The Leftovers

to be fair, if it wasnt for my guild, i wouldnt be raiding right now at all and i highly doubt i would still be subbed. im basically hanging on a thin thread here.

i just dont think that wow has gotten the time/reward ratio right this expansion, at least for me. the raids/m+s get more and more demanding yet they curb the rewards.
people touted “oh you just need to get used to it” but now its been serveral months now and i just cant get into it.


Basically this. In the Horde guild I am in we still have a decent level of activity, two months into the expansion our flex team still has 38+ signups for the heroic raid (and around 22 for normal raids.)

Activity on the M+ side skyrocketed since the start of the expansion. Our regulary scheduled M+ day had around two, at most three groups going off to do their weeklies we now have up to 4 or even 5 starting off, whom at times even stay and tag around for further runs.

Noticed the same in the Alliance guild I am in. The social raids are oversubbed.

Still, there is definitely a decline in the pug scene, which is no surprise, since the loot reduction hurts way more in pugs than it does in organised guilds.

the typical problem of past years since many expansions ago, millions buy expansion and then quit after 1month. reasons? the real question should be…
why would they stay?

-when patches completely reset gear (feels pointless to play now when u can catch up later)
-when pve became arcade game with many difficulty (no need to have a brain you just move in hard boss’s or play lfr to see the raids)
-when healers in pvp have insane healing that doesn’t require cast (arena feels stressful cus whole system based on HPS being 10times stronger than dps)
-when every class have eachother utility (your class doesn’t feel unique, u just keep switching to the so buffed class)
-when random bg’s which is the most fun for common players allow pre-mades vs single queue (feels painful to not be able to have casual fun)

blizzard knows that they are selling a burned game but then why game never died? because the world gamers populations is increasing with birth rate, tons always quit and tons always join the game, ever thought do the 12million players that played during wotlk 10years ago do they still play? ofc no maybe 90% Of them already did quit and another millions joined, so we all will quit and be replaced in the world of warcraft. blizz never intended to keep players playing.


I’m only playing casually now after reaching my ilvl goal and having maxed most of my covenant.

This part of the expansion is over and the incoming loot tweaks are too late as many players have left until 9.1 drops.

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To be honest its no big suprise most people are playing this game for many years now they probarly have other priorities now + on top of that you have the in game issues of getting less loot and the repetitive gameplay grinding in a endless circle being trapped in a hamster wheel so to speak.

I have the feeling that blizzard will see at least their subs going down for a bit and its up to them to get new players starting to play this game and not try to appeal to the old ones.

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It’s neither about “needing” nor “wanting” its about earning. And its not about people fixating on what others are getting its yet again about earning it. If for example WQs give the same ilvl reward as heroic or mythic raids, you will see way more people doing WQs and less doing raids, the time vs reward issue when it comes to PvE in SL has proven this. The content on itself is not a reward, while I do like raiding and M+ I didn’t do them just because of the content alone, i wanted loot. And in BfA we had brief periods of time where WQ’s actually did reward heroic loot, and i did stop doing them as I felt that i was not beeing rewarded for my effort. Given that blizzard so far are incapable of making gear interesting in anyway shape or form, and the only thing destinguishing one item from another is stats and/or ilvl, you are running into this problem. I don’t care what a casual player’s ilvl is but if I am investing more effort into clearing more difficult content I expect to be more power full than that casual player. The simplest way to avoid this issue (and this is off the top of my head) is to create separate tier sets, one for raiding, one for open world etc. each with bonuses apropriate to the content it came from ( less effectiveness from CC in PvP, more DMG/HPS in open world) This way the raiders will be more powerful and the casual can run around in 400 ilvl for all I care. I do realize that the current covenant set does that, however its lackluster and its that way by design because it doesn’t have an equivalent. Basically make more tier sets and buff up the covenant set, problem solved.

Just have all content drop the same ilvl gear with no differences or special perks…

Let the good poeple do their Heroic or mythic raids for “Difficulty” and “Challange” But no need to lock rewards behind them.

Would just be facinating to see if any one even cares about Mythic raiding… if there were easier gear elsewhere

Did you read what I wrote ?

Regardless if you like content, if its not rewarding most people wont do it. Flip this around would you do your world quests if they didn’t offer some kind of a reward, I’m sure killing 10 big bugs and pulling out 8 larva in furry land is super utra fun, but i doubt you would be inclined to do it more than 3 times.

Every time I see this topic I keep thinking of the in game pet


wish i was but i refuse to do PVP and not far into mythic atm and going by wowprogress and looking guilds item levels not many are avg 226 so like to know were you got that number from ?


Just. say. it. BFA WAS BETTER!


That’s one MASSIVE kick in the teeth for the rest of the “raiders” and i know for a fact loads have hung up their coat from raiding exactly due to this… With loot being what it currently is (pretty fkn scarce) you hate seeing people bring alts to the raids… Personally i’ve just noped out of there on multiple occasions when people come on their alts… It’s unfair to the collective unless it’s a BLATANT Alt run on the callendar… So yes, people are leaving/stopping

I feel the exact same way, only that i can’t raid because I can’t find a guild that raids on Wednesday atm…


yeah, in my opinion bfa was better in a lot of aspects, been saying this since sl release. so what now?


I do too, but if you notice the majority are not from your server, most i see are not from my server and not even from the servers linked to mine.

Obviously some form of layering Blizz added to keep zones populated, but the reality is its all smoke and mirrors, just because you see more players doe’s not actually mean there are more.

I’m from high-full pop server and I mostly encounter druid trains of bots in the open world rather than real players, soo idk.


People left in droves and the primary driver for this exodus is most likely centering the entire character progression system on Great Vault.

M+ caps out on ilvl way too low and has low drop rate
Raid has absolutely trash drop rate. Going 10/10 without a single drop is not only not unheard of, but actually pretty common. Even more people receive 1 item (from 10 boss kills) which isn’t much better.

So its great vault or nothing. Slooooowly getting gear week after week, and that’s IF YOU WIN THE DAMN CASINO ROLL. Ppl are still rocking ilvl 197 honour weapons with 215 ilvl overall cos it’s that stubborn to not show up.

On top of this very unrewarding rewards structure the actual content isn’t the best, WoW seen much better days than this.

-Torghast being hellishly underdeveloped contrary to what was promised
-Raid being meh-level, nothing special
-M+ having some really annoying affixes and meh dungeons
-The Maw is failed zone in general, you never want to go there
-Covenant campaigns are bland and uninspired, full of stupid 1000 yd walking quests and hardly any storytelling (with cinematics etc). Scenarios from MOP were better than this.
-Sanctum development is very expensive and requires extensive grinding for very little return
-Legendaries are just gold sinks with damage buff, hardly any change the way you play

Gear is good driver for player retention, even if the content is meh, players will still play to tick off achievements and progression goals if they’re supplied new gear often.

Take gear away and the content shows its true colors. Colors of meh and forgettable patch.


lol wot.

Its a new expac, not a .1/.2/.3. The 9.1 patch isn’t even hinted at yet and there is already a big drain.

Theres plenty to do but a lot of people are not feeling it.

WOD had similar drop off and that expac made Blizzard panic.


What now? We will have to wait for bfa classic.

You haven’t seen the epic tv-show called The Leftovers?