The leaks, what does it mean for roleplay? (Story Leaks)

Lets raze it for it will be a staging ground for n’zoth’s forces then.

I usually take these ‘leaks’ with a cartload of salt, and I think this time is no different. Some of the stuff in there is rather ‘woah’ to me.

Like this part:

Sylvanas will prepare a strike against Thunder Bluff, tricking both the Alliance and Horde into defending it. During this distraction, she will invade and conquer Stormwind.

Really? After having seen this strategy in action not only at Teldrassil, but Dazar’alor aswell, the collective Alliance and Horde would fall for it -again-? I would start questioning those in charge of military affairs if they did…

Aswell as Bolvar getting out of his icecube and suddenly siding with the Alliance… yeah no.

I think we should not pay this too much attention.


Stormwind has been her goal for ages now… Her dialogue with Nanthanos and “Inner-dialogue” during BtS and a Good War state as much… D:

Also I wouldn’t mind Stormwind being destroyed, serves the Humans right. I’m just scared of what would happen with the sudden influx of “gud RPers” in Ironforge… also it would make the Alliance the even bigger band of survivors trying to fend off the imperialistic tendecies of the Horde.

Look at the leak. It implies Stormwind isn’t actually her goal, just killing everyone to… fight the old gods?

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Weirdly enough she’s trying to do a Wrathion, keep a war going long enough where only the strong are left, and then unite them. It’s in a macabre way, but the outcome is the same. Only this time it’s to face the old gods instead of the legion.

Stormwind is mentioned as something to attack in the data-mine.


And look at how that worked for Wrathion. He ushered in the Legion’s return by enabling Gul’dan access to the MU.

Something something, at the hour of her third death?

I thought he did that mostly out of anger that Varian didn’t unite the factions.

Indeed, but the same could happen again. :eyes:

Those ships look terrible btw. They’re a Horde ship model and a vrykul ship model shoved together but like they look so distinctly wrong?

The description of the end of the raid is also hilarious.

->Second to last boss is Sylvanas (for both factions)
->Then during the Sylvanas fight (for both Horde and Alliance) Bolvar shows up and starts specifically killing Horde leaders, starting with Lor’themar (for some reason)
->Sylvanas kills Genn
->Then all the remaining Horde leaders (including Baine??) join up with Sylvanas again
->Then the Horde and Alliance are fighting each other for a big final battle.



Can’t see it happening. Knocking off two relative backwaters is one thing (like it or not both Dar and Undercity were backwaters in terms of general player-use across the game entire). Knocking off one of -the- central hubs is another. More so as they only just sunk resources into revamping a part of it.

But then this is, well, Blizzard.

Sure, it seems dumb, but remember when they promised that the burner of Teldrassil would be a surprise?

It’s not like turning a player city into the site of a major raid and siege while it’s ruled by a wicked leader is a new concept. The “”""“leak”"""" also states that they intend for the gap between 8.3 and 9.0 to be shorter than expected, which is a stark contrast from the treatment Orgrimmar got.

I don’t care what happens, as long as some day Silvermoon is rebuilt.


yeah, rebuilt by the gnomish power of industry.

Wrathion blows up the Sunwell for reasons that won’t be elaborated on ever because he’s getting written out of the story for another four expansions which also explodes quel’thalas. All the BElves move to Suramar and decide that the only solution is to start eating naaru again.

They eat so many naaru.


Did this leak from a barrel of radio active fanfics?

During the intermission, all of the Horde leaders will rejoin Sylvanas. Genn dies and Anduin and Jaina declare war on the Horde. The final fight begins

They already are at war? This seems abit off

until Bolvar eventually appears and starts killing Horde leaders – first to go is Lor’themar.

why would he not only reveal himself but also attack a random horde leader rather then sylvanas whom he already dislikes for tilting the balance of death?

That is hot. Please be real.

Please say what you like about it.

He wrote it.
Well, i’ll be curious how real this leak is and how they’re going to refine it.