The Horde gets back Lordaeron, the Alliance gains nothing. Horde bias at its finest

Wrong! You’re forgetting how many Alliance leaders have turned Horde or have become neutral. Did you play patch 9.2.5?

Calia Menethil. Horde. Derek Proudmoore. Horde. Delaryn Summermoon. Horde.

Not to count former losses. Khadgar. Neutral. Rhonin. Dead.

But hey, at least Turalyon and Alleria are Alliance. Back in 2013 people were seriously worried Blizzard would make them Horde or neutral.

The Alliance has lost amazing lore characters that turned neutral or horde.

Yes, the Horde is owed something - unique heroes that aren’t Alliance converts.

No. What we need is the old heroes Blizzard has taken away from us due to bad writing. From Kael’thas, to Nazgrim, Garrosh and others, the list is long. We talking over 20 people here. Until Blizzard has given them back to us the alliance bias is not over yet.

an alliance puppet. Literally her first act as leader is to withdraw the troops from Gilneas. Literally undermining our war efforts.

Turalyon, Khadgar, Alleria, Danath and Kurdran. That alone is better then anything the Horde has.

Out of these, Khadgar is fully neutral and no-longer Alliance-affiliated. Kurdran has been largery forgotten since Legion and even before that he only played minor roles (Falstad leads the Wildhammer dwarves).

Apart from those there are the other leaders too of course.
Genn, Anduin, Tyrande, Malfurion, Gelbin, Umbric, Fareeya, Erazmin, the three hammer council, Velen, Aysa and Jaina. That is an excellent cast of leaders who any alliance member can be proud of. Compared to the lackluster cast of Horde leaders who are just mere mortals. it is a shame how Blizzard has treated us. Accept that you have privilige.

Meh - I don’t see Night Elves settling on the Dragon Isles because that would make it impossible for them to keep hold of Northern Kalimdor.

I’d rather see the Night Elves make something of Hyjal or Winterspring, personally. I am a big fan of Warcraft 3 Night Elves, so I am very nostalgic for them settling in Northern Kalimdor again.


It feels all the worse, for having the rug pulled from under you, in retrospect.

I suppose it’s a pick your poison kind of thing. The Horde has some ups and really low lows like drowning in a tsunami of stupid ideas, with occasional flashes of some good potential, while the Aliance is a monolythical flatline that only really diverges from it’s norm, when Horde gets subjected to something particularly monumentally stupid.

(PS: Cataclysm changes were done for out of game/gameplay reasons. So it never was up to the story team.)

I think it may be said even simpler. The Horde is portrayed as the villain, and the Alliance - as the victim. The problem in such computer games is that there are a lot of people who don’t want to be placed in such positions. They want to be heroes.

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That’s the wierd thing. I usually prefer playing the more edgy villainous factions like Sith Empire or Grand Aliance of Destruction, when they’re allowed to be essentially the heroes of their own story. That’s not what the Horde is any more. We’ve gone through like 5 redemptions, at this point most of which were resolved by adopting Aliance elements/characters/sympathisers. That trend can go back, as far as the introduction of Thrall due to his human upbringing, at the hands of lord Blackmoore.

It came to a head in BfA, where the Horde players didn’t really have anything to go off outside Zandalar Forevah, where characters like Baine, who betrayed, sabotaged and killed their own faction were designated as the heroes.


There’s nothing wrong with people willing to play the villain. I never said otherwise. It’s totally valid to be villainous in a video game. I just pointed out that quite a lot of people want to be heroes. Just the good guys, without victim mentality.

To be fair, these days I play Classic and I do stick to Horde more, because I like Thrall’s horde which isn’t villainous. I presume that a lot of people who enjoyed Horde in the past have quit the game because they miss that Horde.

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Maybe it’s more that the Alliance is a victim playing the hero, and the Horde a villain playing the victim. Pathetic and toothless vs. disingenious and unauthentic.


Why didn’t you reply to me?

What have I missed?

Here you go.

I don’t think the situation is that hopeless. The Horde is quite diverse and even within the orc faction you have Eitrigg, Saurfang, Grom and even Thrall. True, a lot of them have died, but hey - Blizzard did a fan service to the Horde in 2015 when they brought Draenor back.

Then you gained a lot of new heroes in the past years. Lor’Themar and Thalyssra, Baine, Mayla, Talanji.

Saurfang is dead. Thrall lost his powers. Grom got captured by Yrel. And Eitrigg isn’t a good fighter. Unlike the human cast which is full of good people the Orc cast took a beating. First losses were Garrosh, Malkorok, Nazgrim, Zaela and Dranosh. The entire new generation was lost to villain batting and bad writing.

None of these would stand a chance in a fair fight against their alliance counterparts. Thalyssra ran away from Jaina like a coward. Bob is a ranger and lost an eye which hinders his abilities to fight. Baine and Mayla would never hurt the alliance since Jaina and Anduin are close friends of them.

As you can see the situation for the Horde is indeed hopeless. The Horde is dead. Bfa buried it 6 feet under.

Only to kill all notable Orcs for a second time. The Horde gained nothing from that.

The Horde did gain the Mag’har from Draenor. It’s the Alliance that gained nothing. The Lightforged Draenei come from Argus.

Somehow the Horde got cooler races. I consider Zandalari and Kul Tirans to be kinda equals, but while the Horde got the awesome Vulpera races, the Alliace got mechagnomes…

Does death really matter these days? We saw a lot of dead people in Shadowlands, including Draka (quite an important Horde hero!), Kael’Thas (a blood elf villain, now apparently capable of heroic deeds) and, yes, Saurfang appears during Anduin’s flight.

Umbric and Fareeya literally decided the entire war. The attack on Zandalar ended the war quicker then Sylvanas has expected. After that raid of patch 8.1 the Horde was losing on all fronts.

Wrong. All Horde allied races are straight up trash. Mag’har and Vulpera don’t even have a hub. Meanwhile alliance got mechagon city and Shadowforge. That is much better.

Cairne died. Magni came back. Dranosh died, Bolvar came back. Alliance characters continue to get good lore while Horde heroes die like little bit.ches. That is the true bias of the game. THe fight about having good leaders on your side. All the Horde has are losers who only got promoted because the actual leaders dropped dead.

Baine is not Cairne
Thrall is not Doomhammer
Rokhan is not Vol’jin
Gazlowe is not Gallywix
Calia is not Sylvanas
Ji is not Chen
Bob is not Kael’thas
Geya’rah is not Grommash
Thalyssra is not Elisande
Mayla is not Dragrul
Kiro is new but I would rather take Mogu over Vulpera any given day
and finally Talanji is not Rastakhan.

The Horde los too many leaders which made them irrelevant for the lore.

Meanwhile characters like Anduin and Jaina keep showing up and matter for the cosmic plot.

The Horde is dead. And it will never return.

That’s the thing with any long term franchise that has drastic changes. We’ve had Blackhand’s Horde, Doomhammer’s Horde, Thrall’s Horde, Grommash’s romp in Ashenvale, Garrosh’s Horde, Garrosh’s Horde 2 electric boogaloo, Sylvanas’s Horde and the Red Aliance or wtf the current one is supposed to be. (Vol’jin named the player a general and then died so not even gonna count him) Past Doomhamer’s version the fanbase begun to splinter and whichever they liked likely played into their leaving/returning.

People that want to play the classic vanilla heroic faction always have the Aliance to fall back on, what do the others get besides shat on repeatedly?

Maybe with Dragonflight we’re finally having a decent expac with decent story… It’s promising - decent fantasy setting, dragons, who knows.