The Microtransactions and pay to win is killing TBC classic

PvP and PvE is important… if you buy gear you have a direct advantage over other players! Comparing leveling with PvE or PvP makes no sense, the goal is to reach max lvl to start your game. If some people aready know the “dead content”, I see no problem for them to skip that content. I would pay the boost, but if people wants to pay, i’m okay with that… it dosen’t affect me in any way

Nope it does not matter because its an advantage others have and can buy items ingame through gdkp raid. people who do not invest so much time for grinding gold are at an disadvantage and can’t pay for it therefor it is pay2win… Just using your logic saying that when it gives advantage over others it’s pay2win

I might be funny but you are the one answering some random stuff that isn’t even on topic… Please read stuff before you write kkthxbye

Yes, it is. WoW is a P2W game. Buying gold through WoW tokens and then using it for gear in GDKP runs is P2W with extra steps.


So by that logic almost no one transferred across from Classic with their toon and ‘the majority’ are retail players come to join the fun or ‘new’ players…which is clearly not the case by looking around on my servers.

It would only be p2w if no one already had several lvl60’s with many thousands in gold before the start of TBC, and everyone started at lvl1 on a fresh server. But that’s not what happened.

The boost isn’t a p2w, it’s a catch up mechanic because otherwise players would be at a severe disadvantage upon joining TBC as a new or returnee or tourist or whatever. It;s quite well designed as it gives you little in the way of gear or gold, no professions and starts you off two levels below anyone who transferred their level 60 over.

It doesn’t give you any power whatsoever, it just lessens the disadvantage of joining as a new player, and allows you to start experiencing the expansion rather than playing through Classic (again) before you reach what you want to play.

I suspect without the boost there would be a lot less players in TBC - which would be worse for all of us, even you ‘purists’ (or luddites, as they used to be known - or unions in more modern times).

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In that case why is it payed and why is it avaiable to people who already have level 60 characters with thousands of gold? This argument “it’s a catchup mechanic” falls flat on its face, because everyone has access to it.

That’s a lie. On it’s basis it gives you 58 levels of power, acess to level 375 professions with 0 time investment and instant access to level 58+ gear.

Evidence beg to difer, a lot of people quit because of the boost.

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How do i win a game of wow?
How do i win in an RPG?

There is no clear goal in these games. Does that mean pay to win does not exist because winning does not really exist in these games? xD

How wonderful is that? Create a game, declare some part of it as not relevant and sell a way to skip it. Create problem and sell solution.

Aha so new players would be at a disadvantage upon joining TBC without the boost? That implies boosting = buying advantage.
Maybe Payt2win is just bad wording because nobody really wins in wow, we can’t win a game of wow. So in that sense it does not even matter if it’s pay2win or not.
Anyway i don’t care anymore and will most likely never return again :smiley: HF with this trash.

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It’s not bad wording, people just don’t know the meaning of it. :smiley: Everyone we are arguing against on that forum have no concept what P2W is and are trying to dance around the meaning of the phrase, which is very strictly defined: “P2W” means buying power.

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You know there is alot of players with arena gear right? So why not just sell honor gear for money, not p2w right?
Bad argument

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The fact that you are like 10 people circle jerking about this p2w.

And if they sold end game gear for real cash these forums would explode. Means the comparsion isnt on the same level.

But lets keep comparing apples to jet planes.

Type 58 boost in the classic forums’s search and see if they didn’t explode. Look at the survival guide, the ratio and the comments. People did explode, you just weren’t paying attention. Blizzard literally don’t give a flying crap about their player base. The only thing they care is how much they can squize the pay pigs. Retail is already selling gear. Legendary upgrades cost hundreds of thousands, while at the same time WoW token is 20$. Do you actually think they won’t impliment it in Classic as well? It’s already in Asia, Blizzard are just waiting for the crapstorm to die down and bam, you can buy gold directly from us, you disgusting durty pay pigs! Couse that’s we are all to them - disgusting durty pay pigs.

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Clearly not enough. Since the game is still alive and well. As selling end game gear would most likely just straight up kill the game. Try again.

No, the majority of boost buyers ofc. Its quite obvious from the context. But ok, succesful trolling /clap

Are we talking about retail or TBC?

I don’t find any token in Asia battle net store… Can you proove that?

Ok it was only announced but not introduced yet, because I was searching in their store.