The leaks, what does it mean for roleplay? (Story Leaks)

I don’t personally see them destroying Stormwind, they have already destroyed one alliance capital this expansion, to lose a 2nd would be damaging to the game.
Ironforge is tiny compared to Stormwind, and not really a viable RP hub that could replace SW in terms of size, in fact there are no locations in size terms that could take as many rp players as Stormwind holds at any one time.

It wouldn’t.

New hubs are added each expansion / give Ironforge a transmog building.


If anything Ironforge is THE hub which could replace SW and the cesspit is has become.


Ironforge in game scale terms is a 3rd the size of the all the Stormwind zones + its depressing and dark.

Thats a weird way to say cozy and jovial


Also if you got rid of Stormwind , all the RP going on there would just move to Ironforge and make that a cesspool with no chance for the stink to escape because its under a mountain.

Actually, a lot would go to Duskwood seeming as Darkshire is already mini Stormwind but with spooky stuff. the more peaceful stuff would probably go to redridge because of its atmosphere.

and the degenerates would probably go to Booty bay, annoying the pirate RPers even more as they have to put up with more weirdos.

Anduin and Jaina declare war on the Horde

I mean we are currently at peace, right?

Unreal Engine

It’s pretty obvious and it looks way to good for it to be an in-game WoW cinematic.

Forsaken using boats with the Vrykul skin

I guess they ran out of spikes so they’ve put round shields and a carven dragon head at the front of one of their ships.

Alliance version of Siege of Orgrimmar

How does Sylvanas attack both Thunder Bluff and then just ‘‘take over’’ Stormwind? “The latter will be explained through a comic released in October.” Nice meme.

The second boss is Old God aligned and has enslaved city guards and other famous Stormwind NPCs (such as Topper McNabb)

Oh no, an enslaved beggar!

I couldn’t really continue reading as I began to vomit internally. I had to stop before the pungent ooze came pouring out of my mouth.

I rate this leak a 1.6 out of 10.

Alliance and Horde will fight side by side against Sylvanas until Bolvar eventually appears and starts killing Horde leaders – first to go is Lor’themar. Bolvar will then side with Taelia and the Alliance. Sylvanas will shoot Genn in response, prompting the intermission.

Actually, nevermind. This is probably one of the worst :poop: I have possibly read, in all my life. It’s not even worthy of a 1.

It could damage the smaller hubs if you suddenly got a huge increase in people being in them, people go to them for the reason they are not Stormwind.

Or it could create even more small hubs like Bogpaddle or Surwich.


It’s sad that this dumpster fire plot isn’t actually considered too far fetched any more…


Siege of Stormwind sounds too silly for words. We’re talking about the city that was easily infiltrated by the Horde at the start of the expansion, set on fire by a single torch and its guards unable to keep prisoners from escaping even though Anduin, Genn and Jaina were present and trying to stop them.

Someone needs to get these guys to play more Total War.

Looks fake to me.
Way too bombastic even for Blizzard standards.

If it’s true - just furthening disappointment in Blizzard storywriting of recent.

Everyone dies including leaders
Goblins and Gnomes mass ress everyone using tinker tech

Lmao paladorks BTFO by manlets

World ending horde thus defeated by a handful of longbowmen setting up pointy sticks at choke points in a citadel with cannon towers.

The dealbreaker to me, is that Blizzard almost always balance out these kinds of things to avoid the impression of faction bias. This would send quite a few Alliance players into a keyboard punching rage.

Accidentally deleted post when clicking about the page. TL;DR: Shadowlands has potential but I feel like Blizzard will be unable to make it tactful. And the rammifications of ‘death is only a doorway’ makes a lot of brutal murders and noble sacrifices come off as ’ haha, you dummy, you were just going here the entire time’.

i agree, it should’ve been a nuke tbqh.

Ehh, a small crack team can do that. I mean our real world history is littered with examples… It was set on fire by a single torch and spread by one of the most powerful Shaman in the world? I mean that really kind of is what I would expect Zul to be able to do. Its not like Stormwind is a stone monolith, plenty of wood there.

So your average Alliance squaddie is supposed to be able to go toe to toe with Nathanos, Talanji, Rok’han, Zul, Thalyssra, and the eponymous ‘Champion of the Horde’? I mean if you remember, as absolutely cack-hard as that team was, they still have to hide and leg it from the Alliance once the mobilisation goes out. Hardly an invasion…

That was actually one of the more credible things I found about the expansion, to be honest…

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