The Lack of Void Elf Customization Options

Earrings/necklaces for male blood elves and void elves PLEASE. Especially earrings. I’m a guy and I wear earrings IRL and I would love it if I could do the same on my male belf/velf characters.

Elves are a fantasy race, please don’t tell me that with such huge and beautiful ears, males never think of decorating them somehow. It’s a small thing but would make me (and I’m sure that also many other people) very happy. The only non-nightborne, notable male elf character that wears earrings atm is Lor’themar and if I had to guess, it’s because his model is pretty new compared to many other npcs so he has more awesome features.

Idk it may just be me but earrings (and jewelry in general) simply seem like a very elven thing and I don’t understand why such cool customization option is gender locked for females only.

ALSO while I realize it may propably be more work, please consider giving blood elves and void elves ranger marks and tattoos. Alleria has blue tattoos fitting her high elf heritage. Rommath has red tattoos on his arms, matching blood elf fantasy and theme. This feature alone could make our belf/velf characters a bit less boring looking and more unique.

Many people want to be able to customize their blood elf with bloody red eyes and grey/white skin to be able to look like one of Sylvanas’ dark rangers. I’m not sure if it would make sense for void elves to also have this customization but since horde had both Sylvanas and forsaken, I think it would make perfect sense for blood elves.

Not much to add here. Both blood elves and void elves (both females AND males) could use some braided hairstyles. It’s very common for elves in other fantasy worlds to have long and braided hair. It also works for WoW elves. I would LOVE to have some hairstyles like that for belves and velves.


Void Elves: Lol what a joke, couldn’t think of anything we haven’t seen before

Lightforged Draenei: Draenei Paladins… We had those

Dark Iron Dwarves: These are malicious dwarves who have their own agenda & dislike Horde & Alliance… Why would they ever be playable? Edit: also, just dwarves…

Kul Tiran: Only one that kind of makes sense… But… Just humans…

Mechagnomes: Wtf, you can be a gnomish engineer already, again, lack of imagination

Nightborne: We have night elves already

Highmountain: Just make some antler customisations for a tauren

Mag’har: They are just orcs…

Zandalari Trolls: They are just trolls…

Vulpera: Lol wtf even is this joke of a species, it is the equivalent of Star Wars baby yoda thing, just a joke

Actual races that might make sense:
Why not furbolgs? Some are friendly and could potentially join a faction…
Why not Centaur?

More cool faces for tauren. Almost everyone is using either face #1 or face #3. This goes for Highmountain as well. The rest of the faces are crap.

I agree. Here are some of the things I would like to see if you don’t mind me sharing :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Void elves:

Yeah I really like these hairstyle ideas.

  • N’zoth eyes option

  • Blue, Black, and Purple tattoos please. Similar to Alleria. Since these colors perfectly match the Alliance/Void elf colors.

Blood elves:

  • Red, Green, and Yellow tattoos please. Similar to Alleria but different colors to keep them unique from the Alliance. Since these colors perfectly match the Blood elf/Horde style.

  • Runic markings on face (like Burning crusade Art)

  • and maybe if possible, Red eyes and white skin for that Dark Ranger look. It could be an unlock-able skin option through a quest, similar to the Night warrior eyes/skin that Night elves unlocked. Just like Void elves have 2 themes to choose from (natural and voidy), Blood elves would love to have that option with a Dark Ranger look.

Dark Iron dwarves:

  • A Hot Pink hair color? I think it would look amazing with the fire hair they have. More hair colors for them in general would be appreciated.


  • Glowy hands (like the NPC’s) in two colors: Arcane purple, and Fel Green.


  • Golden Skin color

  • More hair colors borrowed from the Darkspear.


  • Vulpera Jewelry

  • Blue and purple skin colors similar to the Vulpin in Ardenweald. Would give them more variety rather than just Orange shades.


  • Green skin option so that Trolls will have the ability to Roleplay a Forrest troll (Revantusk tribe), just like they have the option to be Sand trolls.

  • A bulky body option for males would be nice too. Similar to the Revantusk tribe.

  • A Hibiscus flower on the left ear/hair (for females) would be nice. Since Darkspear trolls have huge inspirations from the Caribbean and Polynesian cultures with their island life.


