The Negativity Thread

I’m fine with the way they look, tbh. It’s the only properly CHUNK Alliance race. As to why the people who play them are for the most part sex fiends… who knows? That race in particular seems to appeal to the most deviant (and the least literate) player for some reason. I mean, even Blizzard references their sexual appeal in having Anduin say they’re hot. And this was way back when, too.

Also Draenei lore is so sick and I love it. I wish it was a little less sci-fi but it’s all pretty solid imo. I was sad that we got proper draenei and not the broken from WC3, Akama and the gang were really cool.


everyone who thinks different is objectively a dumbo

that’s what allied races should have been instead of [different colour of dwarf] or [draenei but gold]


Draenei are cool and based and the quests they’ve gotten in the last couple patches are TRVE BLIZZARD CLASSICS. Even if #those draenei writers have taken them as meaning “My red draenei can walk freely in Stormwind”.

Much like with Dracthyr, Vulpera, All Elves, White Human Women, and Worgen, they’re stereotyped. And with good reason. If I see a draenei type out the accent my sight goes red and I suddenly find myself wholeheartedly agreeing with Kil’jaeden.

Draenei but gold is the lamest of all the Allied races. Void Elves are a close second because they were a made up thing hastily patched together to kind of fit into the expansion conceptually but in the greater scheme of things made no sense and they should have just made them high elves to begin with, giving the audience what they want and playing off Vanilla lore beats. Instead of that, we get

oh we were loyal blood elves who tried to get more power to use against the Alliance and improve our social/financial standing but we messed up and now we got kicked out of the Horde will you take us in pretty please I know we killed a bunch of your cousins and loved ones but come onnnnnnnn

Like what?? Stormwind riots completely and utterly justified.

Onto the Lightforged, what the hell were they thinking? What a lazy god damn idea that was. EXACTLY the same concept as draenei and they look EXACTLY the same?? Jesus the dark urges are back.

Oh man the heritage questline is just 20/10… Idk who wrote that but they deserve ten raises. Anyone who’s not played it yet needs to do it immediately since it’s the best content that came out of WoW since the Icecrown questline in which you explore Arthas cutting his heart out.

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Stormwind Riots are always justified.

Make the space goat into a space marine.

I forget their name but the writer is fairly active on twitter and their posts show actual care for the story and community around it. The whole quest was a 10/10, having Velen be an actual character again was a banger. Excellent quest, no notes.

Heritage quests have been really hit or miss.

What was up with that night elf one?
Don’t wanna mention Darkshore… Like, at all?

And so the positivity of that 10/10 quest fizzles out and I am left with nothing but bile in my throat as I remember the absolute drivel that’s passed off as canon as of the last 2 xpacs.

Yes yes! Says the Draenei.

Ok I’ll leave.

Night elf lore since wc3:
.>emerald dream/nightmare??
.>Malfurion zzzzzzzz
.>Malfurion zzzz tyrande my love??
.>Tree gets blown up
.>WOW TYRANDE GOES ON A QUEST OF VENGEANCE (would be better if her clothing turned black too but w/e) SO SICK (would be better if shadowlands wasnt lame as hell) SHES GONNA KILL SYLVANAS THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT FINALLY THE B1TCH QUEEN FALLS oh wait what she doesn’t and actually her powers are tearing her apart and actually she has to calm down and be friends and make peacecraft??

why did tyrande try and choke an undead (read: not breathing) elf with her bare hands when she had her knife sheathed on her belt?

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because the people who write this crap don’t understand violence?

And to think Tyrande used to be one of my favourite characters. There was something about the voice acting in WC3 that really nailed the tone. Everybody likes the new Illidan VA but the old one was sick too. Arthas was 15/10 and Tyrande sounded like she was an actual elf.

This makes me so mad.
Jaina got 4 full expacs of being an unhinged, untethered, genocidal maniac. Post-theramore. And she’s a human.

The millennia-old Night Elf got her capital city wiped off the face of the earth, had her requests for aid rejected, built up an entire vengeance arc only for it to end with… “Vengeance is Le Bad” and “I’m tired Malfurion”. Like come on bro.

