Here we go again - Horde bias… The typical Horde bias concerning Lordaeron that never changes no matter how Blizzard itself has changed in the past 10-15 years.
I just finished the storyline in patch 9.2.5. And what do I see? The Forsaken are getting back Lordaeron with plague eaters. The Alliance never had such opportunity for Southshore. Or Theramore. Where are the plague eaters in Southshore? Where are the mana eaters in Theramore?
Oh perhaps I’m becoming small-minded. Who cares about Theramore or Southshore after all these years (especially when we have Classic now)? But even if we exclude them, there’s still Horde bias in the latest storyline. In BFA/Shadowlands story arc the Horde AND the Alliance were supposed to lose a city - the Alliance, Teldrassil, and the Horde - Lordaeron.
Now the Horde gets back Lordaeron, while the Alliance… huh… Tyrande gets a soul-infused seed. Which will be planted somewhere… Who knows where… next expansion. Not this expansion. The Horde won this expansion, after all these atrocities. The Horde always wins territories even when they lose the war… They have their Lordaeron back. And the Alliance once again gains nothing.
It’s only fair the Forsaken are given some love after the narrative disaster and cultural suicide they’ve been enduring since BFA. I get the frustration but 9.2.5 did hint at the Alliance retaking Gilneas and the Kaldorei getting to grow a new World Tree, maybe even on the Dragon Isles (given the presence of Dryads and stuff there).
For Theramore, nobody can clean that place… the lingering magical radiations are still too strong in the air and earth and they will be for a lot (hundreds?) of years before someone or something can live there again. I remember the empowered Mana Bomb used there was so strong that even the souls of the Alliance who died there are vaporized and permanently gone, they didn’t even get to go to the Shadowlands (this was mentioned in Tides of War I think).
For Southshore, the Alliance is cleaning it from the plague, but I think probably using just the Light and Paladins or Shamans and Druids, so the process is slower…either Turalyon and Alleria (or Anduin) saw that the plague eaters are monsters, so they forbade their usage probably…the Humans and Alliance races in general are usually not pragmatic like that, so despite having advantages in war they don’t use them simply because “honor” (like the Vindicaar for example).
Maybe on the Dragon Isles? So that could be the reason, and the Night Elves not only get a brand new capital, but a new territory for the remnants of their race too, so that could be an advantage…although the Horde in Kalimdor would get even stronger if the capital and bulk of the Kaldorei are now moved away from Kalimdor…
it will planted at the charred remains of their old world tree because blizzard can’t write beyond the status quo that’s why nothing has changed in nearly 20 years which why faction war expansions are completely pointless way to waste everyone’s time blizzard
of course planting a new tree don’t mean their population was magically recovered since their in the same boat as the blood elves now
i suppose this tree might look different just like a rebuilt lordaeron might look different maybe they’ll convert the old throne room into a council chamber
Sounds a bit over dramatic to me. We just know that the Forsaken will be able to take Undercity back but it’s not accessible yet (or I missed something), just like we know that the Night Elves will get their capital back thanks to the tear of Elune Tyrande was given. None of these capital cities will be available before Dragonflight comes out and even that is not guaranteed.
Like Lutia, I’m sure that the seed will be planted in the same spot where Teldrassil used to be because it’s easier for game devs to do than picking another location. Also, I don’t think they’d add a brand new capital for one of the original races of the game on a territory that will be used during one expansion only, so I wouldn’t bet on the Dragon Isles.
Anyway. The Forsaken will soon get Undercity back, the Night Elves will get a new Teldrassil and potentially Gilneas too. One city against two, if there’s a bias it’s for the Alliance
I think you’re misinterpreting my point. Have you been to Tisifsal glades? Brill has been rebuilt and the Capital City of Lordaeron is back into Forsaken hands.
When the Horde gains territory in game, it’s instantly implemented in the world. The same happens when the Alliance loses a territory - it’s also instantly implemented in the game. But it never happens when the Alliance GAINS territory - it’s not like it happens often, but when it happens, it’s mostly told in novels, cinematics or only hints are given.
And it’s a known problem that exists ever since Cataclysm, when the Alliance started rapidly losing territories.
It’s a fact that the Horde frequently have evil leaders, and they always lose the wars… But no matter they always lose the wars, somehow they almost gain territories or retain the territories they have taken.
