The Game is DEAD?

My thoughts exactly + a friend of mine returned in BFA since stopping in TBC and has more ach points by now.

I am one of those people who has invested a lot of time over the course of the last 15 years into this game. Admittedly a lot less over the last 6 or so years due to having a family and more responsibility.

It is, however, an old game and it shows. People have been saying this game is dead since late Vanilla/Early TBC and it hasn’t gone down yet. I don’t believe that it is going to go down any time soon either.


Let’s hope so, but I do believe Blizzard could do more to help it out at the moment. Doesn’t need to be much an XP event, Anima bonus, unlock flying just three off the top of my head. Any one of those would help give the game a jolt, which it seems to badly need right now.


It is much better that casuals like me can enjoy it much more than before. Do something else

Seen several mythic raiding teams die because people just stop playing. People are tired of having no new content, but I’m sure they’ll be back with 9.1. I’m still having fun, and I’m using this time to play with my GUI and make some gold. That said, I’m going to take a few weeks break as well, but not because I don’t enjoy playing.

On Argent Dawn Oribos is always packed even night time there is lot of players.
So not dead haven’t checked classic since i got bored of it the game is just not for me its too slow and everything is so cumbersome to do.


and you’re levl 37, could be an alt

In what realm of End-game are we talking about exactly here Talj? You barely played the game.


And wait until 2022 for 9.2

Finishing content on baseline difficulty = finished game. Most people do no consider harder difficulty levels for new content which is btw truth. New difficulty is not new content.


if only blizzard communicated with us - the customers and gave us updates we would have much less topics with game dead/empty towns, there is nothing to do

but instead only blue posts we have here are on topics like ‘what you ate for dinner’ or something

Another expansion completely gutted content wise by the implementation of a new build-around system in the covenants.

I wish they would just go back to the pre-WoD era of just making more of the same, more dungeons, more raids, more bgs, more arenas etc, skip all the build around systems and give us more stuff to do rather than more menus to interact with.

The patch cycles are so slow because the covenants and all the tweaking required soaks up all dev resources like a sponge. Just like the garrison in WoD, and Azerite in BFA, only Legion was spared because half of WoDs planned content was sacrificed to develop it.

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To be honest, OP thinking that WoW has a similar content structure to other games they may play tells me that something I profess on many occasions is true; that they should - as they maintain they have - unsub & (possibly?) quit the game that isn’t 100% what they envisioned it to be.

normally id care about the lack of content updates and lack of communication from blizz, but straight from the reveal of shadowlands i was disinterested in the theme or the locale.

sooner we get back to azeroth the better

Didn’t it die in late Vanilla? That is what everyone said at the time anyway?

Same as Classic, didn’t it die when the “GOGOGO” generation rushed through content without actually playing the game properly? I mean it certainly saw a pretty drastic drop of numbers a month or so after it’s launch.

Might it instead just be, not the game, but it’s players? Look at a lot of the threads here, people expecting everything to be given to them on a plate for minimum effort, people min-maxing to beat content as quickly as possible then wailing that there is nothing to do. What happened to the WoW players there from the start who wanted to play the game for fun, rather than to rush through it as if it was a race? I mean sure, most of us will have mortgages, and kids, and full time jobs, but we’re still playing? It ain’t dead, anymore than it was dead 15 years ago, you just get doomsayers claiming it is, most of whom are people who rushed through content and then just don’t bother with the game, and then, rather than just going “I’m not getting anything out of this, it is over” they simply -have- to make a thread to tell us that the game is over, as if they were trying to sink the ship they were in by sabotaging it when plenty of people are still having fun. It is like a forum equivalent of the petulant child who says “It’s my football and I’m taking it home” thereby trying to ruin it for everyone else. People need to get a grip…

Playing classic man.

Didn’t you get the memo? Apparently it has been dying since the start…

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People seem to be forgetting there is a pandemic going on. Most people have to work from home. A lot of games are being delayed. Not much we can do about it…


There is also that. We are living in unprecedented times. Before anyone says “Err, the Spanish flu in 1918” the world was a lot different back then. (I mean it was still damned horrible, coming on the heels of WWI as it did!) Like massively so, there have been so many technological advances since then, that our world has changed, and we have changed. We don’t think of the world in the same way anymore, certainly not people back then. I want to watch TV? I can do so, they couldn’t. I want to be free from Polio? I am, I want to phone someone? I can do it from my jacket pocket. I remember when mobiles were the size of a housebrick (To my shame I owned one of those, before realising it was useless because no one else I knew had one!) I remember before the Internet even existed as a thing available to the public.

So our world has massively changed, and we like to think of ourselves as masters and mistresses of control of our planet, and we really damned aren’t, and we’re getting an almighty slap down right now.

So games being delayed in being released? -Expansions- being delayed? Seriously, catch yourself on one…That’s a bizarre attitude to take, that is chump change, and just not important in the slightest. Seriously, people complaining about lack of content and expansion’s need to give their heads a wobble.


Due to sharding. :slight_smile: