The Kyrian's Are Bad Guys

Lol! The true alliance Vs horde are from classic! The rest is garbage or WoW Activision…
So, your philosophy is untrue there.
Learn to accept what wow truly was, while this wow is just for lols…

Ferrying the dead by a neutral entity is quite common thing in mythology. It should not be perceived withing human values. Same things with Ardenweald where lots of decisions is based on laws of nature without human morals. And Maldraxxus or Revendreth aren’t better either. Every realm has it own bias and isn’t intended to be “good” nor “evil”.

And Bluther did what Kyrian should not do - judge a soul.


No they don’t? They’d send them to the temple of loyalty for another round of brainwashing, and if that didn’t work they’d be left to just wander around as another soul in the Kyrian’s care that doesn’t have a particular role.

I don’t remember reading this anywhere about them killing people par the course who couldn’t “do it” outside of Forsworn traitors (but that’s a bit different given the Forsworn kill them as well)

There’s a world quest which the Kyrian will give you to kill doubters.


Ah yeah, maybe back then, but obviously i’m not referring to back then, because that was 16 years ago, so we really shouldn’t use that as a gague of what the A and H are. Stuff has moved on (whether we like it or not)

I’m not that far ahead yet! SPOOOOOOILERS!!!

J/k, okay consider myself corrected.


I actually don’t consider the Kyrians bad. They are following a system that was put in place long before everything else was. The Forsworn however just joined the big baddie cause they have objections about how things are functioning. That’s like joining the serial killers cause you don’t like how the police is handling things.


That is why I am Kyrian.

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congrats you realize that the gray area exists! And as you can tell nobody is really in the wrong or in the right they are just following what they believe and that is the dilema of the story. Now the game does not do a good job at explaining why forsworn are in the wrong, their believes cost the lifes of many people, after all they are siding with the jailer and sylvanas by extend, the forsworn are limited from seeing the bigger picture, therefore manipulated and used for a purpose they have yet to understand, they dont care about consequences as long as they get what they want and thats why they are in the wrong.

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I mean like… shadowlands isn’t full of great people the factions are kinda evil / grey, they’re not exactly paragons of virtue, usually its like hey we punish kinda bad people for being bad and we have fun doing it etc

there are no good or bad guys, just a matter of perspective. Everyone thinks they themselves are righteous in their own mind

Dont care, i want dem wings.

They look awesome.

I like the fact that they are corrupted fanatics. Just like Turalyon and the Lightforged Draenei.

Am I the bad guy for liking them?.They are my favorites so far.

You mean enlightened fanatics

I feel like the Kyrians are what the Scarlet Crusade would be if they had enough power. They both pose as righteous pillars of justice while using very questionable methods to reach their goals.

Same thing. :wink:

Brainwashing also happened in Silvermoon by the way. When a group of Blood elves opposed the Horde and then some magisters came and brainwashed them.

If it’s “ok” for the Blood elves to do it. Then it’s “ok” for Kyrian to do it.

Yeah, one way or another they have the “holier than thou” attitude

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its like the church in real life. just not with souls.

[quote=“Celestis-nordrassil, post:39, topic:213043, full:true”]

I second that, sister. :elf:‍♀