The Loot Problem

I wouldn’t dare to make that claim about my husband, let alone someone on a forum lol.

Puny is an ordinary forummer who happens to write in green. I’ll never get all these personal attacks, but I can imagine it’s not very fun.

While Goldray is being a bit confrontational, there is truth to what he is saying. I have seen you defend a lot of stupid stuff Blizzard does as well.

I might have you confused with someone else about group loot though, my bad.

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A lot of people defend what Blizzard said. I’ve been called a white knight myself.

Only reason you take note of her more easily, is her green text.


It’s just sad to see so many people are still like … this.

For all delusional people out there how about i explain it to you like this.

Look at dungeons, dungeons have Personal Loot. Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Mythic+ and Timewalking dungeons all have “Personal Loot” and that is the same since personal loot introduced.

Do you get loot every time you clear a dungeon? no.

So what happens? simple.

-You kill the boss.
-Game rolls for the loot that is going to drop. 2 items chosen from the pool of that dungeon.
-Game rolls “Need” for every player that can need for those items.
-1 person wins while others can still use the item.

Now what happens with the group loot on raids? very simple.

-You kill the boss.
-Game rolls for the loot that is going to drop. X items chosen from the pool of that boss depending on the groups scale.
-People rolls “Need or Greed” for every item they can “Need or Greed”. ← This is it…
-1 person wins while others can still use the item.

So as you can see, what group loot does is giving players the option to either roll or pass for the loot. It was always like this, never changed.

People who claim they get definite amount of items per run is simply lying, delusional and/or remember the additional drops with the bonus rolls.

This is turning into trying to explain people that cars move with the use of machines, physics etc. instead of magical fairies pushing them around…

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There isn’t. But it’s one of those myths that a minority like to claim, just like they think we (greens) work for Blizzard. The best crazy theory I’ve seen is that greens are blues in their time off. As if anyone who works for Blizzard would really want to spend more time on the forums when they aren’t working.

However, I knew random attacks for no reason, strange presumptions etc all came with the territory when I agreed to become an MVP. It’s only a minority that make these misinformed statements. Most of the time people are nice. I love the community on the whole and have had some brilliant interactions with others.

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I think the problem is that ANYONE expressing a like for something is labelled by some. You’re not allowed to like the game. It’s really odd sometimes.

I would like to think that most people do like the game, after all we pay to play this game, we spend our free time playing the game. It’s a hobby, we do this for fun!!! Of course there are always going to be aspects we don’t like.

There are always going to be lots of different opinions. They can never please everyone, including me!

An identical comparison would be:-

Imagine you are doing an M+ dungeon with a Priest Healer, DK tank, the dps are a DH,Lock and Ret.

Dungeons now run under the same GL as raids, you run your M+ and it awards two random items in the chest from the loot table. Imagine the two items are are a shield and a bow.

At present it runs as PL so the items that drop are directly useable by the group that has run the content. Raids used to be the same under PL and we most certainly did get two items per clear, it could be any slot ofc you might get completely useless stuff but you got two rewards for running the content specific to the spec you’d set to receive rewards in. I am not going to use insults for those that can’t remember this. That would be silly.

Funnily enough one of the reasons there were so many complaints at the start of SL was because they tweaked the drops under PL because of the vault changes. BfA only had one chest, one option, take it or leave it. They later boosted the drops and things went back to normal. I linked the blue post previously. It didn’t matter if it was LFR or a Hc run we were all getting less drops.

What has been hard to get across to the people who misunderstand the issues with there being less loot is nothing to do with how the rolls are calculated. The difference is 30 people getting a chance at loot suitable to the specs and class they play, vs the RNG of lets throw a items up from the loot table, regardless of whether or not those specs/classes are present. This lessens the rewards we get which is also really noticeable when you then open the vault on reset. The vault loot is like PL, it’s specifically for your class and spec.

But neither side is going to believe the other, and tbh if you really think there is no difference, what does it matter to those people if they gave us back PL. Why be so anti PL if you really can’t see a difference. Surely it should just be a case of ‘oh I see no difference so why not’.


Do you remember those boss body look like still loot in it, that doesn’t despawn? they were those unclaimable loots.

If you had used addons like RC loot council, you would see some bosses would drop less loot than it should’ve. They were unusable loots as you said, like bows dropping in a run with no hunter.

Those were happening with personal loot too, just you never saw it if you weren’t looking for it specifically.

For the last time, Loot Rules didn’t change, Personal loot and Group loot changes how the loot distributed and nothing else.
(Dungeons use different loot rules obviously because of player numbers.)

Group loot only works in a fix group like a guild otherwise no because if you are pugging every time you join a new group you will roll against different people you will never meet again for the same items. No such thing as someone already got it last week so this is my turn next.

The loot system should be a combination of both. It should be PL (with bad luck protection), but then with the option to ‘add items to group loot’, so you could press a button to allow the rest of the raid to roll on said item.

That way, everyone would always get some loot with PL and people who dont need it can add it to GL where everyone would get a chance at the unwanted PL loot.

And also bring back bonus roll.

Its the perfect solution.

if it makes you feel any better you can like or dislike anything and have your own views, I look past the green text and see you as just another forum poster.

You deserve my respect on the fact you don’t insult others to get your own point across and that’s all I ask for the majority of people to do, you’ve handled yourself well today.


If you dont want people to think you work for Blizzard dont identify as a “MVP for Blizzard Entertainment” everywhere and have near 53 THOUSAND posts. Pretty sure mvps get their subs paid or get some kind of compensation for being here all day anyway.


They typically get beta keys and licensed products or small little things and supposedly holiday cards, overall they don’t get a free wow subscription unless its changed.

also see people whispering when you win something or upset when you win something you have a better piece(454 tier legs on paladin alt vs a 441)
if i can roll on stuff because they removed personal loot from lfr i will
folks got no reason to get mad and say stupid stuff like"name and shame and kick him/her and think i am greedy because i need an item for tmog"
first off you dont know the guy who wins a need roll with 97 or 98 or a 100(so why accuse of being greedy)
and second need rolls beat rolls for transmog
and last but not least the non tier plate pieces i get on my main,alts from the raid or from the vault
means in future lfr runs for the GV i wont click"need" roll as i already have the item(and the tmog)

Tbh what annoys me more is people switching loot specs opposite to what they’re playing and taking gear that way too. I’ve had tanks (a prot pala) win a 2hander over my fury warrior while it would have been a huge upgrade for him, was a bit annoyed with that one.

now that IS annoying for sure
not sure why they do that

Some people are really thick or trolls, how can you actually say GL and PL is the “same”, where with GL, you can raid for months without getting anything?
Just lol

No you can’t unless you constantly pugging with a groups that are gearing up alts. Then that’s just your bad luck for not joining a definitive community group or guild. As is stated so many times if you rolled an item and won it you can only ever greed on it again with that character. You simply can not need on items you already obtained.

By your logic, casual players, solo players, puggers and lfr, deserve nothing because they dont wanna make friends. Good logic :slight_smile:

No that is not what I am saying at all. By my logic if you constantly pugging then chances are you getting into groups that are gearing up mains and or alts. So you constantly competing for gear and therefore it will take longer if RNG is against you. If you in a community group or guild eventually you will win the loot even if you roll a 1. That is my logic.