The Horde gets back Lordaeron, the Alliance gains nothing. Horde bias at its finest

Do you ignore me on purpose?

If it is good then i suspect it is going to be, in spite of the faction based content, by the virtue of ignoring it as much as humanly possible save the explorer’s league and reliquiary.

Doesn’t fix it, but doesn’t necessarily do more damage either, which at this point is about as good as we can hope for regarding current Blizzard and the Horde. They’re too entangled in real world agendas and implications to make the quality, consistency and thematics take precedent. I can’t see them fixing the issues plaguing us, without addressing that elephant in the room. The races have frankly been neutered to the point, where they’re nearly not recognisable outside their default character models. They’re not human and should damn well act like it. (Aliance suffers from that too)

They’re not faction content in DF, they’ll be cooperating there as one neutral faction.

A joint expedition, yes, however they still should be distinct, from what i understood. They dedicated a decent portion of the anouncement to talking about how it’s “For the X” not “Screw the Y”.

Dragonflight will be a major disappointment. I have no interest in playing a game when the factions don’t matter. Time to cancel my sub it seems.

The game was like that up until Cataclysm - teaming up to beat the big villain.

Nope, it’s one new faction made up from both organisations. The Dragonscale Expedition. There might be internal rivalries, but they aren’t competing between the organizations here.


Which is a shame because the Reliquary didn’t really need the Explorer’s League’s help…they managed just fine all this time exploring new territories without the Dwarves and Gnomes around them, after all.

Now every artifact, especially magical powerful ones, will be lost to the Blood Elves because the Dwarves are more interested to study them just for their history as a race, and so the Blood Elves will not just lose potential power but also a possible way to find an alternative solution to the Sunwell for their lingering magical addiction in the future… :expressionless:

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It belongs in a museum!


if only you would erevien but despite qq’ing you will keep subbing :stuck_out_tongue:
see you in dragonflight :stuck_out_tongue:

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The Horde council needs to die. That is not up for debate. Until the tyranny of peace isn’t over my fight will continue. I will free the Horde from the grip of the peace mongers Thrall and Baine. The Horde will be great again. By defeating the alliance one final time.

the horde has NEVER defeated the alliance ever since thrall re-created it and its not about to start now but i’m sure you will be on the for front of the next war right just you and the children since that’s all we logically have left :stuck_out_tongue:

perhaps the alliance will even have a pike for your head outside of stormwind so you can forever be just within reach :smiley:

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If they wanted the game to continue as WoW and not World of Hordecraft, and remembering the Horde’s usual behaviour when they win, it is normal that at the end of expansion for Horde to lose. Because Alliance does nothing when they win.

And so far all Horde victories are in game. Those of Alliance are in books.

It will happen. We will kill your leaders, enslave your people and burn your cities. Once the Horde rules over all of Azeroth unapposed the Horde can finally be free and the main center of the lore. That is my goal. And alliance scum like yourself will not be allowed to live.

And that’s the problem. Their victories do nothing for the story so it’s just left to stagnate going nowhere. As do most stories concerning the aliance, which aren’t resolved the instant they get introduced.

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Only because there were evil Warchief like Garrosh and Sylvanas…remember Thrall and Rexxar only killed Daelin and his men and spared Jaina and Theramore at the end of the Founding of Durotar story. And similarly with the current Council, the Alliance would be allowed to survive even if they lose a faction war.

So if they win, the Orcs would just ask even more territories and resources than usual (likely from the Night Elves again :sweat_smile:), but no Alliance race would be wiped out, unless the Alliance started a genocide first this time around maybe.

And sadly for Erevien it seems like Blizzard is in a phase where they really like Councils so they are probably here to stay too…I mean technically the Forsaken now are ruled by a Desolate Council within another Horde Council :sweat_smile: although it’s also true during a faction war maybe the title and position of Warchief could return, it would make sense as long as there’s a war still going on after all…

Sylvanas will return. Together with Magatha and Gallywix. And then we get rid of the council.

Then the whole alliance is genocided. A fitting end for an agressive and imperialistic faction. They have no one to blame but themselves for creating so many enemies.

No they wouldn’t. They all die.

Yes but in this case of a total Horde victory the world could become weaker with only faction like the Horde against the Void Lords or another cosmic enemy for example…

or also without the Alliance eventually the Orcs who are always war-focused would seek for another powerful enemy. And if they don’t find any, in my opinion there’s the chance that infighting could start within the Horde (like Orcs, Trolls and Tauren vs Forsaken and Blood Elves, and the Kalimdor Horde would have a serious advantage in this case (unless Forsaken and Blood Elves go all out with the Blight and Mana Bombs) so I would prefer to avoid that infighting scenario…it’s better if the Horde stay united even against a surviving Alliance, even a weaker one)

I am not sure if Thrall and Rexxar had any words in Jaina’s survival. I remember that Jaina had something to say on their survival.

So far (during WoW) we had 2 wars started by Horde, and they were allowed to keep occupied territories. So, if in defeat they won, why do they need to win?

Ok, let’s make a deal. This time Alliance starts a war. ANd they destroy Tarren Mill, ocuppy all of Hillsbrad, destroy Stonard, push the goblins out of Ajshara, and all of this is shown in the game for the next 3 expansions. Then you can do the siege of Stormwind and kill Turalyon or Anduin. If you want, you can kill Moira too. Deal?

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