You’ve not actually mentioned what you’re healing on and what dungeons you are applying for.
I play M+ on a monk and pretty much pugged to 3.2k which is 21/20 kinda level. Should I delete that char cos I’ve just heard its not viable?
You’ve not actually mentioned what you’re healing on and what dungeons you are applying for.
I play M+ on a monk and pretty much pugged to 3.2k which is 21/20 kinda level. Should I delete that char cos I’ve just heard its not viable?
i play priest holy and disc
Afaik shamans bith priests and monks are usualy better in raids than pala and druid.
Also they arent “only viable option”.
Also, you could say same pretty much about every role couldnt you?
MDI runs are only about speed, since all teams are runing war tank then either 3x hunter or some UHDKs, monk and their 5% phys dmg bonus is realy strong here. Also they got “play style” where the more mobs u hit the more you heal, so in mdi huge pulls u pull some crazy numbers that u wont do in your regular +20(same apllies to uhdk mostly).
Also one more reason they dont play paladins is, paladin cant be nelf, and we all know how busted shadowmeld is in general and even more in mdi.
my ilvl is 474 atm and im 1.7 io score… (i was on a break from wow) and people dont even invite me to do a 12 or 13 key… some times i ask politely why and 9 out of 10 i get the same answer… they prefer pala or druid…
Are they playing a different game? All this time they tricked me… damn you MDI! What game are you playing?
That doesnt mean the class is broken though, thats just ppl thinking they need «the meta» to complete 12’s. I recommend looking for a guild, friends, communities. That way you wont have to pug and can play the class you actually enjoy playing.
That doesnt mean they are only viable choice tho, thats just comunity thing. Ofc when it comes to randoms u pick best you can, there is good reason why those two are meta in m+. But that doesnt mean u cant play others.
I also play off meta class, and i also get declined a lot of times, even if my rio is good for that key, thats all just because i dont play warr… Gues we should now delete 5 tank specs that arent warrs right?
i wish the meta was the good players… not the good classes…
It never was and never will be like that, unless there is at least 0.001% difference there will be meta, its called meta for a reason after all.
Still, even if u are out of meta, u can play whatever you want and finish whatever content you want (unless u aim for world highest)
im not aiming for worlds highest… but its rediculus not to be accepted in 12 keys… and lets say i manage to do all keys in 15… why not push for more?
Like i said, friends, guild, communities. I play a non-meta healer, dont consider myself good even, more average, and i still can play the class i love because i dont have to rely on pugs accepting me. People thinking they need druid or pala for +15’s is just them being silly.
But u can! I know sometimes its not easy, but it isnt impossible.
I have days where i cant get into key for 30-60mins, AS A TANK, then i habe days where people whispers me to tank their key…
I doubt u can get into key at all, amd even if, u could still make your own group.
Also, what healer u play.?
priest holy and disc… i play both and got gear for both… holy is the most geared atm
some people dont really care what the meta is and will play what they enjoy playing, last i checked disc priests are still the top raid healers, along side paladins at least, and the other healers are still viable even in top end mythic, they are just not necessarily as good
Both those specs are represented in high rio, (4k at least) with disc bein better in keys.
Its not easy spec and a lot of times group has to play around it, but its rewarding.
So you definitely can push +15, can get into groups with some effort, or make your oen group.
i wont give up i will keep trying
I’m just gonna throw this in here in case you wanna try out communities: Zen Horde
thank you so much
Basically, what Sinaaki said.
Pug life is a rule unto itself. The wider player base decides what is meta, often independent of actual data, and soon “everyone knows” that the only way to finish that key is with a prot warrior and resto druid. Meanwhile communities and guilds are happily doing the exact same content with a bear druid and a disc priest and not getting into shouting matches while they do it.
Take a lil time to find yourself a dungeon guild/community. Unless they’re very, very bleeding edge, they’ll be happy to have a healer of any class.
even as a 2k resto druid i have some days where i get declined more than others for +15s. as long as you are playing on your level you ll get invited eventually.