I think those are some great ideas. I can only agree with them. The one thing I’m not sure about is changing some bg’s to something else. Some of them are obviously less loved, in that sense I’ve concluded as well the original ones somehow are more appealing. Everything the same sounds rather boring tho, but it’s as if these experiments later on have hardly ever worked out well. So I dunno!
Why did people flag this post? because it speaks of pvp?
PvE only players are true scum -.-
Nah its because its slapface, some on these forums just flag anything if they dont like the poster.
(I’ll admit i havent read it all since i dont care for pvp, so no clue if there is any rulebreaking in it)
There isn’t. It’s nothing more than a list of very serious PvP suggestions.
These people have successfully gotten me banned in the past with raw mass reporting.
Please do read this thread, because if I get banned again, I do want people to know I didn’t deserve it and ask to #FreeSlapface.
Single ? He has a harem
Yep, oneshot people with stormblast was funny.
I read this far and realised this was just yet another post where you’re bored and want to troll…again.
U forgot the most important thing, premades.
Then you truly haven’t read past that sentence.
Thanks for your low effort contribution to this thread.
You’re welcome. Remember, always put minimum effort into low IQ troll threads.
None of it addresses the problem of why people have stopped pvp’ing.
It isn’t because there isn’t some crappy colosseum where the vendors are displayin their wares.
I’m not sure what it is, I used to love random BG’s as a pleasant way to pass the time. I’ve not touched them in years and “its you, not me”, I didn’t fall out of love with pvp, it just started sucking and I’m not sure why. It’s not one thing, its a steady erosion of lots of things.
Duh, because the cloak forced PvE players to PvP. I didn’t enjoy that at all.
Oh, and if PvP ever gets even more cosmetics other than the recolors of the tier sets, that will just make more ppl quit the game rather than make them start playing PvP.
PvP is gimmick feature; it’s supposed to be unrewarding other than by playing it. PvP isn’t even canon anymore, all PvPers do is replay past battles or engage in criminal activities as there’s an armistice between the factions.
It’s pretty much the same for me. I only play arenas, whereas I used to love random BGs.
Except I can pinpoint the exact moment I stopped enjoying them, and I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but that’s Legion.
What about you? Do you know during which expansion you stopped enjoying random BGs?
Make PVP mandatory for everyone. Let there be no escape from it, no respite, no surrender. Every form of PVE content from delves to mythic raids should implement PVP invasions. Imagine a mythic raid group suddenly being invaded and attacked by the opposite faction. Imagine being ganked in your delve, forcing you to grow a pair. Beautiful.
Honour level 6 with 1 honourable kill
I love this idea boss
Sometimes thread like this make me wish Vinzora would come back.
You take that back young mister!
I’m not sure why anyone would wish the cheap knockoff over the original.