The Loot Problem

this is her job
she defends every single wow content and anything in it no matter the cost and the reallity
i remember one dude created a post about why is in 2023 we are still seeing rain coming through ceiling in to the houses in stormwind or something like that and she was saying its so cool to have that in the game
imagine she even defends the bugs of the wow engine
to be honest i think she is not normal

The community asked for it and Blizz listened to community feedback. Simple as that…

If they didn’t return to this system then people would cry that Blizz doesn’t listen to the community… :slightly_smiling_face:

When they implement a community request though the other part of the community which was silent (because they were satisfied with the game) starts complaining again, Blizz gets new feedback they implement it in the game and then some other part of the community starts complaining again…

And so… The great cycle goes on…


Was a thing with personal loot as well…

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I guess you never really know what they are disenchanting though. I frequently equip stuff and d/e the thing I’ve taken off.

But yes, fun to lose out on an upgrade for someone’s d/e mats.

Group loot is absolutely horrible and DEFINITELY NOT the same as Personal Loot. Especially in regards to last boss loot, where absolutely everyone needs regardless. In Personal loot, you had the chance to get your BiS things. Now, forget about it
Also, I used to get 2-3 pieces/raid. Now I didnt get a single piece since 4 weeks. So yeah, tell me more how is the “same thing”


I’ve never had that complaint tbh. I do think if they had finetuned PL a bit it would have been great, say, you get an item you don’t need with PL, you can throw it back into the loot pool with one button for the group. I usually had no time while chasing after tanks to redistribute my item.

I prefer PL, I too like others would usually end up with several items whereas now I can go weeks without anything. I check whether I actually need something before I press need, that’s probably not helping my odds but I do feel it is the decent thing to do :wink:

sry but you are just wrong.

Here is the official blue post to tell you since i know you wont belive me.

" As many in this thread have speculated, all players in Personal Loot were constantly ‘rolling’ behind the scenes, whether you wanted to or not."

" As many in this thread have speculated, all players in Personal Loot were constantly ‘rolling’ behind the scenes, whether you wanted to or not."


You don’t seem to understand the issue

Under PL you got 2 items of loot per clear.

Now you can go without getting anything. If it worked in an identical way we’d be getting the same number of drops. We don’t because the system does not work in the same way.

There are also complete wasted loot drops that no one wants. PL was for the players, the classes, and their specialisations.


Please go read the blue post and then tell me if i should belive what blizzard themself has said publicly or what your selective memory has decided is correct. I as a matter of fact remember not getting any loot for forever under PL.

It’s a shame you can’t accept that the player experience does NOT match what they expected.

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I mean. Again i disagree so now its my opinions vs yours. But what you are saying is not in line with what Blizzard has told us. So you honestly belive you know more about how PL works than blizzard themself?

You don’t understand the issue.

So no matter what anyone says that will not change because it’s your perception that the system works the same and it doesn’t.

Personal loot was personal. It was for your spec. Now it’s random drops and including specs that may not even be present. It’s rubbish, it’s literally a loot downgrade in system.

Even our raid runs which use a loot council and addon, we meme that the damn bow and gun drop every time on bosses every week. We even think we might rotate in someone’s hunter alt weekly to get them because they are a waste of space.

PL was a far superior system. But as you can’t accept the pitfalls of GL, this is going to fall on deaf ears. I get less loot under GL than PL particularly in LFR where there is nothing other than people just rolling. That’s excluding the issue of useless drops.


Everyone i know hates this loot system.
There are several issues, but it can be summed up as getting loot being so difficult that people will need on everything wether they need it or not.

Personal loot was organised. You were almost guaranteed some loot every raid, wether it was your bis or not. If you didn’t want it, you could put it up for roll for others. It didn’t feel like the item you need getting dangled in front of you and taken away constantly.


Its littereally not my perception when blizzard spells it out for you please read…

“As many in this thread have speculated, all players in Personal Loot were constantly ‘rolling’ behind the scenes, whether you wanted to or not.”

Will you please accept that maybe you could be wrong and do the research it takes 20 sec to look at the post and read what Blizzard. The people who made the system said about the system. You cannot seriously mean that you know the system better than them do you?.


Sounds like you just hate that the loot dropped and you dident get it. “dangled in front of you” and honestly i can get that its rough losing becouse you rolled low. But in reality this all happened before aswell you just dident see it. I personally do like the “dangling of loot” since it gives me the hope that i might get one of these items where in PL you just were left with 50g for 8 fights in a row and that was that.

You still don’t understand the issue.

Personal loot, personal to the players present in the raid, personally receiving two items per full clear.

That does not exist under GL. GL is random loot from the boss that players may or may not need and EVERYONE rolls need on pretty much everything that they can.

Having collected Paladin tier for years from LFR running several paladins through weekly. I can tell you that under PL it wasn’t hard to collect the sets and items, now it’s a chore because the drops are not personal to me and I have to roll against the entire raid. We are now at the mercy of other systems like the catalyst, and the vault to collect gear.

PL worked but a small number abused it.

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You were never garenteed to get 2 pieces of loot per raid. the amount of loot dropping now is the basicly the same as back then. The only thing you “might” be right on (i dont have an official post on this) is that if you had a full group of rogues, hunter gear can now drop. But in reality when doing a raid you will have atleast 1 of every spec meaning at that point it the same as PL.

Again everyone rolling NEED is the same as PL. As ive tried to make you understand for a while now.

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Nor did I say you were guaranteed to get two set pieces. I have specifically stated, repeatedly, two drops per clear. I would love to go back getting two drops per clear.

You refuse to accept that people are going full clears and coming away with nothing but vault options.

The PL abuse was people class stacking, people did it to funnel gear. I do hate when we are all punished for the actions of a few.

LFR gives me nothing, however thanks to the ilvl changes, I am getting both normal and lfr ilvl rewards in the vault. So I am getting to collect the set if through a convoluted means with the catalyst/vault. There is also open world gear that can be put in the catalyst.

No one is talking about dice rolls, only you. Everyone is talking about how much loot they get from GL compared to PL.


I said 2 pieces not tier. Aka 2 items And no you were never garenteed to get 2 items from a full clear.

I havent said that dosent happen. But you however refuse to take off the rose tinted goggles and remember that, that also happened under PL i would often get nothing from a clear.

Happens. But again unless you were doing this it dosent really change much as i said before usually you will have atleast 1 of every class (or 1 who is able to use any piece of gear in raid) and at that point its basicly like PL

Dosent to me seem to add to what we are talking about. So unless i dident understand what you wanted to say with this. Good for you? im happy you enjoy the catalyst.

And all im saying is. When rolling Need on gear that has dropped your chances are the same as stated in the Blue post by blizzard.