The game NEEDS ME as PvP Lead Designer

Megalomaniac antics aside, some of the ideas are such obvious additions which many people have advocated for in the past.

Reshaping pvp in game modes with multiple maps.

Want to only play “Capture the flag”? Have at it, here are 20 maps. Say goes for command and conquer and whatever other mode.

To this day I’m still not sure why there isn’t a simple team death match mode always on. Big old 10v10 or whatever larger size. No ulterior goals. Just kill until timer ends and the highest scoring team wins.

I’m afraid though that even these additions, pvp has a much more difficult issues to solve at its core.

I disagree. Some hype and signs that Blizzard care would go a long way.
Sadly, you can’t show signs of something that doesn’t exist.

I’ve had the same experience. It started with Legion, from there on I find it hard to pinpoint what the exact issue is. Amount of cc, too many premades, something (but I’m a bit lost on what it is exactly) about class design, it just lost some of its fluid and hilariously fun gameplay. Grumpy people don’t help either. I could play random bg’s for hours on end night after night. And now I do them here and there, and it can be fun, or stupid, but after one or two I’m done for weeks.

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I did one shuffle on my disc priest today got in with outlaw, bm, retri, ww as the dps and mw as the enemy healer. Both me and the mw spent almost 50% of each rounds in some cc which dps can just easily rotate with different diminishing returns and everyone have abundance of ccs in general to use, so there I am half of the rounds just rendered as spectator in some ccs and witnessing dps play the game and once my cc ends I watch somebody chase another guy behind pillar and die there.

Even if I got 4-2 wins out of the lobby and ended up positive and gaining some rating, it was the only shuffle I healed today and will be for very long time as I have no intentions of stepping in that mode as healer again not soon or possibly ever again.

The game is just not fun, its terrible since dragonflight actually. Huge bloat of cc to every class because its needed as interruptions in m+ I guess so decisions for pve affecting pvp, and they also add this strange abomination for arenas with 6 rounds but different rules. Higher healing reduction since start that ramps quickly and first person to die ending rounds and so on. Healers going more 3-3 than dps each game so they never really progress like dps does either if there is somebody alot worser than the rest who goes 1-5 or 0-6 the healers take the hit and mostly dps gain rating in this case cause of the design of the mode rotating these players. The good dps get 4-2 or 5-2 wins and gain rating and heals get 3-3 mostly and gain nothing or lose little mmr if other healer were lower. Sometimes healers even lose from draw.

I can pinpoint my own personal issues with pvp to shuffle and how it were implemented into the game totally replacing arenas and making wow rated system not work anymore in other modes if everyone only play these shuffles but healers hate so the ques are long. Healers basically have no good choises, you either play mode you hate or you quit and go play dps like I did.


It pleases me to read these words.

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This is the biggest issue I have with PvP. The DRs are too soft and there are way too many schools of CC.

If a rogue unleashes their CC chain on you, you can get up from the PC, make yourself a cup of cofee and when you come back, the chain is still going.

Then there are also interrupts which every class has, forcing you to try to bait them every other cast to proc precog.

The fact that Precognition makes you immune to all CC, doesn’t have an internal cooldown and it’s not considered overpowered shows that there is way too much CC in the game.

This creates a completely miserable experience for healers in arenas which is the main reason why I don’t like to play them … because I don’t actually play 50% of the time.

The saving grace of Disc priests is that we can have a lot of instant spells. Unfortunately, this aspect is going to be reduced in the next patch because Rapture’s gonna be removed for some reason :man_facepalming:

Recently, I decided to give Shadow a shot in Blitz. Yeah, the queues are a bit longer but gotta say that not being the primary target of CC and interrupts or not having a dedicated DK harrasing me all game while being ignored by all of my teammates does make the game more enjoyable.

I can actually play my character, I can cast 2x Mind Blast → Void Eruption → 2x Mind Blast WITHOUT interruption. The game can actually be fun when I get to PvE on people.

As a healer, I used to get really frustrated when I would perform well - top healing done, highest damage of all healers, capped a base, capped a flag (as godd*mn priest) - but still lose in the end.

As a DPS, I don’t really care for some reason. If I can see myself at the top of the board on dmg, losing doesn’t really bother me. And since I have all the viscious mounts and legacy mogs for this class, I don’t really need to spam BGs for currency. So I might play Shadow more often to simply have a more enjoyable experience.


There’s definitely an issue of all classes having access to all tools.

In addition to being annoying, it negatively impacts class fantasy, which is a problem larger than PvP.

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Yep. I’ve played a healing priest like 99% of the time in pvp, that no doubt influences my experience over the years. Getting cc-ed, stalked, interrupted were always part of it but it used to feel more smart somehow years back, I had choices, could counterplay (or not, and die stupidly ya know, but that’d regularly be on me then and in that case I could learn to play smarter). These days it simply feels as if I’m trying to wade through mud and I’m not really getting anywhere :smile:

I’ve not even tried Solo Shuffle. It sounded absolutely miserable from a healer perspective.


I know. There were things I did like about Legion so don’t count it as a full victory :wink:

I dont know if my opinion will matter that much as i only started playing the game 2 months ago but random bg seemed fine to me .it was the blitz bg that really spoiled the fun for me . People trolling with namecalling other people but would not move themselves but would say that you should not play pvp and go back to pve etc .

Secondly 9 out of 10 queues would get cancelled at 14 before timer runs out .

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So did I. My Monk is using an Elite PvP set from Legion because it’s the best looking ever nearly a decade after it was added to the game.
There’s plenty of things Legion did right.

But it permanently ruined class design, and with it, PvP.
This alone makes it the worst expansion in the entire game, regardless of its successes.

I started play mm in Blitz and enjoying it quite a lot, difference to healing blitz or shuffles I can relate fully with what you said.

Legion had Imo best tmogs from the artifact wpn skins and also plenty good looking sets both PvP and PvE. From current the 20th anniversary set now for monk looks good to me, almost made me want to level monk for Blitz just for that set.

The issue is… If you really did have such an IQ level, you wouldn’t be playing PvP.


Geniuses, just like regular people, are entitled to their preferred forms of entertainment.