The journey

So… after the last cinematic, we see sylvannes transform into a cloud of dirt and fly off the horizon. Next scene, poof! She’s at the ghostlands. The bit in between is convenietly cut out, so we are not quite sure HOW she got there in the first place. Which means it’s up for debate…

do u think she used that form to cross the entire sea or did she use the zeppelin? Alltough the last option seems more traditional, the zeppelin tower is probably in sight of the army gathered in durotar. Even though she’s likely glancing into the distance avoiding eye contact at all costs… it still seems a bit akward. thoughts?

She has her own magic, she still has some followers, and she engineered N’zoth’s freedom, I guess she knows enough magic workers to get herself a portal and avoid the zeppelin plebs.

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I think she flew the entire way, like a cruise missile. I would say ballistic missile, but even a Forsaken wouldn’t survive reentry, so she probably stayed in atmosphere the whole way.

I also imagine it took a while. A few hours, probably. It puts a smile on my face to imagine her making her way across an entire ocean with nothing but her own thoughts about just how badly she screwed up her plans.

Anybody who’s been on a transatlantic flight knows how bad it can be to sit there stewing in boredom, now imagine that plus you’re alone, and you just threw a complete hissy fit in front of everybody you know complete with a “You can’t fire me, I QUIT!” stomping out of the office. I imagine Sylvanas hates herself almost as much as we hate her, by now.


She hearthstoned.


what cinematic? i guess a mage open portal? or she just died some1 and it was how she enter ghost lands man i dont like running back to corpse

edit: link btw plz?

But it all went according to her plans?


Probably flew the whole way in banshee form I expect. DOnt see why she wouldn’t.

Normally I’d assume you’re sarcastic, but the way some people on the story forum act…

No, Sylvanas did not plan to throw a tantrum in front of the gates of Orgrimmar, destroying her own power-base, making a martyr out of Saurfang and causing the Horde to enter into a truce with the Alliance, allowing all of her enemies to rally against her.

Saurfang used her contempt of the Horde against her, and now she’s on the run with no allies and no chance. As Saurfang said to her, “You just keep failing”.

Have you watched the Loyalist ending?
Thing didn’t go perfectly to her plans but she’s still pretty much got her plan going as planned it seems.

You can watch it on MMO-Champ or Youtube.


She’s talking about the fact that the war happened at all, because as stated, her goal was to kill as many people - especially Horde - as possible. Her plan didn’t “succeed”, because she’s turned the Horde against her and will lose - again.

Or do you expect a character that badly written to admit her mistakes and weaknesses, instead of declaring “Nobody can stop me!” just like every other boss does before we stomp on their face? Come on.

it sounds more like she just wanted a lot of people to die, to feed something in the realm of the dead.
Perhaps a bargain of sorts, who knows Blizzard has decided to neither show nor tell in this story telling as of now.

I’m not sure I agree here.
Sylvanas is a well written character.
Is she a liked character? Debatable.

But her writing has mostly been consistent.
We can first truly say if the writing is bad or not once her story is over.
the main problem of Bfa is basically that the whole expansion was just a set up for the next Story of Sylvanas more or less.
and to separate her from the Forsaken identity.

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Only in that I can totally sympathize with her opinion that the Horde are a collection of utter tools.

You know what’s funny, the person who wrote this ^
Is also the person who wrote this ;

I know that you want to imagine a heated battle between the two “teams” of fans, but in reality people who complain about the Horde are mostly people like me - people who play both factions and get bored with the Horde being badly written and annoyed by weirdos who think they’re real-life Orcs and Trolls.

There’s no “our faction leaders”. It’s the Alliance. I am not, in fact, a member of a fictional fantasy world faction . I play Draenei because they’re the best race, not because “WOOO TEAM BLUE!!”

I identify more strongly with a hockey team I haven’t seen play in 15 years than I do with the Alliance. Go Leksand Stars!

Wake up Sanara! You’re not a real Draenei or member of the Alliance(Or Horde on whatever alt you claim tbh) and Sylvanas Windrunner is a fictional character in a fictional universe.

When you write about smiling when you’re fantasizing about this fictional character and her fictional woes, as if she somehow pissed in your cornflakes in real life…makes you look like those “weirdos who think they’re real-life Orcs and Trolls.”

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Definitly not something a rabid fanboy would say!

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Well written is not a mater of Opinion though.
But on whenever the Character for filled the purpose it was meant to do.

an example of a bad written character would be Yrel for an example, who was supposed to give players the feeling of a growing leader, whose arc got butchered due to the low life span of the expansion itself (one patch wow)

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Another example of a bad character would be Sylvanas, who was presented as a character who was concerned with the survival of her race, but decided to tell them all they didn’t matter because the big bad Orc cut her face a lil bit.



And I’d argue that Yrel’s character was written wonderfully. It’s her character arc that got butchered - though I suppose that was better than poor Durotan, who didn’t even get one.

I always said, Durotan should’ve been the one to die, and then Ga’nar would take over. Get the same kind of character arc as Yrel about learning to become a great leader - just flipped around. Yrel learns to be assertive and powerful rather than meek and compassionate, Ga’nar learns to be patient and clever rather than hotheaded.

Alas, as usual, Blizzard has the potential for a great story and just drops it in a puddle first chance they get, because actually putting effort into the story is haaard…

Sylvanas has since her last arch ending.
been Portrayed as a character with one goal, staying out of hell.

Her first arc was the end of the Lich King.
the Second Arc was about her new place in this world, and not returning to hell.
her Third arc seems to be connecting to death, in what sense we’ve yet to see.

She was never once described as a caring mother type.
She’s a tragic character though that has become the very thing she swore to kill many years ago.

She’ll use the things the living care for as tools for her own ends.
even the joining of the Horde was simply to make it more difficult for the Alliance to attack her lands fully.

She’s also wavering in her determination of ending life at times, since she once was alive, she was in her own word a fool.

She’s actually on paper a complex and good written character… the story telling of BFA is pretty bad at bringing any of it out though, thanks to the team not being sure what story they wish to tell.

I guess that the main question I can ask here is why.

Why did she become like Arthas, why did she stop caring about her people?


Maybe my memory is faling me. But didnt she had some sort of sectret meeting with Helya in legion? Maybe thats where her link with Death started.

I Just hope its not ANOTHER character who got corrupted by some diety. That gets a bit boring.