The Microtransactions and pay to win is killing TBC classic

I boosted this character and btw if you’re not paying money to win in the game you’re a loser

Half of the bis gear is BoE and craftable. If you allow people to purchase gold, it’s no diferent than having a cash shop.

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“Burning Crusade Classic is a faithful recreation of the original release of World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusade®.”

Taken straight from https:// worldofwarcraft. com/en-gb/ wowclassic

Now let’s look at the definition of faithful.

https:// www. oxfordlearnersdictionaries. com/definition/american_english/ faithful

Pay close attention to point 4.

“true and accurate; not changing anything”

The irony… this is anything BUT a faithful recreation. Micro transactions are the cherry on the top of a very sh!tty cake.


Oh yeah in addition to getting the Blizzard boost I bought like 3k gold too from I think it was a russian guy. I got 100% ground mount and engineering leveled for engineering belt and rocket boots. They are pretty fun to use. This is how you play the game, right?

Stop dodging you claimed there is a token show me I wanna buy em also half of my gear is far from Boe, I get 1 piece that is boe

There is no TBCC token… not even in Asia where is it was firstly anounced months ago

I do know that myself I’m just trying to get that person to put more than some untrue claims behind their words…

Usually i dont care about that p2w stuff in retail its a normal thing now that you can pay for everything in the game… but that levelboost and other stuff they did even with classic and tbc is really sad to see and i feel bad for all the classic people that got betrayed.


Why would you feel bad for them arent those people the same people that claim they play “for fun” they can still not buy the stuff and enjoy the game playing it the way they want yet they decide to be miserable day in and out instead of just playing and having fun

Or you could read the whole thread and see I linked it a few posts later.

I already proved you wrong about that. It’s ¥90 and look at the last part of the link “world-of-warcraft-token-bcc”

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Well it hurts the integrity of the game. Leveling and making friends or meet other players along your long journey was a huge part of what made classic and also tbc so amazing. Also that mount you get when you pay real money is so out of touch with what made classic great back in the days its really bad. I dont play classic or tbc myself anymore but i can clearly see why people are frustrated and not happy about the state of the game. And you have to ask yourself why would they do that. At there is no good answer to this. They just dont care anymore what the customers want they only care about money and milking their customers as much as possible. They are trying min max profit so hard its not even funny anymore.

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Someone watched a mad season video and can’t form their own opinion.

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So you know what the customer wants?

According to what you could see ingame, atleast on everlook, an overwhelming majority bought the boost and on the forum you have constantly the same handfull whining about it.

And you said it yourself “was” a huge part, times changed especially for nearly all gamers from back then and there are far far more like me that simply want to focus on the fun part of the game because they’ve took part in the leveling “journey” over and over and over again and are simply tired and sick of it.

If others want to not buy it they are not forced to, they can play the game their way and enjoy it but no they rather be miserable and wish they could force others to play how they want because they think they have the only fun/right/meaningful way to play… I just can’t take such people serious, not a single point has been brought forward why they can’t play the way they want except that the majority doesn’t agree with them how to play

I’ve almost finished levelling another toon to 60 on the horde side on a high population server. Along my long journey I’ve met maybe a dozen or less players out in the world, seen no zone chat outside of a major city and joined up with maybe 3 players along the way.

Perhaps if you still played you’d realise that the 58 boost affects no one other than to prevent returning or new players from dying of loneliness and boredom getting to the current expansion of TBC.

All the ‘purists’ complain of course, sitting on their level 70s and piles of gold having started TBC at 60 and piles of golf farmed before it launched.

Perhaps Blizz should have launched a ‘pure’ version of TBC for the ‘purists’ where they had to start over with nothing and at level 1 when TBC hit.

In fact, there’s an idea. All purists should be moved to a dead server, all toons removed and their accounts can start with nothing at lvl1 so they can enjoy the levelling experience (oh, and ban dungeon boosting for them too) and then come on the forums and tell us all how wonderful it is and how they’d hate to get a boost.

And there would have been more people who were leveling if there wasnt a boost…

Well lets see now a few weeks before the pre patch even the world was full of people leveling alts in prep for tbc so anyone who didnt really want to go horde paladin or ally shaman had a nice and easy place to start leveling before the boosts existed so no loneliness or boredom there or during the pre patch.

I can only speak for my self I didnt have piles of gold (or golf aprently) I do have my main at 70 (as you can see) and im slowly leveling a paladin alt just to have it around basicly, would have been nice to be able to find some dungeon groups from around level 45 and up before outlands but spending over a hour as a tank looking for a group for those wouldnt have been as much of a thing if the boost wasnt in the game.

People did ask for fresh servers (mostly people who didnt have a lot of gold and lvl 60s) and blizz said nothing.

Or they could have launched special servers for the people who want a p2w game instead but they kind of have those that game is called shadowlands there you can buy anything even if its not straight forwards you can buy anything, just buy tokens to buy gold and then buy yourself even a mythic raid clear so you can feel like you did something with your free time and us “purists” can enjoy having a game where money dont eqaul progress.

I do see a lot of people levelling, in Outland. I think people seem to forget it’s one boost per Warcraft account, and most people only have one.

On my realm the old world is not that empty, I go to some places to get things to sell on the AH and people are there, questing.

i think the thousand of bots with Fly hacking killed this game.

Yes outland is rather full of people for sure.

A lot of people who allready had 1 level 60 would have been out leveling a alt in the old world earlier on if they couldnt buy a alt up to 58.

Thats nice and its not completly empty on my realm ether ofc but its hard to find groups on my paladin alt at around lvl 54 (the curent level of it)

There is no real point to doing dungeons, just level to 58 by questing then got to Outland.

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Well the point of dungeons while leveling is usally to do some quests in them and maybe get some gear upgrades (I usally like to not shower my alts in gear from the AH unless I see something thats a really good deal ofc)

Thats mostly what im doing when im playing on my paladin alt (questing) but would have been nice to be able to take a break from questing on it every once in a while to do a dungeon or 2.