The LGBQT+, PoC and female problem

I’m fine with Jaina acting emotional.


But what I don’t like is how she was portrayed as a villain in MoP when she was 100% justified. It was the same problem I had with Game of Thrones, and how Daenerys was portrayed as a villain (since like season 7) even though she was perfectly justified.

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Baine is sitting in a corner crying too. but somehow jaina being emotional is a thing.


There is no exclusion in WoW about this matter. It’s all in your head.

Oh? How many relations between people has WoW been about throughout its existence? And I don’t mean friendships, family bond or comradery. I mean romantic relationships.


Yes and that’s bad. But shouting from the rooftops ‘I am gay’ does not help.
Yes you should have all the same rights as heterosexual people; I agree with that 100% Yes, it’s horrible there’s still discrimination, ridicule and violence against LGBTQ. But threads such as these do not help. They really don’t. Because WoW is simply not the type of game where sexual preference matters. At all.


God some people will do almost anything for attention… If there gay there gay who care’s and if there not there not who cares…

You want acceptance being accepted is when no one gives a damn not when you force it down peoples throats 24/7.


You should go outside more often ,this is a game not real life lol

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Yeah, i went outside to chill with the local forest troll tribe and tripped over a gnome on my way to them.


Give it time. I am from a category of people highly marginalized as well.

Patience is key. I mean it. World is changing every day more. LGBT community has gone from being hated to widely accepted and normalized in a few decades.

You must understand everybody is entitled to their own opinion just like you. If they don’t like you for your views that’s also fine. They have the right to dislike it, you have the right to avoid them.

If you think that more representation in WoW is going to help the community be more tolerant, then I support you.

However, sometimes you have to be patient and let things evolve slowly and naturally.

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Jaina and Tyrande were very poor examples to use for your third point, OP. Their emotions getting the better of them is part of their character and story development over the years, not their gender.

Besides, it kinda has to go both ways. You can’t talk about something like this and not mention Anduin’s powerful display of emotion during the Battle of Lordaeron, looking like he’s on the verge of tears, despite it not being “typical” for guys in the series to show fragile emotions like that, because I think that was definitely a step in the right direction for Blizz. I still think about that regularly. Made him one of my favourite characters in fact, although people meme on it.

Jaina is certainly not a snowflake.

She radiates snowflakes, and those snowflakes will kill you if you’re not careful!

EDIT: And yeah, she and Tyrande were both seeking revenge for a genocide.
A little bit… just a little bit of hatred is justified.

I prefer the ones with Alexstrasza.

So if a game contains only lgbtq+ chracters, you won’t see it as excluding straight people?

There are a bunch of quests that makes you do stuff for someone’s (diseased) partner, your point? It’s part of the lore, exactly.

And nowhere are people asking for sexual preferences. As I said, being queer is so much more than who we have sex with.

There’s more exclusion in WoW than in real life, so I’d say it’s not in my head.

Nah, I’m done with patience. It’s 2021, it takes 0 extra effort to have a woman in wow say “wife” instead of “husband”. The only reason to not add diversity is if you explicitly want to ban it from your game, and that makes you a bigot. People with disabilities, queer people, people of color, black people, other minorities etc are everywhere, so it’s only normal to be added in games as well.

More tolerant? We’re talking about gamers, generally speaking not the most emphatic group of people. How about making people feel less like outsiders because they don’t fit the cishet normative ideology?

who cares , it’s like people who hate vegans

Who cares what people prefer to put in their mouth.

You let them enjoy what they like and you enjoy what you like.

Yeah, keep forcing this sht and then wonder why nobody tolerates you


You are so annoying…

You may just leave. Noone cares about your fragile little mind


aaah yes those are indeed a problem :face_with_monocle:

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Yes this is Patrick

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A bunch? Like… 3? Yeah that’s really a lot.
There are hardly any interracial relationships either in WoW (race as in the WoW races). Are you going to make THAT a problem too?

Like what?

And how do you know?
You have NO CLUE about what NPCs do besides their jobs.
You’re projecting your real life insecurities (which, I agree, are founded) onto a game. But the truth is; NPCs are what you want them to be. Because it’s never mentioned what they are besides their role in the game (except for a tiny, tiny number).

People hate vegans because they keep to say that they are and how horrible you are for not being vegan.

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also arent all trolls and tauren depicted as black or native whatevers?

Reported for trolling. You can only be this obtuse on purpose.