The whole situation made me so angry I have to put out a cigar on my son’s arm. This is your fault, blizzard.


Shadowlands would have been worth it if only they had Tyrande exact her vengeance and kill Sylvanas. This is what Tyrande would do because Tyrande is a hard core warrior who fought back the Legion and protected her people for the ten thousand years that followed. She slaughtered orcs and humans on sight. Vengeance is ok. Vengeance is good. Where vengeance tho??

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Snap the neck to severe whatever necromantic magic makes the nerves respond to the dead brain allowing her to move, obviously


Vengeance and consequences and proper faction writing will come when the dance studio does.

Sylvanas should gone the same way as Garrosh sans the Woodland Critter Tribunal. Chained up, sentenced to death while she howls about how her entire unlife has been nothing but suffering.
On that note, why did she keep seeking out ways to cheat death prior and after her ropeless bungee jump exercise off Icecrown when she constantly reminded us that being undead is simply torment?

i hate business calls

i want to be angry and yell at people who have idiotic ideas but I’m forced to be cordial and polite

nah, now we’re friends. now we take forsaken to the emerald dream with us so we can be friends together and solve our issues as a team of friends

in fact, everyone is friends and the people who can’t be friends with our [former enemies] should step down and remove themselves from the story so that characters who are capable of making friends take the spotlight

this is world of friendcraft don’t you know

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Pre-Shadowlands answer: It was heavily implied that Sylvanas herself was likely ending up in a bad place after death due to her already bad deeds, and that is why she despite hating undeath, fears death itself more. I do also recall there being speculation and discussion that undead in general seemed to have been denied a place in the actual afterlife, so to avoid the uncertainty, they just preferred to keep living. No one really wanted to find out or test the theory.

Post-Shadowlands answer: Sylvanas met with the Jailer and already began to form their alliance. Then she fully committed to it around Legion, but even back at edge of night she allegedly fell into the Maw and began a deal with the Jailer, just reluctantly at first. And at this point, her soul was already split in half, with the “good” side being in the Jailer’s control and used as leverage over the evil side.

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This whole thing is such bs and should have been framed as a manipulation tactic, a lie that Sylvanas developed to ensure sympathy from her captors should she fail in the end. She is a survivor, after all, and a master plotter, and facing champions who defeated the Burning Legion could go either way. This was her backup plan.

At her tribunal, everyone tries to convince Tyrande to do the “right” thing. After all, Sylvanas is immortal and even condemned to the clean up in Maw isle 3 duty, she would find a way to return to power. But Tyrande calls her bluff and demands justice for her people. She powers up into her Edgelune state and lifts her glaive to execute Sylvanas - that’s when Sylvanas panics and tries to attack them all and escape.

But she fails. Tyrande goes on a monologue about how Sylvanas is like a rat or a cockroach or something, always finding a way to survive. She is evil. She cannot be redeemed. The souls of her people cannot be reclaimed. But they can have justice. That’s when Tyrande chops Sylvanas’ head off, rips the soul out of her rotted body and destroys it.

But the souls are still in the Maw and it’s Tyrande who vows to shepherd them out of damnation. She leaps into the Maw, bye bye Tyrande and ggwp.


It’s there to basically make the the morale of the story “Genocide is okay if you feel really bad about it afterwards.”

I also do not doubt for a second that Sylvanas’s sex appeal to many people(Danuser included and probably in particular) was a major influence for her to avoiding any deeper punishment for her actions.

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And nowadays that’s Chromie. Not necessarily sex appeal but certainly Danuser and co patting themselves on the back for making such a deep and complex trans character. Infallible. God I hate Chromie. They’re the 2024 gaming equivalent of the 90s sitcom token gay person.

haha crazymon but tyrande is a night elf character, they’re meant to be written in the lamest way possible

cool idea though

his twitter feed proves as much, like a roleplayer that constantly posts about their character and all the “cool” things they did and how they “owned” someone else in an rp duel

but i’ve ranted about that absolute tool enough