  • Tail options (like the pandarens have tail options)

High mountain:

  • Black antlers option

  • White fur/ skin color option

Thank you :heart:


Pretty sure the idea of a cabal of Elves who dabbled in the cosmic powers of entropy and destruction and were corrupted for their hubris is a new one, especially on Alliance.

That -is- what I said, no? That Alliance got short changed on that one. Why repeat what I had already said?

Actually not true. This was true when they were under the sway of Ragnaros, Queen Moira was already breaking the Dark Iron’s free, and when Ragnaros was finally slain, in Cataclysm, the Dark Iron’s became a full part of the Alliance(Though not yet playable) So hardly new, and most definitely Alliance since Cataclysm. Also they’re pretty different from the other two types of Dwarves…

Really? They don’t make much sense to me, the skinny NPC ones would be biologically impossible, and the tubbier playable version would collapse under it’s own weight, breaking it’s bones -if- it had a normal sized human skeleton, so…are they really human? Anyway, their culture is vastly different to Stormwind’s, and well they -do- have Shamans and Druids, so they are kinda new for Humans…

Mechagnomes: Not the greatest of choices, I’d have went for Sethrak personally, but they are different enough from normal Gnomes in terms of outlook, not just appearance, they also are the only race you can play that has prosthetic limbs, allowing you to play around with all sorts of concepts from fantasy/sci fi, and how they regard themselves as opposed to purely organic Gnomes.

Not a valid point. Night Elves are Alliance, not Horde. Now if you’d said “We already have hyper magic Elves”, you’d have been making a better point, we’ve had them since TBC, They’re a bit interesting from a lore point of view, I mean technically, unlike the Night Elves they have been isolated for just over Ten Thousand years. They’re living relics, walking museums as a culture, because even the Night Elves have changed in the last ten thousand years, whereas Nightborne were in a kind of stasis. The idea of a culture isolated for so long and suddenly finding out everything that happened in that time all at once, would be a massive cultural overload. I mean imagine someone from 2021BC suddenly found themselves in 2021AD? Can you imagine how that would mess with you?

Highmountain, again, you’re repeating what I said anyway, that Horde got short changed on that one, it should have been a customisation. This said, the Skyhorn are pretty cool.

Mag’har, umm, not really ‘just orcs’ They’re Orcs with a twist, we’ll leave aside the fact that their heritage armour is one of the best sets in-game, but consider this. They are likely the sons and daughters of the Orcs we fought during Warlord’s of Draenor, or if they are a bit older than the 35 years they -are- the Orcs we fought in that war. Their customisations are excellent, and their backstory entirely different to that of Greenskin Orcs. This time the Orcs were the ones being oppressed and beaten down. Different perspective…

Zandalari: You kidding me? Just Trolls? They’re a complete different culture to Darkspear Trolls. Look at the Echo Isles, then look at Dazar’alor. They look different, (Standing upright just for starters!) they talk different, they have retained skills the Darkspear lost when the other Gurubashi chased them out of Stranglethorn. They’re pretty much the Horde equivalent of Kul Tiran humans, sure, the same species, but a lot of differences.

Vulpera: Everbody goes ‘hurr hurr, joke race’ Hang on, this is a race of nomadic merchants and desert fighters, who have to live by their wits because everything in their homeland is hostile, so are very smart and cunning. They live in a desert where -Trolls- send other Trolls into to die because the environment is so hostile, and yet the Vulpera survive there. They’re the Bedouin types. They’re also not necessarily ‘nice’ people, I mean Nisha is borderline homocidal…

Only problem with that, is that they look too similar to Worgen in their bestial form. But this said, Furbolg have been friendly with Night Elves and Draenei in the past, so a possibility. Give Alliance Furbolg, and Horde Gnolls, that could work

Game mechanics. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’d love playable Centaur, but they won’t happen. How’s a Centaur going to ride a wyvern? How’s a Centaur going to ride anything for that matter? I mean why would they? So essentially Centaur would not get a racial riding mount. Remember the hoo-hah, when Gilneans got ‘Running Wild’ and no mounts of their own in Cataclysm, which they then had to change It would be that all over again. People like gunning for achievements, and giving one faction a race without mounts is biased against that faction. I’d love Centaur, but I can’t see us getting them.

