The gnome situation


That’s what I’m talking about!


What if I was to tell you…

Every Tauren with names referencing beef, horns, milk, udders, “moo”, cows and bulls…

Tauren are the Gnomes of the Horde.

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I agree. Those are probably just gnomes playing on tauren alts trying to be the cool guys.

I wish this video was true

I’ll bite your ankles any more of this nonsense, cow boy!


My fellow wow players :

For decades we have accepted gnomes presence, mortgaging our future, culture and identy as a faction. Gnomes are not only begging us to host them in our own houses, they also prove they’re not willing to take back what’s theirs.

We could all live beyond our means by beggin instead of working hard in order to achieve ours goals. I’m saying “ours” as we’re sharing those same goals : solving the gnome problem.

In this present crisis, gnomes are not the solution to our problem; the gnomes are the problem. And we’re going to solve this problem right away !

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Same and how about this Chromie we can kidnap some tarurans and i can cook you dragons some lovelly hamburgers?


i can decide which i hate more, gnomes or elves

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Heey, that sounds like a great idea!

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If anything the game needs MORE Gnomes.

Plague Gnomes
Fel Gnomes
Jungle Gnomes
Void Gnomes
Tall Gnomes
Clockwork Gnomes
Half Gnomes
Vampire Gnomes
Lich Gnomes

In fact, just make a new Gnomish faction called The Gnomish Crusade giving Gnomes the ability to be every class in the game!

Druidic Gnomes with thier tabby cat feral forms and sparrow boomkins.

Gnomish Paladins with Mecha-Bubbles.

Gnome demon hunters… Gnomidari? Gliding into battle with mighty demonic pigeon wings.

The community is behind me on this!


Great so do you know how the blues and the red and the green and the bronze flights prefere their beefs?

Yes I agree, less gnomes more vulpera.

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Also goblins. Gotta have my green buddies

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Remember Gnome owners! Don’t forget to neuter your pet, so it could have a longer, calmer, and healther life! Not to mention you would help to keep the stray gnome population in check!

By the way what was the name of you in classic that i met today in duskwood?

Nah i’ll turn you into my treats for the worgens they love to eat furrys just like i do. Mhm vulpera kebap sounds lovelly

Hello other sentient races of Azeroth and beyond,

I’m afraid we have an urgent and most troubling issue, so I felt compelled to provide everyone with this public service announcement:

It seems our livestock has developed the ability to type. However, what these simple bovines do not realize is that their inferior, small brains are not capable of actual good ideas, logical thinking and they are prone to insane babbling.

It is therefor of the utmost importance that we ignore any posts made by such bovine individuals. They are ill and must be returned to the nearest stable to be humanely put down. Their hides can then be used as rugs and their meats will be divided amongst the actual sentient species that inhabit our great planet.

Thank you for your attention.

With kind regards,

Professor Sparkplug
Senior Member of the Azerothian Society of Science (A.S.S.)