The LGBQT+, PoC and female problem

Lets talk about the big elephant in the room.

1.) The game needs more LGBQT+ characters. Non of the major lore characters are LGBTQT+. They are all binary. Just imagine the outcry if all the charcters were gay and non were binary.
Before the silly attack helicopter jokes by some insecure v’s come. Being gay, lesbian and trans exists in nature and human culture since the very beginning of the world.

  1. The same problem with PoC people. No Asians/Native Americans/black/mixed race characters to be found around the majore lore characters. There are like 4 black people in Stormwind. Kind of reminds one of those movies with the one black guy who dies first.

  2. Females exist, but most of them are emotional caricature and/or sex objects. See Tyrande/Jaina going super emotional. See all the half-naked females while all the males run around in full armor.

This NEEDS to change Blizzard. Its 2021, not 1960.

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Not again…

You people need to chill. I bet a majority of the LGBT community doesn’t even care about representation in a game really.

This thread is going to get crazy soon.


No it doesn’t. If some happen to be that, fine. But it has no bearing on WoW’s story.

This HAS to be troll bait. Because that remark is pure and utter nonsense.


Right… After reading this, I can understand what you wish, but do tell me, will their sexual preference, gender, skin and political stances be constantly reminded to us every 5 minutes as well as quests?

If so, no, I’m sorry but I will have to give my no on the whole idea because majority (Or atleast SOME people like me) do not care as long as the character does what they need to do… A Guardsman guards while a Hunter hunts.

If not, then they’re more than welcome to join the same World of Warcraft where we fight against evil people, beings, aliens and eldritch horrors in the name of Azeroth and it’s PEOPLE! (As in EVERYONE equally)


The game is like real life. Outside we see people, ingame we see characters. We have no clue about the peoples feelings, who they are, or sexual preferences. Luckily, we dont know about the game’s chars either. It is a non issue.


For all the OP knows half of the NPC’s in the game could be transgender or homosexual. Their sexuality isn’t mentioned at all, and the OP just assumes it’s heterosexual.

Apparently it’s just impossible to be gay unless you talk about it every 5 minutes.


Have I missed something? Like three days and it’s already Friday?


A lot of us do care about representation and normalization.

Then there’s no problem adding more :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You mean “women exist”, or are you Ferengi by any chance?

Lgbt and characters of different skin colours need to be added organically not shoehorned in to tick a box.

We’ve had some great lgbt additions this expansion and it has been done in a way that feels natural and organic, they are just there. Unless you are looking to be outraged by it.

As for females, well Anduin does seem to be overly emotional at times, baine too soft hearted and thrall has got the damsel in distress act down to a T. I get your point.


Nope, but it doesn’t have to be telegraphed.
Like is being said in this thread already:

Imagine a heterosexual walking down the street telling everyone ‘Hey guys! I’m heterosexual!’ That’d be weird, right? So why’s it normal that loads of LGBTQ people do it?

It’s fine they are what they are. Great even. And they should have equal rights in everything in the law; but otherwise; you’re not special. You’re just another human.

Anyway, sexual preference is almost completely irrelevant in WoW.
For all we know most NPCs in WoW are gay. We don’t know. Because it doesn’t matter for the stories that WoW tells.


Fair enough and I’m not against it.

But I feel like you guys don’t need any game to acknowledge your legitimacy and rights.

Whatever someone does in their private life stays private in my opinion. I don’t push for any kind of relationship in WoW either straight or other types and at the same time I accept all of them.

I just don’t feel like you guys need approval or acceptance from anyone. You have your life and are more than free to live it as you like.


This is why you’re not invited to parties, OP.


I have some inside information about a story arc involving Sylvanas and Jaina you might like but I can’t reveal it yet…

Because you’re still trying to write it and keep distracting yourself with the details?

Yes we do. No inclusion means exclusion, and we’ve been excluded enough.

WoW is an MMORPG, which holds the “RPG” part. Story and thus relations between people is important. Saying that being gay is just bedroom stuff is pretty insulting tbh. Small reference as a male NPC saying “my boyfriend/husband” when talking about a partner is nothing private or explicit, yet gay.

Except that we still face discrimination and violence for being who we are. You’re right that we don’t need approval or acceptance, because that implies that cishet folks “approve” or “accept” us, which means they see us as less.

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Can you guy stop with this nonsense posts allready?

This representation nonsense damage everything it touches.


Is this from a certain website with ehm… certain types of animation about certain ehm… interactions between people?

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Maledetta hits the nail on the head right there. Certainly the Kyrians come under that category (looking at you, Pelagos), but my humble opinion is that it doesn’t matter in the slightest. Sir Denny could be pink with blue spots for all I care, he still has a role in the game, as do the rest of the npc’s no matter big or little you have to interact with them


But gay… or European? :thinking:


Actually, that is not a direct implication. So nup.