They countered that in vanilla Alpha - it was called Plainsrunning

Flying; not sure? special mounts perhaps? They could still collect mounts; as companion pets

With the other races, I’m saying that basically they are just using an existing race… Why would a different culture have it’s own race? A troll is a troll, it might look a slightly different way, but that is what appearance options are for…

It feels like a cheap cop-out from doing real work to implement a new race… Just reskin old ones

It was Blizzard during the super harassment time, everything was cheap and lazy.

I would add this :

Void elf

  • New jewelry : earrings, necklaces, tiara/headband ect…, for women and men.
  • An option to choose the color of the jewelry (yellow gold, white gold, pink gold, silver, copper …) and precious stones (void, purple, pink, blue …).
  • new beards for men

Blood elf

  • Jewelry for men


  • Beards for men !

Don’t forget tentacle colours for Void elves =) - such as white, pink and black. With a glow to them as well.

Also, an important note. The Void elf jewellery look really bad, other than the voidy gem ones. Their bronze colour and tribal-like / vague shapes do not fit neither the void nor high elf themes. We need some specific shapes that look really nice, like winged-shape earrings, and a necklace with triangular shape like the gem earrings. Also a choker necklace with a Void gem hanging from it, akin to the girl in this pic

And as Brady said, different colours for jewellery, such as silver, gold and starcursed / void blue.


To demonstrate what I’m talking about

They look more like earrings befitting an orc.


Yeah, only the stud looks remotely good.
More like that should be added and maybe on the upper ear? And ones with dangling void gems.


Yes ! Spikes and hooks don’t look elvish.:sweat:


Yeah, I remember Plainsrunning, was a bit limited if I remember, and you wouldn’t be as manoeuvrable as someone on a mount. Plus it still has the ‘Gilnean problem’ of not having it’s own unique mount, which people massively kicked off about at the time. I mean I’d love to see them just get Mount running speed full stop, that makes sense.

Thinking about it (Because what else is there to do at 4 in the morning when you can’t sleep? :stuck_out_tongue: A Centaur could ride something like a Wyvern. Just hook their front legs in front of the wing pinion, and the back legs behind the wing pinion. Essentially they’d become their own ‘harness’…

I agree to an extent, I certainly think LFD and HMT could have been customisations. I want to say Mag’har could, but they get a lot of unique stuff, it would make Orcs massively over-customised.
Voidies, well, I mean they -would- look like Blood Elves, because they -were- Blood Elves, as they’re on Alliance it is not so bad, if they were in Horde, then yeah, it would kinda be ‘What’s the point’, and the same is true of Nightborne. Mechagnomes -could- have been a customisation of Gnomes I guess, but are broadly different enough. I don’t agree about Zandalari though, I think the difference between them and Darkspear is enough to warrant them as an Allied Race, They really are pretty different, they don’t even use the same model skeleton as Darkspear… KT are OK, and Vulpera are OK, as long as people don’t RP them running around saying ‘Uwu’ or whatever the hell it is…

I don’t know, only the first one looks really out of place, mainly because from the picture I can’t figure out what the hell is going on with it! :stuck_out_tongue:

The latter two actually look quite posh and sophisticated, I’ve seen women wear earrings like those and it does look pretty elegant.

Now if the rings were bone or something, I’d agree, Not Elven, but in a nice silvery metal, and because they are so smooth and gently curving I could actually see Elves going for that look. It doesn’t scream ‘savage’ to me, basically, I guess?

Don’t type that again, even as a quote.
You’re too good for it.

If it helps, I did feel a sense of shame just typing it… :rofl:

yes because adding 50 skin options that are devided in packs of 5 being almost identical is more customization options…

Id like to see blood elves finally get dark ranger option to give people a chance to differentiate themselves from void elves given they can now effectively look totally like blood elves.

They only need to flick a switch as the skins are already in the game and you can actually view them on the wowhead dressingroom when you check the show npc options.

These are the kind of quick wins that blizzard need to make full use of and would take minimal effort and dev time.


I agree because it will allow blood elves to make undead paladins.:+1:

There will be no more obstacles, the void elves will be able to obtain the paladin and DH class. :v: