The Loot Problem

Just to clarify if you take a look at this post by blizzard on group loot, Personal loot was basicly just everyone who could possibly need was needing behind the hood.

I dont know if getting whispered by 10 people after you got a piece with personal loot is “not loot drama”

And as i just clarified above everyone was needing on what they could under Personal loot aswell and personal loot could also be traded.

I know personal loot was exploitable yeah, but i have a hard time seeing why it would hurt you as a pug player, All items have the same chance of dropping (outside of super rares) and everyone has the same chance to get it (assuming they can and do roll need on it)

Trust me i wish i could target farm gear more… but i wouldent say making a 30 hunter raid is healthy either id much rather like some kind of currency you could get from the raid and then you could just get that one trinket or tier that you wanted.

They kinda have this for tier now with catalyst and omni tier tokens but trinkets are still kinda left in the dust.

You are forgetting the psychological effect. While this is not my original argument I kinda agree with it.
One thing is to see somebody getting an item by RNG(PL). Oh well. Thats RNG for you. Other is seeing somebody need on an item with an straightforward motivation to sell it.
Regardless how can Blizz explain in maths that GL=PL or whatever. People are still humans with emotions not 010101010101 computers.
Hence why some people might “feel” that PL was a bit more fair EVEN if you can argue with math formulas and statistics otherwise.

I can definetly see it ^^ so we can agree that some people will definetly feel that way.

Cant really agree on the feeling since id much rather lose a roll than loot 50g and move on. Feels too anticlimatic after killing a hard boss for me ^^’


No, needing is still tradeable and they extended the trade window timeframe too.

Blizzard aren’t claiming you statistically get the same amount of loot though. Only forum members are. Just like it’s forum members who are collectors are being hit hard by the change because we aren’t getting drops as frequently.


Look I empathise with the situation and I understand its frustrating it has happened to me too. However the system is no different to the PL loot system.

That player had just as much right to the weapon as you do. You both put the same effort into downing the boss. Whether he actually needed it as an upgrade or not is irrelevant. Had he rolled bonus coin or had it been personal loot, chances are he would have gotten the loot anyway.


Thanks Captain Obvious. You still seem unable to comprehend that for a lot of us this change meant a huge negative change in loot aquisision. Yes, we all rolled need, and we all STILL roll need, but with group loot we’re not getting anything, unlike with PL.

Do you actually think I would be complaining if this had made no change?

Puny is a regular player, not some forum mod… she’s criticised Blizzard loads of times.


So the problem is that there isent enough loot dropping and not Personal loot or group loot?

I don’t think I’ve ever defended Group Loot or Master Loot. I don’t like either system.

I’m an MVP, so just a player. Staff post in blue!

You presume I defend Blizzard, when in actual fact I’m free to criticise, and frequently do if it’s something I feel warrants it.

You are strangely obsessed with making claims about me. I suggest you find something more suitable :wink:

You’re a regular, so you have actually seen my posts. Thank you for saying it though.

And forumers are claiming they cant take upgrades from new players and alts for “transmog”

how do people not understand the difference between green and blue :man_facepalming: :rofl:


The only reason to keep group loot is increasing the drops greatly yes. Or they could just revert back to PL. The raids now drop so much junk you can’t use, since loot is no longer tailored to the members of the raid.

I guess that is the part you don’t take into consideration when you keep repeating that group loot and PL is the same system in different wrapping.


she’s doing it pro bono :dracthyr_hehe_animated: There is no way PL was 2 items per raid on average. Your memory is bad or you lie to yourself and us to desperately prove your point. Pugging is a clown fiesta at its finest. If I am participating in a raid, doing the same thing other people are doing, I can need on any item and then auction it, disenchant it, or vendor it.

The only time it wasn’t two items per clear was with Nathria at the start of SL when they scaled back on loot drops. But that was fixed later and drops went back to two per clear. There were lots of complaints about lack of loot in raids.

did you understand him at all?
ill just report you for trolling

we both know that whatever i say about you is 100% true.
At least I’m not wearing a seven-color mask all the time.


Ok then obsession it is


whatever you say :expressionless: