The Horde gets back Lordaeron, the Alliance gains nothing. Horde bias at its finest

I’m afraid the best Blizz can do is give you 1 success in pre-patch, after that you get beaten up all over the map, nothing you do matters, youw ill be subjected to perpetual whining about the folly of your leader, while made to side with the people that oppose him/her, with their humiliation/departure happening by the halfwaypoint of the xpac.

But hey you get to keep visual changes, in that one zone you never visit, because blizz is lazy so that’s something!


Lmao stop lying. Horde never gained any land. Darkshore is night elf turf again.

Put Tyrande and Malfurion in that package and we have a deal.

well at least the horde will get to fight said alliance leader in a raid until he or she yells ENOUGH! and casually walks away while the raid just stands there

but magically in the time between their running away at 1-10 % they’ve drank a warehouse full of health potions to regain their millions of hp in order to appear fine in the next cutscene

Horde leaders die. Alliance leaders stay alive. This is bias. Check your privilige alliance scum.

Pretty sure we had a double dose of that medicine, in the siege of Dazar’Alor, with Mekatorque and Jaina.

unless your name is Sylvanas then your simp squad keeps you from being killed by the horde for being a filthy traitor Pelagos should have let me severe the banshee hoe’s head and of course the soft alliance would let her live

oh well maybe we’ll get to round up the rest of the sylvanas simps and put them in a mass grave where they belong along with erevien

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I’m not a Sylvanas simp, but the “Ranger-General” vibe I got from Sylvanas, in the latest patch is the Sylvanas that I loved.

Their was always a hint of her in WoTLK, but then Blizzard went off the rails slightly in Cataclysm and then went completely bonkers in BFA.

I do want Sylvanas to return soon, in her current mode, wearing her old Ranger General armor.

I know what Blizzard can give us (all). And I don’t have big expectations about Dragonflight. I expect it to be like MoP. Very nice colors, maybe some nice lore about nothing, and of course lots of retcons. And nothing that we expect will happen.


That sounds great to me, actually. I don’t expect epic quality writing from WoW. Why would I? It never really made that promise. And when they tried to go there it sucked hard. I want a fun world and “nice lore about nothing”.

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This. They lost in the Second War, the Horde-Alliance War and the Fourth War.

The Horde could’ve beaten the Alliance in all these wars, but by virtue of how it is constructed it will always descend into civil war over the best course of action, races that feel discriminated or what to do after the war.

Hopefully with a council leading both the Horde and Forsaken and the orcs having no ultimate leader, the excessss of the Horde will be culled or contained and they will either “win” the next war or stop waging wars of genocide.

(“Win” as in, in every war they acquared more territory and generally kept it after the war but the Alliance “dictated” the terms of armistice/peace).

I’m confused. Are you saying the Reliquary and Explorer’s League ceased existing and formed one faction or are you saying the Dragonscale Expedition is a cooperation between both groups?

Because if it’s the first, the Explorer’s League would’ve/should’ve ceased existing when they joined the Uldum Accord.

It won’t be? They both can, probably, study the artifacts the other group finds.

Except Thrall never made war upon the Alliance. He defendes the Horde with force, but there never was a reason for him to start a war with the Alliance because he used to have allies in the Alliance. It went wrong when he left, alienating powerful allies such as Jaina.


The organizations remain, but the “Dragonscale Expedition” is a joint venture, and an ingame reputation faction. So there’ll be no faction conflict content around the Reliquary and the League, and probably no differences in questing between the factions.


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