The Negativity Thread

ah if it isnt the renowned male human paladin heinrich panzerwerfer and his dastardly forsaken nemesis mengele von volkswagen surely their names are a simple cheeky joke and not a reflection of their irl ideals

haven’t seen this in rp yet


It’s more of a thing of the past I think, thankfully. But if you saw it in RP, you could probably hazard a reasonable guess that hanging around with those same people OOC would result in a lot of similar attitudes.

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Pretty sure the rule about “The Lord gets the right” in the green people guild is still public on their website.

Alongside an old pre model update female human in her (green) undies.


what the heck happened here

why are you protecting the Green Horny-et, forum mods? :slight_smile:


maybe it was really shonn who had the uncle at blizzard all along…

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Probably just the standard procedure - see a name, see it’s something bad, remove it.

Also it’s probably not the most necessary thing, if you RP on Alliance there’s a very, very slim chance that you’ve never heard of this individual or the things others have to say about them. Awareness is good, but I think it’s fairly common knowledge at this stage - partially because they have been doing it for such an ungodly length of time.

you’ve had people in this very own thread admitting they’re not familiar with him or his antics. i honestly don’t know why you seem so sure that everyone on AD knows who shonn is or what you’re basing this on, there are a lot of demonic stories and characters that the general public isn’t aware of.

even if you’re right, it doesn’t matter because it’s a good thing if you manage to educate just one person on this deplorable troglodyte and potentially save them from the trappings of his weird cult-harem

come on my man, the only unnecessary thing here is your veiled attempt at justifying the forum mods being completely out of touch [a fairly repeatable offense for them at this point]


Ah okay, that’s what you were going for - I thought you were going for the conspiratorial take of the forum mods being involved somehow or knowingly sheltering bad things, as was a reasonably common thought back during the time an infamous Goldshire guild would semi-frequent the forums.

Yeah no, it’s just them doing the “no name and shame” thing even though some things deserved to be shamed and the perpetrators deserve to be shamed. A light Shonn upon their heinous misdeeds, you could say.


Well yeah there’s the whole unfortunate situation with that one person on AD being “troubled” (to put it very lightly) by an incredibly unhinged stalker and the mods/CS team/whoever just ignoring it and trying to bury it. Sure I get that it’s mostly the corpo Blizzard that ties their hands but at the same time I can’t really care much and have 0 sympathy for the incredibly soulless approach.

They deserve to be ridiculed just as much for this kind of behaviour and yeah dear forum mods, feel free to ash my post/ban me, I don’t care. :slight_smile:




yeah you’re right, my bad

Oh no, my expose got nuked, what are the odds
But I wasn’t punished so I can be negative about it, but I’ll just be content with the fact that the thread was left intact.

HATE is the ONLY way!

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Some of the posts in this forum have been deranged but I am here for it.

How has this not been locked yet?

It hasn’t gotten highly religious or political for over a hundred posts, nor is the thread entirely devoted to naming or shaming other people or communities.

Avoid those and a thread can remain open almost indefinitely.

Going to drop a truth bomb that i’m sure no one is ready for.

The green christmas tree cult are the ones responsible for the server’s most popular tabloid blog (the one that’s also respiratory disease).

It literally reads like one of the many wives of Ser Tank Commander writes it and his lordship never seemingly gets mentioned there.

Edit: if this gets ashed then we have confirmation :smoking:

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I would not be surprised, though I was always told it were a certain dune-dwelling community but, I can always be proven wrong.

It’s basically anyone that the Argent Dawn Cinematic Multiverse (DCU, PCU and anyone else that doesn’t lambast these two groups at east once a week) has bullied / kinkshamed in the past and who they can then prop up as victims.
It’s simply a performative act to make one group look even worse while aggravating them further with claims that their bullied victims are innocent.

Whats DCU?

I don’t know who or what it is exactly beyond the fact that it was a thing back in WotLK or so and very much isn’t anymore - or if it is it’s something that the majority of players either don’t care about or have forgotten about.

I’ve only ever seen it mentioned by that one particular page so I just assume it’s someone holding a grudge for a decade and a half.