The gear disparity is absurd

DF balance was generally good overall, I’m just telling you reasons why people would stop playing. Bad rewards, and really bad outliers at times, especially s1 and s2.

There’s nothing ‘magic’ behind the assumption that being stuck inside all day every day for over 2 years results in people playing more of the game they’ve spent large amounts of their life playing. In fact, it should be common sense.

The rewards been bad for pretty much always and I am all for good rewards but it doesn’t change the fact that this is not exclusive to DF, while we had pretty much the worst participation, I believe even worse than Legion.

What you failed to comprehend here is not that “being stuck + playing more” is the magic. The magic is that it makes, apparently, people play WoW PvP. Not WoW PvE, not other games but WoW PvP specifically. And that’s what I call bs, especially with the poor balance and all the issues on top, like the SL chores etc.
It sure made play some people yes, but if everything is that bad and that’s what people were hating for decades, then they surely don’t stick to it. And we have more than enough options during covid.

Because WoW players also perpetuated a myth throughout the entirety of DF that MMR was ‘bugged’ and that they can’t progress, so they didn’t play until it was ‘fixed’ because they were ‘sick of facing r1s at 1800’. Not realising that the key to more MMR = more people playing. They have a warped vision from SL S2 and BFA s4 where every reward was a participation prize, which, news flash, were COVID seasons. People expected Blizzard to just massively inject artificial MMR and allow them to just get their desired goals. They didn’t, so WoW players spat their dummy out and didn’t bother playing.

And what you fail to comprehend is that I’ve said myself that COVID resulted in me engaging in PVE alongside PvP - completing the raid on mythic and playing m+ in my downtime. Why are you calling BS on the same happening vice versa? There wasn’t exactly much of a barrier to entry RE gearing for PvE’ers to to get into PvP during BFA in particular, and in fact they could and would often be at an advantage. SL s2 was also one of the most fun seasons ever, yeah the balance was awful in BFA s4 but it was still fun for the most part.

I don’t fail to comprehend it, it’s exactly the reason why I said there are many options, covid doesn’t magically make people play WoW PvP. You as a PvP player, kinda “returning”, is not what’s happening to the majority.

I’d argue MMR and CR is simply not what people want. Which is why participation was always low in PvP when gear was free. WoD and Legion as example. Now we had DF and people still blame MMR like that’s the real reason… like all the people want is the random number… Sure, SL S2 is a good argument for that but other expansions have shown that the number and title are simply not covering the department of goals and fun.

Of course there was. You had to farm stuff for the neck (?) and later on (S4?) corruptions while all was time gated… That was more than enough to make me not come back during a season.

I quit in SL S2 because it was dead af and the inflation came somewhere like… 1 month before season end? Idk what was fun about that but definitely not the first weeks or even months. After SL S1 experience, SL S2 actually felt horrible. Better than DF S2 I guess but you get the point.

I said it had a big impact in shadowlands. I did not say it ONLY had to do with it now did I? You never provided any form of evidence backing you up either that covid had apparently extremely low impact on it. Its almost like you isolated yourself during it.

Right. So I guess PvP participation for you right now is only 3v3.
I would love to see your proof where higher gear is the biggest reason why less ppl played 3v3 in DF and theres no other big reason for it.

Ah yes, I guess ill just agree with you then. Theres no other reason why less ppl play other than gear mattering. Its the only reason why people started playing less WoW in general. My bad.

So can you show the statistics that shows the amount of players that left 3v3 purely based on gear not being upgradeable?

Feels like you truly believe gear is the only reason why people get fed up and stops playing. Quite likely the loudest smallest minority who believes so.

But I said ppl played other games aswell? Oh man.

A new class rework or a new spec do not equal ALOT more players playing again.
Do you have any form of understanding what kind of damage adding a broken spec (ret rework) MID SEASON impacts the game? Literally making what everyone did before the rework invalidated based on how rets just skyrocketed beyond everyone else?
(Most broken rework/spec ever added according to alot of streamers, thats how dumb it was.)

Do you have any form of understand how damaging it is for it to happen TWICE with aug being added MIDSEASON in S2?

S3 had just close to immortal DHs. S4 were nothing new except a good mount.
People building up frustrations over several issues that kept happening based on obvious issues did not help. If they had released the rework and added the spec at the start of a season, alot more ppl would be less frustrated.

So my question for you, are you talking about the overall PvP participation, meaning BGs, RBGs, 3v3, 2v2, RSS etc? Since if we are talking about them all theres more issues involved.

The participation in WoW PvP outside of SL and covid is the evidence. It was not as high as SL, obviously but that’s besides the point. Fact is that every time gear matter, the PvP participation was higher compared to expansions where gear did not matter. You can stomp your feet all you want and yell “covid” but it won’t change anything.

No, but I am speaking of everything rated since that’s what you can measure. Also, I don’t care about non rated bot stuff, nor should anyone.

That’s called method of elimination. Give me one reason based on logic or facts that’s that not the case. Fact is that we had all the issue in previous expansions and even worse but more players. If your only argument for the lower participation is “coincidence” then I’d say my “gear argument” is more valid.

Obviously there are none, and in my own friend group that’s 5 out of 6.
Regardless, you are playing dumb now. You can throw arguments into the ring and act like they are all valid, meanwhile I can logically prove you wrong and you have not ONE single counter argument and now all you can do is this? Is easy asking for undeniable evidence while not having to provide anything yourself. I go by something logical, by what do you go? Feelings?

Reading comprehension issues? The point was: Why even touching WoW PvP in the first place? Or are you gonna say SL was THAT good? lmao…

Historically that’s plain wrong. Every single time we had a rework and a new class, we ALWAYS had a huge spike in players. Saying “no” based on literally nothing is just… ye idk…

Even tho we did not have this kind of reworks in the past mid seasons but you are acting like there was never a “balance” attempt mid season and some class (like DH? or Rogue? Or even Ret again or DK or War or…) skyrocketed in ratings by facrolling. Acting like this was never the case is either you being absolutely dishonest for no reason or plain delusional.

As I said, yes. Because that’s NOT the first time happening. So please, stop acting like it is.

So basically you were literally not able to name anything new at all, not one single issue, that we did not experience in the past? So why do we even argue then?

Answered above.