The game NEEDS ME as PvP Lead Designer

My genius level IQ would be a great asset to both Blizzard and the community. It will be obvious to anyone reading this that I, Slapface, should be hired ASAP to fix the game.

In the meantime, here are my suggestions for PvP, that would be implemented next patch if I were in charge:

  • Introduction of Reward Tracks. Unique cosmetics are awarded for playing ranked PvP games, regardless of rating. A new reward track with new cosmetics is added every season, and players can choose which track they wish to complete first.
    Developer’s note: This new feature is meant to address the lack of meaningful rewards for beginners and casual players.

  • Leveling through PvP only with Korrak’s Revenge
    When it was first introduced for WoW’s 15th anniversary, Korrak’s Revenge allowed players of all levels to queue together, with everyone being scaled up or down to level 60. For a brief time, it was therefore possible to level up only through PvP by spamming this event. Participation was high since there was no level requirement.
    Another great thing about this event was that players could buy a full set of Honor gear immediately after reaching max level.
    I would keep this concept as a permanent feature, so that players interested in PvP don’t have to wait to reach max level before they can start playing PvP.

  • New settings for existing Battlegrounds: There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Arathi Bassin and Warsong Gulch are great, whereas new Battlegrounds are much less popular.
    Instead of creating brand new concepts from Battlegrounds, I would just make new maps for existing game modes, or simply add rotating seasons for existing maps.

  • Lower rating thresholds for Healers: Earlier this season (and perhaps still right now), there were no healers in the top 1000 players of the PvP ladder. Whilst it’s not a perfect fix, I would lower the rating threshold for Healers by 100: 2300 for Elite, 2000 for Duelist, 1700 for Rival, etc.
    Healer participation is the most important issue in Ranked PvP right now. Low healer participation means 30 minute queue times for DPS players, which is rough even for the unemployed.

  • Creation of a dedicated PvP hub: most likely a massive coliseum, with PvP vendors from every season lined up in order, new PvP quests, and dedicated areas for dueling (health and cooldowns reset before every duel) and free-for-all fighting.
    This would also help creating a sense of community.

It took me only about 15 minutes to think of these ideas and type this thread.
Given enough power, I could single-handedly save World of Warcraft PvP in less than a year.

Blizzard need to hire me, and they need to do it now.


So true gang, I hope they appoint you chief of PvP-Design and segregate you all from the rest of the playerbase.


I would never, under any circumstances, abandon my forum besties.

Mark my words: I shall remain an active World of Warcraft EU forums contributor until the day I die.

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I hereby appoint you Scaramouche of the Court.

You may now entertain us.


All jokes aside, my suggestions are all amazing and would indeed increase PvP participation by an estimated 800% if implemented next patch.

i´m just amazed you´re not single

But the scaling in Korrak feels horrible, they need to improve it.

Bring back Call to Arms quests.

You would also be surprised to see how successful I am outside of my marriage.

Sure, it’s not perfect, and it should be improved.
Still, it’s better than no PvP at all until max level. It’s not like it’s ranked anyway.


I think the issue with PvP for new players is that many specs are overcomplicated and you have to know other players specs as well (which change every expansion). Not gonna lie, it doesn’t feel as much fun as it did even in Shadowlands (I know :face_vomiting: Shadowlands). Maybe I am pessimistic because MM isn’t doing very well.

You have an abundance of annoying abilities like Wall of Ice and the Evoker obscure ability, shaman burrow, every class having a knockback etc. On top of that you have a ton of CC and pseudo CC with short CDs, not being able to play your character also isn’t fun.

I don’t know, personally I liked it when things were a bit more simple…

+Currently Epic BGs are full of synced communities which also isn’t something that will encourage new players to join.

Don’t want to derail the thread into a rant, but I’m not sure cosmetic rewards, a hub with PvP vendors and different versions of the same BG is what PvP currently needs. :confused:

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Mists of Pandaria was the expansion with the most PvP participation.
It also had the most complex approach to class design, and the most “button bloat”.

The type of players who are likely to enjoy WoW PvP are also those who are likely to welcome a challenge, and some depth.

They did that in Legion and BFA. That’s when the entire PvP scene died.
Demon Hunter class design is absolutely not what’s going to save PvP.

New players have always needed to learn about their class and other classes if they were interested in playing PvP properly. What makes you think that it’s an issue now? It’s always an issue, has always been and will always be.
They are new.
It’s not “more complicated” than it used to be to learn it.
How many people got ganked into oblivion in Open World PvP and Battlegrounds back in Vanilla because they knew jack about how to sustain against other classes.

This also is a thing that has existed for forever, static groups steamroling over random groups in BGs/Arenas.

I don’t care for PvP, you have my vote. :+1:


not as extrem as now, epics are full of GY farming sync premades, it’s quite frankly killing and driving casuals away from pvp, join with your 5man group but not with 40.

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MOP transitioned to the 1 talent out of 3 every 15 levels system (later replaced by the current talent system) from the Classic talent system. Was it really the most “complex”?

I’m sure Frost DK, Disc Priest, Surv Hunter, Combat (now Outlaw) Rogue for example were less complex than they are now. I know Disc isn’t super complex, but Attonement makes it a lot more complex than what it was before Legion.

Then I guess I am wrong and more cosmetics and different versions of the same BG is what PvP is lacking in order to get players to come back.

Oh and a duelling hub. :man_shrugging:

Yes, it has. I can only use my own experience as a reference point and currently every 2nd Epic BG is one of the same two queue syncers and their raid. Did I have that experience in DF? Nope. It did happen, but relatively rarely. There were also more BGs going on, so easier to avoid.

Can I also join a community and queue sync? Sure. But this isn’t about me. PvP needs new players and that wont happen if initial experience is unpleasant.

You tried as PvE designer, and couldn’t convince anyone.
What makes you think this will work Slapface :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Why not get a new PC though?

In order to save PvP, it would have to be completely re-designed from scratch.

It would be better if we had just one Battle-Royal-esqe game mode because it is the better soloQ PvP experience.

Creating two large and balanced teams is next to impossible
Not just in WoW, but across gaming in general. If it were possible, developers would have figured it out by now.

So intead of having 2 teams by 15 people, let’s have 10 teams by 3 people.

No more reskilling
Once you die, you’re out, queue again. No frustration from being farmed, from people leaving and no frustration from joining a lost game.

2 flags, can’t cap one if the other is also held is quite awkward, actually. I would like it much better if it worked like football. A flag spawns in the middle, you have to pick it up and cap it in the enemy base.

It wouldn’t have to be a flag, it could be a bomb you could cap in three places - the two buff buildings and the flag room. Once you bomb a spot, it is destroyed and cannot be used again.

The team that demolishes more enemy spots wins. In case of a draw, the team that destroyed the last structure wins. - The way it works currently.

Making it so there can only ever be 1 Flag Carrier and forcing them to go into the enemy territory would eliminate camping in your base. And there wouldn’t need to be the carrier debuff.

I used to wonder why they don’t do this. Many other PvP games do this - Counter-Strike, CoD etc. but with the rise of MOBAs and BRs it has ironically become modern to have one map per game mode.

Putting all PvP mogs in one place would be a massive QoL feature. Currently, you have to look everything up on WoWhead and travel across the whole world if you want legacy mogs.

Just make Capture flag maps FC and FC maps capture flags :v::wink:

Are you sure? Not anyone?

Lead game designer Rompuche