The Game is DEAD?

[read this in the Jim Sterling’s voice] A rrrole? In a rrrole playing game? Prrreposterous! A trrravesty! What shame! No ever grreater numberrrs flowing? Ahhhh!

I personally hate “New” patches, as they invalidate your gear and makes you weak again.

I would not mind if we stayed at 220 ilvl forever and only got power increase from renown/covenant

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The game has been dying since vanilla :roll_eyes:

New patches should be re-named " New mini expansions" Like in Classic you can join a guild and raid everything pretty much uptoo Naxx. I know because i’ve done it.

In SL CN is pointless after 9.1 and all the dungeon loot is boosted and ilvls go up.

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Bare in mind we are at the tail end of an unprecedented global pandemic.

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It isn’t dead
Just smells funny

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Problem is, WoW doesnt have any of the usual engaging mmo-content like Housing, Level/Equipmentscaling for Storybased content in Open World, Worthwhile and engaging crafting, dynamic Worlds etc.

Its all Dungeon Dungeon Raid Raid Dungeon Dungeon, nothing else. And its all only for Gear thats the same but a few Level higher.

WoW shows its age, as do its Developers. They need new blood at the top of the decision-pyramid.


I don’t think that’s going to happen, Hazzikostas is there to stay, just like Brack.

6/10 Normal
4/10 Heroic
0/10 Mythic

And boosted in 3s.

Right. Ok.


I have never seen WoW as dead as it is now, quite literally even if game was “dying” at least forums were super lively. Now barely anyone responds on forums.

Well wow was dying because it reached basically last phase of product but… this expansion it literally felt down. That was just a rollercoaster slide straight to the bottom of hell.

It was the first expansion all of my friends quit, we are still playing together, just different games, and no, not classic.


I don’t have enough experience to say if it is dead, but in my 5 years (Legion release) I’ve not known it like this, farming rare mounts is lonely. Just had Famu spawn and I sat there for over 10 minutes before getting one person to join eventually a few Alliance turn up as well (WM off) and we killed it (A few weeks a go you’d be spammed with applications) . Even in BfA there would be huge groups waiting for Harvester etc.

Sha of Anger is where you see most people (shading is different there which helps). There ‘feels’ like a lot less people playing. Saying that raid groups have seemed pretty healthy, maybe people are just raid logging and waiting for 9.1

Did WoD in the months before Legion feel like this?

this morning
only 2 players online, it hearts to see WOW at this level
They start as player 1st they end up milking that player


Currently /who is showing 5 57-60 in Maldraxxas (WM off) including myself…Sad (if who is working correctly.)


I didn’t. Still progressing council lol. Probably killing it on monday but then there are the hard bosses left…

It doesn’t seem to work at all for me. When do /who in Oribos it sometimes shows like 2 or 3 people and not even myself. And I’m on the biggest horde realm.

Org, yesterday evening and there were double that number actually inside the AH. Looks pretty much alive to me although you could argue that there were double those numbers back when the game was at it’s heights.

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I’ve seen more in Org at 3am during Legion. Looked pretty dead to me there. What is it 20 people?


Over dramatic much? Also /who has been broken since before xmas so don’t use that to guide you.

if they could not fix /who can they fix the ship?

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I give up. Fine it’s dead, I will unsub immediately and delete the game from my computer.

When I am out and about in the world playing there are always other players around. I haven’t had to wait more than 5 minutes for a levelling dungeon queue to pop. It still looks like it is alive and kicking to me but you do you.

5 minutes - you are lucky. At 23 for a ebg currently (edit popped at 28 minutes) .

You make out I am happy with the situation, far from it. I am worried for something I have invested 30 hours+ a week in for almost 5 years (there are others who could say the same for 15 years) .

It makes me sad it see the game like this on a Saturday morning (was no better yesterday either) . I had to wait for WB groups as no one was doing it on Thursday morning, never ever have a seen that before.

As I said, it makes me sad and disappointed. I understand 9.1 will be delayed primarily by Covid and don’t have a problem there.

However Blizzard could have done something to stimulate the game and stop the apparent herroraging of players (even re-added an event - Anniversary bg and/or XP boost like pre-SL for example.)

Hell what I’d give for a 100% bonus Anima week right now.

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