The leaks, what does it mean for roleplay? (Story Leaks)

Even though I wont believe that this leak is legit, Id honestly be very excited for a Siege of Stormwind, with all the refugees inside the city it makes for a big target in the war. I think for roleplay the threat of it would be good in the long run, it would make for a number of different scenarios. Civilian RPers who either leave the city for a saver place or those who are too stubborn to move just stay; military guilds who patrol the city and will experience not only their own fear of the city being attacked but also that of the civilians AND the towns around Stormwind being influenced as well.

And I hope it also makes for a new remake of Stormwind in the future :smiley:

Oh damn a stromgarde 2.0 would be nice, 1 city with multiple factions going at it.

ah yeah all the criminal rp gangs unite at last to become a prominent PVE threat

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. So, I am calling it legit.

Sneak preview of Pig & Whistle RP post siege

Gruff female human pregnant (6 months) mercenary with a mechanical arm and an automatic titan rifle:

“Yeah I had a clear shot on the banshee bi*@h but they pulled me out of there before I could pull the trigger. Grunts. Could have ended this stupid war in a second. Next time I’ll get her.”

Void Elf (Not a Void Elf IC) Archmage (20 years old) in their black mageweave outift:

“Aw I know hun, but at least you’re still with us. I’d hate if anything would have happened to you.”

Lily would blush shyly, a bead of nervous sweat rolling from her brow down between her voluptuous orbs.

Dwarf RPer:

Their entire dialogue censored by the profanity filter

Three other RPers of various races stand awkwardly in the doorway with “approachable” in their TRP, but make no efforts to join in the conversation. They anxiously tap at their keyboard, waiting to unload their character’s entire backstory at the first possible opportunity.


Except for the Dwarf, can you imagine peoppe like this coming to Ironforge and bringing their filth in the mountain?

Paar Dwarves and Gnomes. They woukd suffer so much D:

Even if the leak was true Stormwind wouldn’t get a zone update (2mucheffort) so people would just stay there anyway.

And because all the lore for the next expac would be happening in an alternate dimension (WoD) so nothing that happens in the expac would impact RP at all anyway.

Can be fun if it goes along with the removal of the language barrier and an armistice between the factions.

I can maybe see how the next expansion is in the Shadowlands, having N’Zoth hearthstone card being about the dead so it will make sense but apart from this, this raid sounds farfetched.

How did you get real footage from the future?

And then I feel the blood rush through my head as the veins pop and the darkness takes me.

I still prefer my hypothesis of blizzard doing a tal rasha rather than a kerrigan with Sylvanas.

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Added in the orbs as a shout out to the pet peeves posters. Nothing like a classic.


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Except the logical conclusion is her waddling out of her prison all tentacled up and four legged to conquer the worldstone chamber of the relevant expansion.

I’m betting on an Uluru expy crashed ancient naaru ship (because that’s all blizzard does with them) over in Warcraft Australia south of the equator that we all know is slightly north of pandaria.

I’m still expecting Illidargeras so that fits.

N’Vanas/Syl’Zoth brawls with Illigeras/Saridan in the heart chamber for the world soul. But who will be Tyrael and where do we fit Arator the Redeemed, true child of Light and Shadow and saviour of Creation?

True ending of 8.3: Me’dan shows up and magics away the bad and reverts time so Sylvanas still remains warchief but no one is mad at her.

Me’dan then reveals that he was Elenthas all along.

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Finally a chance for Elenthas, Death Knight of Acherus, to show his quality.

Bet they’d still not give me Atiesh though.


So, before she became an undead?

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