The game is subconsciously pushing to reroll fire

I’m not sure why you think showcasing your own ignorance repeatedly is in any way good for your topic.

Perhaps you should actually test the macro (assuming you even have a fire mage) and see how it works, rather than just mindlessly pointing to forum posts and trying to troll me? :smiley:

first I will add this but it is not madatory:
/targetenemy [noexists]
before the castsequence in order to target if target is lost

than your sequence is just dumb you should use two fireblasts at the beginning because of infernal cascade:

you do this immediately after launching fireball
/castsequence combustion, FB,FB, Pyro,Pyro,PF,Pyro,FB,Pyro,PF,Pyro,FB,Pyro ,PF,Pyro

if you already have heating up then you can skip one FB but it is still super different than your stupid castsequence:

you do this immediately after launching fireball with heating up
/castsequence combustion, FB,Pyro,Pyro,FB,PyroPF,Pyro,FB,Pyro,PF,Pyro,FB,Pyro ,PF,Pyro

and you say you are playing fire mage ???

Nope Gou,

We were talking about your inability to process info given to you that cast sequence works, not asking for pointers form someone who clearly has no clue what they are talking about.

So go test the macro then show us all how it does not work. :smiley:

p.s. I never claimed it was a optimal damage rotation macro, I posted that in another topic for a new fire mage to show them how to have a little bit of fun outside learning to cast everything manually for proper damage rotations.

I really do love how bad you have it for trolling people that disagree with your entire topic, to the point you just go grab random reply from other topics to continue trolling.

I test it and it randomly fails , rarely but it get stuck on Pyro in the middle

and this change nothing to your stupid sequence , you play fire mage but you dont know your base rotation

Then upload the video showing this, cause I can guarantee you, your talking out of the place the sun don’t shine.

If I am motivated I can spent sometime waiting for the macro to fail and do a movie, but I am not sure it is worth

Ah so you admit it does not fail. Well done, you actually learned something today.

??? troll ? It is more important for you to read firemage guide than trolling on the wow forum

Its fairly self evident if anyone reads your recent post history, whom is trolling whom here, you might want to grow up and admit you were wrong, rather than just dig a deeper hole.

Omg that would be such a disaster though, also… they won’t nerf Combustion because that insane dmg isn’t caused directly by Combustion but more from the 25% increased crit dmg in Shadowlands, Infernal Cascade Conduit (nerfed by 33% now) and Rune of Power.

i dont want to play as a fire mage and none can force me. i am an arcane mage and i want to play as arcane, and if blizz is not going to fix that spec and buff them correctly with decent damage buff and keep forcing me to reroll to fire im out of this game, thats for sure. Arcane Mage Issue


Im sorry , but it takes a cast of fireblast to iceblock!

Thats on you, saying u dont have time yo ib, when in combust a fire mage uses like 6 abilitiea in burst window.

Also, u can play kleptomania and steal combustuion and make a cancell combustion macro so he cant steal it back.

that burst could be only “abused” if :

a) tank doest really big pulls
b)person knows how to play fire mage really well .

what i noticed is that frost is

a)super consistent on good aoe on each single trash pack due to super good synergy frost bomb has with night fae ability
b)ultra easy to play . you literaly press 2 buttons and dmg goes brrr which you dont have to manage next to anything.

also like with any groups - all dps have it hard - yet it didnt stop my 197 itlv frost mage from joining SD +11 this week and keeping up with aoe dps with peopel being 10 itlv higher then me.

its kinda shame how people let themsleves be lead by what is percived as bis.

A frost mage can do consistent AoE for sure. It’s just not very high and it doesn’t spike. It’s more of a slow consistent dmg. You can do more dps with the fragment legendary, but then your single target is really bad - or you can use the slick legendary and do decent single-target dps.

That’s exactly the problem with frost. If you want to slowly kill stuff then that’s fine, but fire is taken for the incredible burst. So what you do is pull around that.

Finally fire can just utterly delete a focus target in one combust cycle. Frost can’t do that. This is actually important in every single dungeon at higher keys.

the other day i was watching a streamer tournament. all challengers and stuff.
and all fire mages did the exact same thing lol. poly + Gpyro Db and spam. 1min after same thing 1min after same thing.

like… looooooooool they didnt even try doing something else. nice spec

Totally agreed!!! <3
I don’t want to play Fire (or Frost at least), only because those are cared by the Blizzard! In my opinion, ARCANE is the best spec, where realy need to be thinking, how to survive or how to spend the burst! I am mostly a PvP player, and realy enjoy that… but yeah… Arcane need to be buffed ! =/

Thank you for reading this post too !

Take Care Guys !

Just read the whole thing and there’s definitely some points to be made.

Combustion is made for a big burst damage and the damage outside combustion is not very impressive at all. But the fact is how much fire excel over the arcane mage which was originally designed to pull off the highest bust damage ig where-as fire mage had a better sustained burst damage. meaning it wasn’t as high but it could go on for longer. (we haven’t seen this sine MoP - unless it’s cheesed.)

It’s not about “FIRE OVER ARCANE” it’s just that arcane needs a polish to be better, the one key thing which was a massive burst for arcane is not really present when compared with a fire mage. Because Fire does it better.

I’m hoping that blizzard will buff our Arcane Power (the rune) so we can at least pull off our big bursts because when compared with fire it’s just a wet pathetic joke. I’ve now done almost all dungeons ig on a +15 and i feel like i’m hard capped with arcane around 4 - 6k dps for overall in a dungeon where as i’ve seen fire mages have almost 8k overall. A dot, the ignite goes really far to outperform arcane as it’s passive damage where arcane is full on active damage.

It’s not fun, being the degenerate spec and unloved by blizzard but i continue to play it because it’s what i’m good at. Now that is really a statement that could be put up for debate but when i go into a dungeon i plan ahead, i try to calculate when i need my majors as arcane is way more dependent on em compared to fire. I did play fire, for a while and i simply coulden’t enjoy it to the same extend as arcane as arcane from a gameplay persepective.

one of the key factors for success as a arcane mage (in my opinion) is to predict tanking patterns. If you can predict what your tank is going to do you will do extremely well with arcane, compared to fire where your more forgiven.

Now i do mention that fire, “forgives” you but i really only mean it to the extend there’s always a passive on the target have you done firemage correctly so there’s always a little bit of damage going on to the target where as arcane either you damage it or your out of reach. It seems pointless to argue about an ignite dot, but really it makes a huge difference.

I can go on but i feel like i will loose my point.

Pretty nice changes on 9.0.5 PTR for us Kyrian Arcane mages <3 and venthyr arcane.

Trying something else (or even play another spec/class) will net you a lot LOWER results, so why bother if blizzard did’t bother at all with “balance”? :slight_smile:

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