The idea of tattoos for Thalassian elves have always been there since warcraft 2. A bit odd how they dont have it. It seems like Blizzard forgot tattoos were a thing for high elf rangers in wacraft 2, perhaps they assumed it was just a “Alleria” thing. Who knows.
Likewise Blue skin (like Azshara) for Night elves and nightborne. There are so many customizations that just “make sense” that never got added for some reason, this is the case with many other races too. like long beards for humans, and etc.
if tattoos were to be added, this is how i would do it.
Void elves:
- Blue (represnting their Alliance relations, and old flag color when they allied with the alliance in warcraft 2)
- Purple (representing the Void they embraced)
- Black (representing Darkness/ The void)
Blood elves:
- Red (representing the horde, and their new flag color)
- Green (representing the fel that they used to power thier city, and their eye color)
- Yellow (representing the sunwell and the light)
Personally, i would never use the tattoos myself. But i know many people wanted them, including Brigante. RIP.