The LGBQT+, PoC and female problem

For a second there I tought I was in the US forums.


Are you saying captain Garrick isn’t important? She is literally the tutorial of the Alliance.

I think moving forwards, we’ll be seeing more representation in general, when they’re making new NPCs for us to follow. They’ve made a point to be more inclusive since Legion-ish (Enchanting profession quest where it was a lesbian pair iirc?), but those have been relatively minor and hidden. Which is not great to see yourself being hidden.

Shadowlands has changed that, with books (Fairshaw) also being more on the front screen, and it’s great. I’m not sure how much of disabilities we’ll see in Warcraft setting, since we can heal and make highly advanced prostheses. I think Blizzard also wants to avoid retconning already existing characters’ racial features, but with the new customization options, I hope we’ll see more diverse cast from newly introduced NPCs (and apparently, the new tutorial zone has some? Haven’t done it).

Those who are saying it doesn’t matter, or are actively homophobic/racist about the suggestion do not understand why representation matters, and I’m not sure if this is the forum to discuss it. I’d instead ask - why do you see it as nonsense, disease, or whatever else? Do you see them as lesser to you?

If it doesn’t matter for the character, then there’s no excuse why most of the characters are straight, cis, and in case of human characters - white. With the newer customization options, Blizzard should put them to use as well. Because Danuser has said that the setting is very inclusive, I doubt we’ll see any coming out stories though.

Because no, representation is not someone constantly saying ‘I’m gay’ - that’s them coming out. found the Night Fae questline introducing two gay Night Warriors pretty sweet, and moving forwards, a simple quest referring to a same-sex partner or the like is a fair way of showing representation, and is something I’d expect from Blizzard. Don’t need to come out all the time, even if I suppose it is indirectly coming out.

Unfortunately, in the case of female characters, Blizzard has repeatedly shown they’re unable to write good female characters (or any, if we’re honest, but it’s especially prominent with women), likely due to the main characters having been written by sweaty men back in early Warcraft days. Of course, female writers don’t always mean it’ll be better, but as long as we’ll have ‘gameplay outweighs the story’ for character priority, I don’t think it’ll even matter - characterisations and writing in general have suffered greatly.

However, I’d also want to point out the curious reabbreviation of LGBTQ+ by OP - what’s the reason for that? Or calling women females. I would not be surprised if the entire thread is just bait by someone trying to make the PoC/LGBTQ+ communities look bad instead.


Now… let’s not pretend every male character is perfectly well-written and without flaws in their portrayal. This isn’t a case of misogyny but moreso Blizzard writing sometimes not being very good.

To be fair this game ain’t written bu hugo award winners. It’s decent enough for what it is.

We have global pandemics he cant go outside due to the lockdown how rude of you! :smiley:

TLDR: No issue, as long as it doesn’t happen, because there is no way of it happening, that isn’t an issue…

You just asked the question of the decade, sir.

Nobody knows.


How to kill a fantasy RP game:

  • Make it more like Real Life

The Op obviously has no concept as to why millions of people play these types of games…

Enough said really.


This kind of topic never ever ever gets any kind of intelligent discussion on a general gaming forum, most people are too dickish and self-centered to care or apply any empathy to it. tldr; Gamers suck.

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Bait thread, reported.

All this political correctness hyperbole and stupidity flows into the EU over the years.

I mean there are plenty of ways you can implement any of these colorful characters.

The series “Lucifer” straight up starts out with Mazekiin being bi and Lucifer being bi, which actually becomes an important plot point later on (Decker has to question all of Lucifer’s gay lovers).

“God Hand” has one of it’s first bossfights have two gay black dudes who propositions to you. You refuse, because you are not that kind of guy, but in the end, after enduring tons of beating and further suffering from your involuntary employer, you realize, maybe you are that kind of guy.

“Dragon Age: Origins” has Zevran as a bi elf, which is rather important for him not to betray you later on in the storyline in Denerim (if you keep a professional relationship, but don’t have enough coercion skills, you can’t spare him).

You just have to write your story well…

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… Is that a sseth reference???

hey hey people

but my point still stands

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After King Shark - Constantine pairing, nothing could surprise me
:latin_cross: :heart: :shark:
But actually they are kinda cute together

I definitely agree with this bit… I would like to see proper armour on female models, not metal bikinis.

(And honestly, women in full plate and carrying a longsword are sexier anyway.)

Re the rest; I have absolutely no objection to wider representation among main story characters. But I don’t think we can suddenly flip Jaina’s skin colour, or Thrall’s sexuality. We can only do this with newly introduced characters. And there’s not a lot of great candidates in Shadowlands…

I 100% agree! I Identify as a Godzilla! My preference needs to be included! I want to crush puny mans with my feet and burp hot plasma!

Pleazzzzz make dis happen blizzørd.

Also: # BLM , #ACAB, # KAM. :rainbow: :rainbow: :fairy:‍♀

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As an LGBTQIA+ person, HELL TO THE F*** NO! The last damn thing I want is Is some damn caricature characters whose only purpose is to be not heterosexual. The established characters are het. Leave them be and when the plot needs a new character then allow them to be naturally introduced as LGBT+.

You do realize that a lot of the races in wow are non human representation? Tauren are self explanatory, so are Pandearan, Troll culture and ascetics are clearly based on a mix of African and Mesoamerican motifs.

On humans why the hell do you expect a city of white people to suddenly become multi ethnic when the human factions in the game are based on stock European medieval fantasy tropes? It’s the equivalent of complaining that the Zandalari are somehow to “white” to be trolls…

Sexual dimorphism is a thing, Males and Females all over the animal kingdom have different bodies and behaviours because four and a half billion years of survival of the fittest delegated different roles to ensure survival, yes neuroplasticity is a thing and humans are not bound by instinct but you can observe broad behavioural traits that statistically generalize to male and female. As for Armor its an ascetic choice, I see plenty of males with six packs on display and females decked head to toe in plate with no bare skin. Bottom line, stop trying to police peoples tastes you overbearing cretin.


The goup you mention represent, what, %3 of the population? 4 or 5 at the most and i think that is high as it means 1 in 20 is either gay or a lesbian.

I am 50 years old. I have seen a lot but what i have not seen is 1 in 20 being in that group.

The group in question got their gay character. Now move on and stop forcing your value and morals on the rest of us by means of coercion.

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