The LGBQT+, PoC and female problem

You’re the one devaluing yourself while denouncing those that you want to be accepted by… but i guess im to “cishet” idk.


oh god yes


That’s just the loud 0.1% of vegans, and there is a lot more hate coming from non-vegans rather than the opposite

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I don’t want to be accepted, I want people to stop treating me like I’m less than them. But it seems like even bringing up this issue brings out all the bigots on the forums :woman_shrugging:

It sure brought you here.

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Even if you disagree with him, there’s no need for rudeness. He has every right to post in this thread, the same as you.

I’m not sure. Staying at home for almost a year I almost no longer believe that anyone beside me exists. Everyone is just my alt.


No, don’t try and avoid my question. I’m asking for examples.
You are the one who’s caught trolling. Answer the question please.

you mean, OUR alt

Communist noises


Guess which people stay in your mind?

I also yet have to meet a vegan who doesnt remind me that he/she is vegan.

Vegetarians are way more chill, atleast from my exp

Im the B, T.

  1. I agree. Wrathion X Anduin please.

  2. Trolls and pandarens.

  3. Like Anduin?

Not sure what PoC is.

Uhm no. I can still play the game as straight person without having any different treatment.

Heck, I literally have no clue about the in-game chars’ sexuality. I never read about it and in quests’ text it doesn’t even catch my eye (if there is a reference which unveals it).

Several people are typing…

Yeah. Extremists exist. There’s religious extremists, there’s vegan extremists, there’s right wing extremists, there’s left wing extremists, there’s LGBTQ extremists amd many many more types of extremists. And they all have 1 thing in common; all of them hurt their cause, because extremist behaviour is damaging.


Whatver you decide to do, just make sure you don’t break the lore from 1994, as it was initially intended.

did they forget to medicate you again?

Get the popcorn! This is gonna be a juicy one!


While I don’t mind a variety of characters in a world… this is still a fantasy setting.
Don’t import real world problems into it just to import them.

If the story writers want to create a story in the world than I’m sure they have the freedom to do so… forcing them just to be inclusive or because you need to be seen as a do-gooder are the wrong reasons.

Token characters are the worst, a fleshed out character with a story of its own because it enhances said character is what we want. Not just a way to tick of boxes.

And frankly I am not that interested in these characters sex lives that much… only interest I have in their love lives is when it handles succession to a title. For instance: the whole bit about how Greymane pesters Anduin to get married sooner than later.

Like the LGBT-movement cares about oppressed sexual minorities…

What do we REALLY know about their feelings and attractions? It is bold to make such an assumption about them.

Then fight this. Which has nothing to do with explicit sexuality in a fantasy game. Whatever sexuality that is.