The Microtransactions and pay to win is killing TBC classic

Ofc i do its called maths and most Sim sites tend to round numbers so you will never get the 100% correct numbers unless you do it yourself.
I mean i would maybe sim in retail because i don’t care enough cause you will never get true BIS anyway.

But i would never sim classic/tbc/wotlk i actually like the part of making my own sheets and calculating everything (thats just me though) you are all free to sim all you want.

Most BIS lists are boradly made though. From what I have seen, you can easily improve a bis list of Wowhead or icyveins, because idk, people don’t try hard enough? That’s why I prefer simming to following some random guide on the internet. Yeah, they are good enough, it’s just they aren’t bis lists. I can give you the best example, no hunter bis list includes blacksmithing 2h axe, even though it’s the highest dps weapon.

You have to remember that its only Mooncleaver that is out and not Bloodmoon yet and having 2 1h weapons means that you can have a extra 40 agi while on a 2h you can only have a extra 35 agi and it dosnt have any gem slots ether so im not sure if it really is better than Claw of the Watcher and Stormreaver Warblades but im not sure and seeing as im not a hunter player I would probbably sim it personaly but for my main class and spec I really dont need to sim things in tbc seeing as I know it more than well enough to not have to (but prot warriors are stupidly easy when it comes to stat weights tbh)

People mistake can use with should use.

It has nothing to do with stats. Gorehowl sims better than T5 fists.

Gorehowl sims lower than the blue fists…
Gorehowl sims 1 932,95
Fists sims 1 941,13
T5 Fists sims 1 974,04
And Bloodmoon sims 1 977,14

All of these sims are from the website you linked earlier with the exact same gear in every other slot, but I saw a problem with that website as well it have the wrong value on the 1h agi enchat its 15 points to much agi on it for each weapon.

You aren’t mele weaving. You are using it as a stats stick.

The sim was your over all dps didnt read anythign more than that, but im fairly sure from what I remember from that sim and from what little I know about hunters that crit is slightly more important than pure ap seeing as you need to crit to be able to use kill command and thats one of your most important spells.
And now I have simmed both Bloodmoon and T5 fists with bis gear for phase 2.
Bloodmoon 2 176,78
T5 fists 2 180,51
Using the bis list from as the base becouse as I have said I dont know anything about hunters really but it seems like the website you linked dont agree with you about Bloodmoon being better (but like I said earlier the value on the 1h enchant is off by 15 points per enchant)

need fresh soon

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I would never start fresh again, then I’d be out.

FRESH When!?

Biggest issue with sims are they don’t take into account the player.
In a perfect world sim would be perfect, but humans aren’t.
I’d rather have decent players who now how to play together, position, communicate etc than someone obsessed with whether they can sim 4 more points of damage per second on fantasy sim world and then shout and scream at anyone who doesn’t or hasn’t simmed every possible combination.
I find those simmers are the ones who care so much about their dps meters that they forget basics like positioning or reacting to threats to the healer or interupts etc - as stopping their perfect rotation might hurt their dps records so the group wipes.


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