The hypocrisy of 8.3

It is in their society. We have had same discussions on another developers site too, in whose games you do mass murders, kill even children (well its not directly shown, but children are in buildings game force you to blow up), but then same developer goes total mental, when there’s even discussion about working girls, and nudity. So throwing mega-bombs, slicing throats and killing everything is perfectly fine. But oh my nude body - then …

I just counted that off “American things I do not understand”. Canadian based studios do not have such problem. It is just part of American culture and I personally am never going to understand it.


It’s for the Chinese market. Hence forth, we might get less revealing character models as well like a full body clothes for all character models.

arent most Asian MMo`s are quite enabling on that topic.
at least last time i sampled few of them there were plently of customisation options for characters there, cause noone is scared that local males can realise their fantasy.

their MMOs do have some restrictions on the emm spooky things, as you can see from the Madseasons video i shared - they censor death related things, most of the ugly gore things i would say.

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It’s not “America” thing.

It’s these nu-males high on their own farts thinking they’re better than anyone else, that they’re somehow giving the world a favor by doing whatever they do. :smile:

I don’t know if you’ve caught any news on the newest Mortal Combat game, but the hypocrisy there was reaching critical amounts.

As with any other other MC game, it’s all about the gore - in fact, now more than ever. Sure, it’s always been like that.

However, upon looking at the character models, you can’t unsee how much of a difference there is not only between male and female choice of clothing, but even when you compare the designs of previous games and the new one.

Bascially, males are what you would expect - big buff guys, mostly topless, some wearing only loincloths and whatnot.
Then you look at females and every single one of them is covered, except their face…

Then you read or watch the interviews where the absolute soyboi in charge, responsible for the art direction, giving the explanation - that “it makes sense, ummm you wouldn’t go into a fight wearing ummm a bra, right?” * ignores males virtually naked *
By the way, completely ignoring the fact that “shorts and a bra” is something actual female fighters wear. :thinking:


I don’t understand why slutmogs are so important, just like I don’t understand why people find toes and hooves ugly enough that they cannot play those races


Your last statement holds no value since we can already mog in bikinis, full naked except pants but you use a barbaric woolie and lately a freaking yeti pyjama…
And you can mog silly weapons too.

To me all these things scream of American non-sense : they can show you a music video with women showing their butts and camel toes and breasts but Lord forbid anyone to hear swearing during the video.
Like… wtf.

I was talking about the Mortal Combat game, not sure what are you getting at.
And I was talking about that specific game because they were very loud and proud about the whole deal, that they’ve ruined established character designs “to make them fit current year”.

As for WoW, you can also just undress yourself and run around in your undies, but that’s not the point.

What the point is? That they don’t make these design anymore - everything is a spandex bodysuit, now with some extra 3D bits, and should there be anything showing an inch of skin, it’s NPC only - either straight up NPC models (such as the Suramar Nighborne) or unavailable to players - like the Night Elf armor Blizz specifically said “is never going to be made available to players”.

Who knows what’s the reason, though? Might be that Samwise Didier, who’s been in charge of Warcraft and WoW in the past has been moved to HotS - where you can see such “objectifying” character designs, while WoW is stuck with bodysuits?
Might be that Metzen’s little daughter might ask about Sylvanas’ midriff one day and he wouldn’t know what to tell her? FYI, that is the reason he himself gave when asked about the change at 2017 (or might be 2016?) Blizzcon.


Oh my bad then I misread the whole thing. Time to get some coffee :grin::coffee:

The thing that makes it more silly is that all these sets exist in the game and many would be happy with just a textures update.

The iconic Night Elf outfit is on their very first World of Warcraft advert and still featured in Darkshore and the War Campaign. Many of the NPCs have had skimpy outfits like the Dragon Aspects.

It’s their inconsistent approach that is the worst IMO.


The good old beautiful set, in some way it represents their society which have no shame in being close to the nature, neither it have some hyper sensitive individuals who can’t behave when they see night elf body.

Couldnt find better version with that specific cut :worried:


Sex good. War bad.

Few universal truths are so little understood.

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I never actually thought anything in wow was really scary or disturbing. Honestly the entire style of wow is very childish and graphics are extremely cartoonish. Antagonists are always clearly visible comic book villains or typical monsters. Death is handled like in a cartoon, players just respawn and most important lore characters just get resurrected, retconned or appear as ghosts. That’s not a realistic theme of “death” at all. And politics in wow are always presented in a very simplistic way, with tons of posturing and posing and very little realism. This old god stuff is really just lots of tentacles and purple mist. Just because a debuff is called “insanity” or “fear” doesn’t mean it shows anything in a real way. It will just be the same old, no need to worry.
And the portrayal of men and women in the game is juvenile at best, showing a nipple or buttcheek wouldn’t change anything about that.

Still, games like wow are not really “family friendly”. A lot of game mechanics are made in a way to get you to play as much as possible and get lost in the game grind. And interaction with other players is probably really bad for children even with the word filter, which is probably why blizzard allows parents to set a child protection which blocks chats completely.

Careful before you upset the feminists. Also dw that was the only reason they could find to put a license on crude things in the UK’s internet too and still have failed to implement it, its just old people being old and clueless to how the internet works :stuck_out_tongue:

But generally blizzard wouldnt want world of warcraft to be bumped up to a 21+ age rated game, just guessing X)

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Nah they wear 3 layers of clothing! According to the SJW leftist types. While in fact it’s the less clothing and the less restriction you have the better you will be able to perform. People have been doing it for ages, the only time it wasn’t was during the Middle and Dark Ages where we had a collective brainfart thinking putting on almost a full of metal suit on you made you a better warrior. It gave more defense yes, but made you very slow and even immobile if too exhausted in return! Hence why military went back just reguluar clothing so people could actually I don’t know. Run and outflank people without the help of horses? The knight thing only worked because everybody did it so we all suffered as a collective.

Wanna have a good fight? You either wear light clothing or as less as you can get away it. Shorts for men, just tops and shorts for women. Somehow a monk in WoW is very agile wearing a robe… It’s like wearing a dress. You won’t be able to fight back much in it. The dress or robe in this infact actually restricts you more than helping you.

Most fierce fighters in Europe ever were the beserkers, men in basicly loincloths, drugged (so they felt less or no pain) with an axe and shield. Aka the vikings.


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