Heirlooms are also a mistake, which is also causing damage in the same way.

Enchants less so. Everyone can get enchants regardless of whether they’re new or not. I’m fine with that. Maybe they’re too powerful? I don’t know. Doesn’t really matter for this argument anyway.

But gear that levels up with you that you can only get at max level? Yeah, f that. It’s pretty unfair, and if you’ll notice I’m actually not a big fan of scaling. Heirlooms is an expression of scaling where, suddenly, gear upgrades as you level up have been taken out of the game; because what WoW always needed is to remove the fun of getting quest rewards.

Honestly, everyone who’s been involved with systems design for levelling for the last 10 years deserve to be fired on the spot. And I don’t say that lightly. They are grossly incompetent.

Rather they gave us XP pots or whatever.

Nope, never said it was.

Another mistake, incidentally bourne out of how overwhelming 120 levels are, and Blizzard wanting to incentivise new and returning players to come back.

The only problem is that a completely new player is nowhere near prepared for starting at 110. He doesn’t have the right keybinds, story context, or experience, and he feels no connection to his new high level character.

Character boosts are a mistake.

The fact that Blizzard are banning people for exploiting levelling up to, but not even past, 110, just adds to the joke. “We’re for playing fair and don’t want to give anyone unfair advantages,” said the Blizzard spokesperson, “Unless you pay us more money!” he added.

You’ll notice I generally don’t make it a huge fixture of all my posts. I’ve got plenty of problems with this game at this point, but twinks are one of them.

Of course you did >_>

Please, don’t let me stop you. I don’t need your validation; I just found your behaviour ironic.

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Oh yeah because it couldn’t possibly be because your arguments just suck.

I even went out of my way to give you the exact numbers of how a level squish should work if we’re going to have one despite being against a level squish.

A good argument would.

True but that’s a different topic altogether. I tried a thread that went about removing the gearpieces and putting in a tabard instead once – People hated the idea because “Convenience”.

Actually you can buy them just by pvping at any level or at least you used to be able to? I’m not sure if that’s still possible. Yeah, you can. They only cost 8 to 10 PvP marks. I’m not 100% certain if those are still obtainable on lower level from bgs though. I think that they are.

Yeah I agree with that they’re a bad thing to have in the game.


It’s probably why many of them don’t stick around. There’s no love for their characters whatsoever whereas people that start from scratch have some sort of attachment to their characters.


It’s fine if you have a problem with Twinks but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t exist. It also shouldn’t be the biggest problem on your list of even in the top-10. I’m not saying that it is, but you know… I’m just saying.

I’m not one to insult somebody for their skill. I help out both new and old players all the time in-game.

I have given arguements, but you choose disregard them. There is no need to try to convince someone who does that and to be honest I cant really bother.

Just because you talk too much and respond to every single sentence in every post, it doesnt mean you are right.

You are just too stubborn and only prattling at this point.

I didn’t disregard them, I countered them.

Nice counter.

Nice counter.

/Sarcasm off

At this point you are just being ridiculous.

That was my opinion. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting a change if it doesn’t go what you believe to be the right way.

It is a completely worthless change on its own. It does literally nothing.

Not at all. An Addon would do the exact same thing if you’re only in it for the, uhm… how did you put it…?

…Ah yes, feelings.

But they didn’t. Talent trees had a few abilities but most can from purchasing.

That’s as much subjective as everything else.

The talent trees gave you major abilities. You received Talent points that you spent mostly in minor talents that built up and concluded in a major talent such as Bladestorm, Mortal Strike, Deep Wounds, Etc.

Not per sé. You can usually see whether a change is good or bad for the game before it goes live or just after it goes live.

I don’t need to have to wait several years after a level squish to know that you can’t ever do a second one and to know that it won’t do anything other than change the number next to your portrait and the speed at which you level up.

Not to mention that they already stated that that’d possibly be the case.

People want it because there IS way too many levels. All classes save for Demon Hunters stop getting skills every 2nd level post 80 which means that we go 40 levels where we get a sole number of 1 skill through talents.

The last 20 levels have also been completely superfluous since we were also given ANOTHER levelling system along it namely the out artefact weapon and azerite heart. They could have put all our “leveling” progress into these features while we remained at level 100.

A level squish back to 60 would be appropriate since 1st It’s half of our current level, 2nd It’s the initial max level for wow before they started with their self mutilating expansions and 3rd it should be more than enough levels to ease us into new skills as we progress.

For too many expansions the additional levels we have gotten have done nothing more than harm this game. 14 years of content, some of which took weeks to complete all of it is now doable in less than a day. 14 years of dungeons and raids each with various interesting mechanics and patterns down the drain because we can just click a button and the boss is dead. It’s outright depressing to see so much wasted content in wow, and even more depressing to see players cheer whenever it happens.

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And that can’t be solved through the use of a talent system revamp becáuse…?

That’s a flaw in the Azerite system and wanting every expansion to have its own unique ‘progression system’. They tried it with Legion and people hated it, now they’re trying it with BfA and people still hate it.

I doubt any other level but 60 would work tbh. The math would be too complicated and nothing would really make sense otherwise.

You kind of went off-topic here and i’m not sure where you’re going with it. Seems unrelated to the level squish.

I like the number 80 the best, Wrath was a good point.
80 feels big but not bloated

It just doesn’t make much sense to squish to 80. It also makes the squish kind of pointless because, since they don’t have a solution to the level cap increasing yet, only one or two expansions and we’ll be back at lv90-100.

Squishing to 60 makes the most sense. Halving everything perfectly.

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