The Negativity Thread

I appreciate the new patch a lot, it’s fantastic! Don’t get me wrong but things like account-wide reputations and unlocking transmogs on any armour-and-weapon class user feels like it should’ve been in the game from the very moment the mechanics began existing.

I mean, I got Gorehowl many, many years ago!

On a rogue. :upside_down_face:

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wrong thread


I quite like Chromie. Or mostly did. Her character being trans doesn’t change anything for me and I feel like it makes sense.

But her dragonflight writing has and VA direction(Im not blaming the actress for this) has gone from her being actually smart and quite funny to “Im so quirky and ditzy lol” and like she is fumbling her way to victory rather than being competent. That’s the extent of my issue with her.

True that.

And on the topic of Sylvanas again, I do think redemption arcs can work, but they do need to be earned. The character needs to have a moment of self realization and demonstrate this change on their own, over a longer period.

Having them go “Oh I just had amnesia” or “It was just my evil side” does not work at all and is just embarrassing. There is a reason it’s called an ‘arc’.

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I think it worked out for most of the cool milkthieves at Blizzard for many years so they probably got the impression that’s just how it works


The fact that had happened and at a frequent rate is still absolutely ghastly and horrendous.


That’s the thing, the character is not trans. Chromie is a dragon. But Danuser jerks off to trans issues (because they;re so cool and popular right??) and tried to replicate that in the WoW setting in order to feel like a good person and an accomplished writer. hey look at me I’m Danuser aren’t I so progressive hey guys hey this character is kinda like those trans people everyone keeps talking about - really cool right? they’re cutesy and squeaky and ditsy and weird and random lollllll just like a trans person. hey look at me I’m such a great writer that understands the CULTURAL ZEITGEIST> Isn’t it great how the dragons represent transness in the game, this totally won’t make anyone associate my very lame writing in one of the biggest video games in the world with the cultural movement of people fighting against societal oppression and heteronormative views of the majority that directly impede their lives. oh yeah basically the gays and the lesbians and the trans are pretty much all the same thing and they’re all cutesy and feminine and something to do with dressing up in as many colours as possible and using the word “like” a lot, and I’M GONNA MAKE SURE EVERYBODY KNOWS IT


oh my God crazymon is off the rails

just in time for lunch

Ok now say something awful or vitriolic

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It doesn’t help that a good chunk of Argent Dawn, and not just these kinds of folks, only readily accept a character being any color of the proverbial rainbow if they fit through their narrow vision of what a person of said proverbial color should be or look like.

An example that comes to mind is how people, some of whom I had seen offer absolutely no outwards negative reactions to blood elven same-sex couples on other characters, act shocked and almost appalled at my elderly dwarven war veteran character off-handedly mentioning his husband, in things as innocent and wholesome as making a loving remark about a good batch of coffee said husband had made for him, which he was drinking that morning.

Sometimes, the reactions were a little strange, but not as openly vile as some others, while still very awkward, such as saying that it is brave of him to be so open about it, or words along the lines of ‘oh, I hadn’t expected this from you, but I support you!’ in a world where homophobia does not exist, and thus, is a little… strange?

I do not think that a story dealing with the struggles of LGBTQ+ folks is strange, mind you - especially, if it is a story of overcoming such struggles. What I do find strange, however, is how plenty of folks in the Warcraft roleplay community have no interest in these struggle stories until it is a character that isn’t quite what they envision a gay (and viceversa) person being, to the point of trying to force such a story into other people’s characters, in a setting where said struggle is not a thing, and has never been a thing.

It is a sad state of affairs.


blythan i do 100% agree with you but more often than not the accuser sadly isnt made up. i have straight up asked someone a question about elven birth-rates and how if at all it differs between night elves, blood elves, and nightborne, a genuine question and it devolved into “its coz you wanna bed one innit.” in a not joking manner. however rare these people do sadly exist and it puts me on eggshells on some topics more than i wish to be.

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I thought my negativity toward the fact that it took so long for these things to be implemented was clear. :grimacing:

I detest the writing of Shadowlands and Dragonflight. It’s atrocious, and I would genuinely prefer both expansions to have been entirely without anything resembling writing in terms of story and dialogue and so on.

I get you
But I also think you should just throw the eggshells at them


only if theyve been hard boiled

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Internet-poisoned redditors discover that homosexuality and queerness is not limited to quirky youthful lesbians and 2000s yaoi dynamics. (Heartbreaking).

Then again, many a time my elves have been approached with those questions, the follow up being the intent of ‘repopulating’. With the aid of your local Human Male or Worgen. I’d rather the world sink beneath the waves than indulge your halfbreed fantasies.



It’s the same when IC people screech about racism between actual races or when players decide to portray racism directly influenced by IRL trends. The latter doesn’t have a place in the setting while the former is the norm and not frowned upon like it was a hate crime.

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It’s just genuinely very strange, because to me, it was a nice story, you know? A healthy, loving relationship that has endured the ages and survived the horrors of war, fostering orphans torn away through war and making sure they had a bright future and a loving family to support them, which neither of them had through their younger years. It was supposed to be a neat little touch for a character that, otherwise, had a pretty brutal backstory, such as their time in the Second War and the Sons of Lothar. A little humanizing touch to a wartorn character. Something to fight for.

Just the right dosage of escapism for anybody who has suffered for being any shade of LGBTQ+. A story of survival and perseverance. At least, I, personally, thought it was neat.

However, in the eyes of Argent Dawn, my character was a short, old, bald man with a beard, and thus, he must’ve struggled in matters of his orientation in a way comparable to the roughest parts of the real world, for the sole crime of not being a tall handsome elf, or, alternatively, a short feminine man that perpetually looks seconds away from dying of the common cold like a brittle Victorian Age man.

Even if this realm isn’t entirely comprised of the folks you mentioned in your original post, there are plenty of people in this server that will only accept the untroubled existence of fictional characters that are LGBTQ+ if they are conventionally attractive, and that, whether these people like it or not, is simply the softcore version of the same fetishism these people do.


I remember playing a tan-skinned human and being greeted with extreme contempt by an Arathi knight with a germanic name that bordered on the guy being called “Adolf von Hitler”.


A very real thing, of course. Aesthetics greatly influence how others perceive certain stories, and if you’re not twinkatron 3000 or the most beautiful exponent of your chosen identity, you are ignored or scorned.

Sometimes certain aspects of the community feel almost fascist in their worship of aesthetics.

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Wait, you’re black? From Uldum, right?

Coincidentally, this is what the devs do too. Everything has to fit into a neat little box.

Nah, definitely from Stranglethorn Vale.

second life roleplayers, not much else to it. They’re not interested in playing the game’s setting and would rather be in Azeroth but in 21st century. It’s just another group that displays this behaviour.

I have a black paladin who is a very proud northman and while I was trying out the Stromgarde RP scene I had the most lovely reception by the supposedly “vitrolic, elitist and far-right and racist” guild there who I have to say were very immersive chaps (you know which one)

meanwhile the stormwind portion of that community with the likes of Shonn etc chat up my character at the tavern and how the “fair maiden over there enjoys men of chocolate skin”

i hate the “HABIBI” crowd with a passion and when the next desert weirdo is gonna fire up their dumb slang at my character I’m gonna lose it