The Negativity Thread

definitely doesn’t, thus the mental gymnastics to pretend that it is (no, they don’t speak half-arabic half-turkish and they don’t have roller coasters!!)

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maybe if his kid died

Yeah I meant that their baseline was:

  • Does magic exist?
  • Do Indiana Jones-inspired Middle Eastern NPCs exist?
  • Do dragons that can turn into pandaren exist?
  • Can dragons have godlike powers to reshape reality so they create their own pocket dimension of Uldum complete with rollercoasters?

if yes then its ok to do it according to them, while everyone else looked at that freak circus with disgust

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Jeyce is the only fictional super assassin who loses his wife and gets depressed and doesn’t succumb to alcoholism. He wants to, but he can’t, because his son needs him to be functional. Except he isn’t functional. He’s forcing himself to be, he’s faking it. And him repressing all that frustration makes him really, really sad. What a great character.

reminder that this is the negativity thread

we’re talking about the 2d cardboard cutout ryan jeyce that is being roleplayed, not the one in your novel

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big talk from mr. “war criminal man”

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You’re right, maybe he should be a war criminal instead.

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I can give some tips, I did play such characters pre-BFA

well yeah I was talking about taking an actual setting as it is as a baseline, not stretching it so wildly to try and justify your fetish-fueled party so I think my point stands

if santern stopped playing alliance war criminals that can only mean my character can regain some of his sanity because you can only imagine the mountains of paperwork and coverups one needs to do after his antics

so jeyce has been mentally healthy for over a decade, damn good job

his wife died you dumbo

I do not condone the mentality here, I’m just stating the frustration that arises from having to continuously having your fundamental understanding of the lore and its events even on their chronological unfurling being consistently changed in a way that doesn’t improve it’s strength.

Even so it’s not an excuse for me or anyone else to flip the table because the DM (Actiblizz) is and has gotten mediocre.

I personally just walked away rather than join the gaggle of second life rpers majority who decided to ignore the DM outright and spoil the experience of those still trying to adhere to the rules as much as they can for a cohesive experience.


There’s also the fact that not every new thing that Blizzard does is terrible (to bring up the Shadowlands example I hate that Danuser did the stupid and chose to explore the afterlife when it was absolutely not necessary but there are -some- decent ideas there) and by extension your characters don’t have to be aware of everything either. One other really annoying trend is how many characters are these walking wowpedia pages who know absolutely everything (because I guess it’s embarassing not to know something about the world???) despite their status etc

I’m playing a monk who’s kind of an illiterate idiot and it is kind of obvious to see. I couldn’t tell you the amount of times someone mentions some totally unknown and foreign concept to him and when he asks for an explanation, the other character just drops drops a wowpedia quote about it verbatim.


I’ve seen wowpedia quotes dropped verbatim with citations still part of it.


I thought we all agreed the Stonetalon Incident of 2021 was not to be spoken of.


I signed no contracts


The what now?


:nerd_face: :point_up_2:
Well according to the rule of magnetic attraction, it’s OPPOSITE polarities that attract, therefore the negativity thread ATTRACTS attention!