Do you understand how terribly an Alliance player feels? What’s left for the Alliance player is helping the Horde get rid of their evil leader. While the Horde always has something new and cool territory-wise.
to be fair its not cool for our etc time our leader goes lol crazy and becomes a loot pinata too and everytime we go soul searching what it means to be the horde only for the next crazy pants to come along
and the rejoining of kul’tiras was shown instantly so sorta not correct plus even in metzen’s day the dev prove them self to be talantless haks that made 2 faction system but lacked any desire to write for the alliance and honestly both the alliance and horde deserve better then the wow dev’s “best effort”
It will take time, but I’m sure the Alliance will get their territories back too. And I do hope we get to see more of it in- game, hopefully during Dragonflight. Ysera hinted that Merithra will keep the seed safe, and she’ll play a major role in Dragonflight. This would also be the time to give us the remaining Heritage Armor sets.
Yes, I agree it’s not cool. It’s also not cool from the perspective of the Alliance.
A leader goes crazy - first Garrosh, then Sylvanas. Then the leader attacks Alliance territories.
Then we have some kind of a rebellion within the Horde and we as good guys have to help the rebels. First, we played along Vol’Jin (during Garrosh-era) and then along Saurfang (during Sylvanas era)… So far so good, BUT… as a result.
The Horde gets a better story. During Garrosh era, the Horde had cool questlines to attack Darnassus and liberate Razor Hill. Meanwhile the Alliance had to seek a Monkey king and scout Orgrimmar with a robotic cat.
Same happened with BFA - the Horde got a cooler story - you had to choose to oppose Sylvanas and join Saurfang’s rebellion or you could stay a loyalist… We’ve NEVER had such choice.
The bad leader is defeated, we get some ooh-aah moments from Alliance leaders (Varian’s “We will end you” or Tyrande’s judgement) and after that we gain nothing territory-wise. After SOO we’re being lectured why occuping Horde territories is a bad idea, and after Shadowlands we directly help the Forsaken regain Lordaeron by donning a disguise.
True… but we didn’t gain Kul’Tiras after dealing with the Horde, instead we helped them prove we’re not the bad guys. Moreover, in BFA we had another SOO-like moment. We killed the Zandalari king and then… just left.
True. We DID gain more in post-metzen days which is much better compared to what it was before, but we still haven’t had a decisive victory against the Horde with actual gains.
Remember MoP? After Cata, devs had an interview saying that “We know we were unfair to Alliance, but buy the next expansion, and we will make up for it”. And we had Theramore blown up, and they changed “we don’t have time to make Alliance content” to “we ran into technical dificulties making Alliance content”, so we had to help Vol’jin.
So, riiiight, alliance bias. What do you want to bet that something will happen with that seed?
You can say that again. I would complete “incompetent wow dev’s”. What can you say about some devs who cannot make nice Horde content without destroying Alliance content. (Or the other way around)
Actually we didn’t just left, we ran away when the might of the Zandalari/Horde approached.
Thanks for reminding us this story. Actually, it goes even deeper. Back in Cataclysm the Alliance was supposed to have an epic storyline in Twilight highlands - a long questline where you were supposed to find out that Archbishop Benedictus is a traitor. But they said they ran out of time and the Alliance had shared quests with the Horde, which involved red dragons that were angry at you for no reason. The story totally made sense for the Horde (after all, the Dragonmaw clan enslaved red dragons), but it was enforced on the Alliance players who wondered why this happened to them.
And in MoP Alliance was supposed to have it’s own campaign parallel with the “liberation of Razor hill”. Something involving moved Dalaran. But “they run into technical difficulties” and we had the mechanical cat.
I am sure they are preparing Turalyon to “get crazy, so we will have siege of Stormwind”. But I am sure Alliance will not have victories equivalent with what Horde had in Cata/Mop/Bfa.
But you could call the bluff of Vol’jin and make him sweat so it was somewhat balanced…because the Horde player could never do that to an Alliance leader (also they don’t bluff anyway… )
The other “fist-pump” moment after the Purge of Dalaran was the threat of Varian at the end of SoO, I think, for that has no counterpart in the Horde either.
Of course. A line in a quest was equivalent of 2 cities and some other outposts lost and the fact that all Cata as you level up as Alliance you are told “we are lost, they defeated us, etc”.
Yeah, no. We all knew that “we will end you” was an empty threat from that moment. If they wanted to do a “whatever-pump”, they could have done a cutscene with some dwarvish tanks or NE ancients entering (or even leaving) Orgrimmar. Yes, that would have been something for morale. But even that they didn’t want to give to Alliance players.
Gallywix. Sylvanas. Nathanos. Rastakhan. Saurfang. Zelling. 2 dark rangers.
That were the Horde losses in Bfa.
Meanwhile all alliance leaders are still alive and well.
That is the true bias. The Alliance has amazing lore characters you can get faction pride from. The Horde doesn’t have that. All we have are peace mongers who directly work against the interests of their races.
There is bias.
But it is for the alliance. Stop crying. The Horde is owed something by Blizzard. Until they haven’t given us back what we lost we are not even.