The leaks, what does it mean for roleplay? (Story Leaks)

Undead, dead, etc etc are awesome and I love the idea of a siege on Stormwind.

It also misses the part about your character choice, how will that unfold?
Just curious about that now.

Your will fight that opposite faction leader in the raid, but canonically they both die from respective injuries / champions.

i was more aiming on how your horde character choice regarding the horde’s war campaign will reflect in the raid tier.

Nothing has been said, but I doubt anything substantial with happen regarding player choice / it isn’t had an impact on the story either.

So it is defunct automatically.

The loyalist route was only tacked on by Blizz after people complained during the initial saurfang questline, I doubt it’ll result in any meaningful choices. Loyalists will probably be forced to switch to the main rebel route at some point.

Suramar made it painfully clear how dated the TBC race starting areas have become. Silvermoon being the picture of a magical kingdom rivaling, if not surpassing Dalaran.

On topic there isn’t much to say that hasn’t already been repeated over and over again. Wait for Blizzcon where, to quote our Lord and Savior: “All eyes shall be opened.”

I’m afraid so.

Guess time will tell.

Well I feel confident that this ‘leak’ is fake, like every other wow leak we have EVER seen.

Except that WoD leak also from 4chan that was disregarded because it sounded so stupid

Smacks a bit too much of what people have always mocked so much that it gained traction: that Sylvanas gets a Kerrigan 2:0 Redemption Arc. Which would be the most awful storytelling ever. That has never been what she is about, she has never even thought about such, in her inner monologues, and it doesn’t even fit… I mean that is directly counter to what she does at Teldrassil, If she was trying to prepare for a War in the Shadowlands, creating a whole cities worth of 5th Columnists is the dumbest way to do it imaginable…

There is a lot of Photoshopping going on in that picture, and some of the -identical- mobs have been placed badly so that you can see it. Before this was on MMORPG it was on Reddit and 4Chan. Neither of these are reliable sources. Seems pretty fake, unless Sylvanas and Anduin are joint winners of the ‘Stupidest entity in the Cosmos’ awards…

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This is a recurring thing but that means sylvanas will become evil, be redeemed and then fall back into that evil and become the morally grey thing they don’t seem to tick of quite well.

Yeah, they really did kind of ‘jump the shark’ with Teldrassil. Ain’t no way back, for that to make sense, even to Kerrigan logic.

The big Undead are resistant to shadow/void magic that tricks the living quite easily because of their soul not being properly attached to the body card.

This lil thing was the reason why Arthas could sit in a saronite fortress.

I want this to happen purely to see all the Stormwind RPers try to react to it. or more likely, not react at all.


Likewise, I want to see roleplay within Ironforge, maybe a some form a Dwarven Infantry guild keeping the peace?

That is quite a recurring thing.
I can throw a few off-topic cents, which would boil down with multiple tavern nights to lay foundation for a new Hub.

Gunna rp a dwarf mob harassing the human refugees. Ironforge for the DWARVES not the stinky humans.


… and gnomes. :roll_eyes:

I know you’re making a joke, but we all know that the Human RPers are going to act like its their city. Which it basicly is since Emperor Anduin leads the Alliance Empire… ._.