The LGBQT+, PoC and female problem

I avoid making those since i got called homophobic by one of my guild mates on voice chat xD for trying to say a joke i heard from my irl mates.

She did not take that joke well no pun intended :joy:.

all u know is a ile the Dread Lords are manupulating you all …

Death comes for you all …

Time and again, this company has done your bidding. I think it’s time to set some limits.
As your title said it’s your problem.

Thanks Blizzard for the hide Armor Transmogs and the new slutty make up options LOVE IT

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https:// i.pinimg. com/originals/70/72/ 75/70727556cfe6438c82034e7303690128.jpg

well just gotta leave this here.

There are plenty of peeps who criticise all your examples as ‘pandering to the woke crowd’…although making Lucifer bi probably less so, for rather obvious reasons…just saying.

How about we keep that off MMORPGs.

Just stop.

why though?

No it doesn’t. The game needs INTERESTING characters with story development to develop their relationship, not just a couple of gay characters shoehorned in or retconned in just to score points. You know the only thing worse than blind hatred?


“There there don’t feel bad, we’ll throw in a few gay people just to keep you subbe… er… happy.”

Again. That shouldn’t be an issue. What should be the issue is proper story development to establish the relationship.
And the only people who would yell and scream are the same people who get all upset at ONE gay relationship. They would still be pathetic bigots.

That’s true, but you are literally trying to convert the Fred Phelps of this world.
I wish you luck.

I refer you to my replies on the same sex relationship issue.

Are you taking the urine now or are you just poking a hornet’s nest looking for a reaction…?

Orcs and Trolls would like a word.

Patronization 101.

Couldn’t have said it better even though I tried.

Isn’t the troll race Jamaican?

Why do people want LGBQT+ on games… Who the hell cares, it doesn’t affect our gameplay.

yea well you know thats just like your opinion man, belfs in slutty mogs however…

The people who criticize something with that argument without being able to support their argument are just people who get mad over something just so they can fit in somewhere / are blind to certain things. Lucifer isn’t bi because that panders to a certain crowd, he’s bi because the guy takes pleasure in having sex, which, in part is related to him fulfilling certain desires of mortals.

In fact, Lucifer himself makes fun of all these colorful people. A LOT.

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