The Loot Problem

They win the item, they then invite others in the raid to whisper them with their best offer of gold to buy the item off them.


I understand and what should you get out of it other than suffering from gold poverty at some point. I think this system can almost be compared to groups that spam their boosts into the channel every day, which makes my eyes hurt.

Personally, I won’t bid for an item. But it’s scummy that people who clearly don’t need it are rolling on them IMO.


Okay, so I don’t need it either. I build on my community and fight need over greed. Because WE should and always will be in the foreground. Where I often find myself behind so that others can move forward. That will never change. I just wish that many gamer would go in this direction again.

So wish all a good night…

Bring back PL and bring back bonus rolls too.


Nothing has changed for me, except that if I need something from LFR, I can just roll on it and either get it or not. I don’t have to look at the chat to see what dropped and then start bothering the person who got something I needed just in case they don’t actually need it themselves.

It’s much easier.

I occasionally got loot under the old system (mostly items I didn’t want or need).

I occasionally get loot under the current system (only items I actually need).

Currently lfr group loot only checks if you have the item that dropped is already owned by you.

I do think all items should be checked: own a higher ilvl item than what dropped: you cant need on it.
Since you clearly have better. So only transmog roll / greed should be an option.
And i think i would “remove” the 4 hour trading window on LFR items or any raid item won by group loot. To combat the trading for gold thing. (For either boost groups or random lfg groups)

The game knows when i get an item in M+ if i can trade it or not, so why shouldnt that work in an opposite way in LFR.

I’ve seen that in the first season. The solution was having several alts with low ilvls exactly to farm LFR mogs. And it will happen again, because there are transmogs in LFR you can’t get anywhere else.

Again personal loot was the group loot without the option to pass loot, same rules apply here. Nothing is changed.

You weren’t getting many loot with PL, no more than you can right now, it was always and will always depend on the dice. Nothing is changed.

You can argue not having bonus rolls reduce your chance of getting more loot and i can agree with that, but that is a different mechanic outside of the loot rules. Ask for bonus rolls to be implemented again instead of changing the loot system, more realistic and an actual solution to your dilemma.

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I need on everything I can need. Because I can.


Hey, dude.
I have not received even one item from raid with a group loot system during this expansion. 3 raids, 1 year, 0 raid items.
What you can say about it?

You need to do the raids to get item from them, try killing bosses. Loot only drops after you kill bosses.

People wanted Need/Greed/Master Looter back - for organized content.

Personal Loot was fine in LFR. People would still try to sell gear they got, but at least they couldn’t needroll on gear 30 ilevels below their own for the sole purpose of selling.

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Did you actually read what I wrote?

I went from getting 1-2 items pr. raid, to nothing, making LFR pointless past the first run. You really don’t think I notice the difference?

If this didn’t change for you, that’s great. For me it was a huge negative change, and I absolutely hate it(and I am most definetly not alone being screwed over by this). PL should be in LFR. For normal and up it is fine that they went for group loot.

Your theory would be fine, if it actually worked that way, and yes, I will attempt to steal your loot this way if I can, even if it’s worse than what I have. Partly out of spite towards the system. Not saying I am capable, because I lose pretty much every miserable roll I attempt, but I’ll keep doing this until they put PL back. Then I might actually trade stuff again.


Delusional times 1000. People really gaslighting hard. No power point presentation or verbal diarheea would make up for the fact that on PL you got 2-3 items per raid and on GL you get the D. Possibly multiple weeks in row.

Pretty sure it works this way because people want to pick their stats and you can upgrade items. Most people get pretty salty if they get stuck with stats on their gear that they do not want.

My worst is they roll for the item win the item then disenchant the item in the raid.

Honestly, bonus rolls was always bad for me, because I can’t handle repetative tasks for very long. The bonus rolls required some weekly grinding I often could not keep up with. Sometimes because of lack of time, but very often because I can’t stomach daily/weekly quests for very long. I think I got the 10k. daily quests achievement this expansion, and I was playing when the achievement was added to the game(possibly in late 2008 - at least first section of that achi chain). I do some grinds, but “required” weekly grinds, grinds my brain. I just can’t. It’s not entertaining at all, so glad we have no bonus rolls anymore, personally.

I remember you defending group loot when they were talking about introducing it…or am i mistaking you for someone else ?