I got kicked for doing the wrong emojie. They said i didn’t have the same humour.
I had an in game boyfriend and he cheat, dump me and kick me out of his guild. He couldn’t have told me he found someone else?
I had a best friend. We could sit and chat for hours. He was new in WoW and left and ignored me when he found new friends to do mythics with.
In one guild the guild leader demotes me (without a word to me), right after i posted my dog i had for 14 years died.
I used to be in a guild where new people got promoted after around 3-5 days. After 50 days without promotion i left. Found out later they wanted to have fun and see how i reacted.
Someone asks me to open up and i do. He was probably thinking doing a dungeon is more fun, and he did, leaving me sad and crying.
I was in a guild for people with anxiety. There i got threatened, bullied and whispered that i’m rotten etc and finally kicked. Who does that to someone you know have aspergers, social phobia and severe anxiety??
What the hell is wrong with people in this game?!?!
What i just wrote is just a small amount of what happened to me. There is absolutely no respect or understanding anymore. People don’t care about others anymore, people have become so selfish. Where is the compassion?
Im so tired of this. I can’t deal with bad people anymore. I feel broken.
This game have changed me. I used to be a fun, happy and positive person and excited over things. Now i’m so negative, sad and depressed. So many bad memories.
I love WoW and was looking forward to Shadowlands, but i have no mental strength left to continue playing. I need a break from it all. I need to heal.
Great game, bad community… so sad.