The Lack of Void Elf Customization Options

Originally they did, before TBC went live, they actually left the quest text in referencing it for one of them who says (Paraphrasing, my memory isn’t -that- good ) “Don’t let the eyes fool you, I’m a High Elf, not a Blood Elf, I won’t suck the life out of you” A Direct reference to the fact that she does look identical, right down to the eyes. Later in one of the CDev Q&A they confirmed exactly how Thalassian Elfeye glow works, and that is where they stated “If you were a -High- Elf and went to Outlands, you’d get Fel- green eyes”

Apparently the reason they didn’t implement it in live TBC was because it would cause ‘confusion’ to the player base, which to be honest is vaguely patronising, given that Allerian Stronghold’s guards don’t attack you if Alliance should be pretty obvious that it is an Alliance settlement!

Reason I mention the quest dialogue is that presumably the ‘Hero’ is a grown adult. They will likely have seen a High Elf before, so why would the High Elf Questgiver specifically make sure they know she is not a Blood Elf if it would have been readily apparent by her appearance?

But yeah, Blizz explained it more fully in the CDev (I’m pretty sure it was number 3.

That indeed makes no sense, it could have just been an error given that he does just use the Blood Elf model which I guess back then would have come with green as a default. Had not noticed that about Arator, interesting, but yeah, he should have had blue eyes initially, as he never lived in Silvermoon (Same as Lanesh the Steelweaver, a Blood Elf, has blue eyes because he lived in Dalaran during TBC, along with several spawning Sunreaver Mobs during the Purge), which maybe would have changed to Fel green later.

This said, he is a Half Elf, perhaps it was conflicting between his Human and Elven nature, that’s one thing they did not discuss in the CDev Q&A, whether eye glint effects Half-Elves as well… Ehh, who knows…

It is, including in alternate Timelines according to Blizz, I used the wrong term is all :stuck_out_tongue:


No, don’t feel bad. I get that a lot.

Taela looks both amused and annoyed.

I’m a HIGH elf, not a blood elf. Don’t worry, I’m not going to suck all of the magic out of you.

  • the true line that is there.
    Who needs memory with the internet?

This line was never in the dialogue. I know because I visit that place too many times and interacted with the NPC’s too many times.

Yes this is the correct line, right here.

Allerian Stronghold really is such a beautiful place where different races of the Warcraft 2 alliance hang out. And best part, it’s named after Alleria. Another reasons why she’s my favorite


perhaps we should be more positive :)?

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Mechagnomes, Nightborne and Lightforged have heritage recolors that match with some of their current (or upcoming) customisation more than the single available version. Can we have the others released?


I found some art of what we would like for male hairstylesto look like:



Thank you! :blue_heart:

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As someone who never really played beyond WOTLK, I’ve got to say all of these races sound ridiculous… And it is hilarious that you would even play them, much less complain about their lack of features


Thanks, I’m aware what forum I’m in, I just fancied throwing in my 2 cents :wink:

Dark Irons, Zandalari and Mag’har sound ridiculous?

It’s like he didn’t grind reputation with Silver Covenant for like 3 months in WOTK. :laughing:


tattoos / hairstyles :ok_hand:


Umm, Well, to go down the list…

Void Elves: They are new, but the point is, they -are- new, in game, they only came to exist Post Legion but Pre BFA. I mean let’s face it, Forsaken are also ‘New’ in the sense that they never existed until WC3 as a ‘thing’ so less than a human lifespan (Hence we have no idea how long Forsaken exist for, apart from the fact that they can degenerate into mindless undead)

Lightforged Draenei: I do feel the Alliance was short changed on this one. “They’re Draenei, but infused with the Light” “So basically a Draenei then, who have a whole racial based around it?”

Dark Iron Dwarves: Existed since WoW did.

Kul Tiran: Existed before WoW did, in the RTS games. Yes it is weird that they don’t look exactly human.

Mechagnomes: Well you -do- see fully Mechanised Gnomes in WotLK, which you mentioned you played…

Nightborne: actually made sense since WC3, when we first meet Night Elves and come into contact with the lore behind them.

Highmountain: The Horde equivalent of the Lightforged Draenei. As in the Horde got short changed on that one. “They’re Tauren, with Antlers” “Yeah and?” “Umm, nothing else really…”

Mag’har: So…the race that was the basis of one of the two factions in WC1, and that you encounter in TBC and WotLK?

Zandalari Trolls: Another ancient race mentioned in lore, and encountered prior to their being playable, I mean you could even grind rep with them!

Vulpera: Like Void Elves, they’re new, but that is because we only -just- came into contact with them in BfA when travelling to lands unknown for 10,000 years.

That’s like saying Humans are ‘New’ or any race apart from Trolls and Elves…

They make sense. Lightforged Draenei and Highmountain Tauren are a bit weak as concepts, but their existence makes perfect sense in lore…

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There are more fan designs by ercarp about our tattoos and hair styles, these are mostly for High Elf fans but since we know that Void Elves are high elves:

Ooooooh yes! Please! Character creation is something that never gets boring or old. There are still soooo many things you can add. Not only for Void Elves or Nightborn. For all races.

For humans I still wish Kul Tiran hairstyles or in general more hairstyles for all races, even across races.

Scars for all.

The list is almost endless. :frowning:

That’s why I’m very happy to read something like this and hope very much for many more changes and settings in the future.


Oh my…these are so pretty! :o

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void tattoos