest person on Earth, or you are making stuff up. The community is not THAT bad.


o_O that’s why never mix online worlds and gaming.


Oh wow. I mean, that’s quite the list.

Sorry about your dog and hope he had a great life, I’m sure he did.

Take a breather, game’s not going anywhere, and when you come back, if you do, try to find the right guild for you.

Take care and be safe!


You can’t tar us all with the same brush because that happenedd to you. There is plenty of decent people in wow. In life we find what we look for and give attention to and it isn’t always the right thing.

Condolences on your canine family member passing BTW. I feel your pain there. Hope you begin to feel better as quick as possible. One day at a time with grief.

I’m so, so sorry you’re having to go through this, and rather than help you recover, the game has hindered it. This game was a great source of healing for me in the past, and I’m heartbroken that it could be so cruel to somebody else.

Please please PLEASE take as long of a break as you need, check out some other games you’ve been meaning to, have fun doing other stuff for a while, and come back if and when you feel ready. When a game stops being fun, ALWAYS stop playing, even temporarily, for a while.

Please look after yourself. It might not feel like it right now, but you’ll be okay.


Can always take a break from the people of the game and still play.
Many systems in the game such as dungeon and group finder lets you still play group based content without needing to actually interact with others and most groups are perfectly fine with just minding themselves.

If you even find it difficult to ignore the chat and people around you then it is possible to turn off the chat and block incoming invites and such. lets you now show your status as offline if you’re dodging bnet “friends”.

You don’t have to be part of the community to enjoy the game.
Perfectly doable and fine to go at it solo and only interact with other players when and if you want.

Also if you really feel you need to be part of a guild or a group then I find that the random-leveling-invites-everyone type guilds are the most chill. Everyone doing their thing jumping in and out of the guild as they please.
Always a bunch of people online doing transmog runs or dungeons.
Rarerly any drama since there’s just too many members of different types and people constantly joining and leaving for there to be any real social hierarchy.
Might not make any ever friends or enemies for life but there’s always some random bloke online at 4am that will listen to your bad jokes or two foreign guys talking about energy drinks that you can just listen to or jump in with a comment here and there.


Ladies and gentlemen, your weekly AD drama thread.


Community can be instanelly toxic, so I usually stick to small group of people that I know are amazing, maybe that can help you as well?


That’s quite a list of bad stuff.

I know what it’s like to lose a dog, mine died two and half years ago and I still miss her. She’s with me ingame forever until the day they turn off the servers.

Anyway… There ARE good people out there. There ARE good guilds out there.

But I know that other players dealing with things like Asperger’s and anxiety can be problematic. In our guild, several years ago, we had a younger member (don’t know his exact age, but he was in his early teens). He had Asperger’s and it lead to issues from time to time with other members. But the big problem was; his father basically wanted us, the guild, to babysit his son. But… We played this game to have fun and relax and not to watch someone’s kid. So yeah, that didn’t go over well with most. At some point, when he threw another tantrum, he was kicked. I felt sorry for him, but he was seriously creating a negative atmosphere. That coupled with the fact that the father began to blame the guild that his son was upset and that ‘we were supposed to take care of him’, was the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. I blame the father; he was just shoving his responsibility onto others (who had no clue how to deal with such issues).

It’s hard to find a place to belong when there’s things in play such as Asperger’s. But like I said; there ARE people out there who WILL understand.

Just have a breather, step back for a moment and then continue with renewed energy.

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I will agree with you that some people online can be very vile, just because they can remain anonymous behind their monitor while doing so.

However, none of us except yourself can know the full story behind these events, and that makes me think that you are leaving a lot of important information out.

I’ve found that the best way to play this game is to have one or two close friends you can rely on to help each other out, and maybe having some other people on bnet with who you can do other in-game related activities, but without getting too close with.

Other than that it’s best to avoid guilds and other similar cliques.


Sorry to hear this has all happened to you, do know we aren’t all like this, but if your feeling that bad, maybe a break will help.

I wish u well in your break and I hope when you return you find people to talk to far better then these u have met so far :slight_smile:


I only have the “severe anxiety” part along with depression and I can tell you sometimes it is really hard to deal with people, to stay patient or to ignore them. Yes the community is bad, and the bad ones are the loudest. I really recommend you to not rely too much on people in game to socialize, especially if you have these “differences” that make it harder for you.

Stay strong!


Nah mate. you are the one making a big deal out of it. Making light of some human being’s grief is pretty low TBH.

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People who don’t live with mental issues can’t understand and like showing how confident they are :slight_smile:


I can be your friend, I’m generally a decent person


I’d say, like many others said, take a break from WoW.

WoW community is full of different people with different background and behavior. Of course you’ll find people with questionable behavior however that happens in every game and real life.
I’d suggest to not take thing too seriously when it comes to online relationships, a friendship can end in a blink of an eye.

If you want to continue playing WoW (although, like I said earlier, I’d not recommend it), look for communities or social guilds.
Yes, you already tried, went bad but perhaps one day you’ll find your place; somewhere you feel comfortable, a place where people share their time with you.

Always remember though, don’t cherish too much about… well, people you’ve recently met.

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This is why I rarely talk to people in game.


Do not seek friendship, redemption or normal people from videogames. 99% are insane.