My genius level IQ would be a great asset to both Blizzard and the community. It will be obvious to anyone reading this that I, Slapface, should be hired ASAP to fix the game.
In the meantime, here are my suggestions for PvP, that would be implemented next patch if I were in charge:
- Introduction of Reward Tracks. Unique cosmetics are awarded for playing ranked PvP games, regardless of rating. A new reward track with new cosmetics is added every season, and players can choose which track they wish to complete first.
Developer’s note: This new feature is meant to address the lack of meaningful rewards for beginners and casual players.
- Leveling through PvP only with Korrak’s Revenge
When it was first introduced for WoW’s 15th anniversary, Korrak’s Revenge allowed players of all levels to queue together, with everyone being scaled up or down to level 60. For a brief time, it was therefore possible to level up only through PvP by spamming this event. Participation was high since there was no level requirement.
Another great thing about this event was that players could buy a full set of Honor gear immediately after reaching max level.
I would keep this concept as a permanent feature, so that players interested in PvP don’t have to wait to reach max level before they can start playing PvP.
- New settings for existing Battlegrounds: There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Arathi Bassin and Warsong Gulch are great, whereas new Battlegrounds are much less popular.
Instead of creating brand new concepts from Battlegrounds, I would just make new maps for existing game modes, or simply add rotating seasons for existing maps.
- Lower rating thresholds for Healers: Earlier this season (and perhaps still right now), there were no healers in the top 1000 players of the PvP ladder. Whilst it’s not a perfect fix, I would lower the rating threshold for Healers by 100: 2300 for Elite, 2000 for Duelist, 1700 for Rival, etc.
Healer participation is the most important issue in Ranked PvP right now. Low healer participation means 30 minute queue times for DPS players, which is rough even for the unemployed.
- Creation of a dedicated PvP hub: most likely a massive coliseum, with PvP vendors from every season lined up in order, new PvP quests, and dedicated areas for dueling (health and cooldowns reset before every duel) and free-for-all fighting.
This would also help creating a sense of community.
It took me only about 15 minutes to think of these ideas and type this thread.
Given enough power, I could single-handedly save World of Warcraft PvP in less than a year.
Blizzard need to hire me, and they need to do it now.