The Negativity Thread

beats up game for the first time, each match he tries a different character against guy who has 200 hours in the game

wins half the rounds

bEaT mE fAiR aNd sQuArE

This is like when I was six, sitting on the top of the stairway listening to mom and dad fighting.

man lets this babby brawler have a few warmup rounds so he can ease into the game

then uses him as a giblet mop for the other half of the matches

We need a ref next time

instead of carrying your a$$ in the chains climber game i should have used said chain to [REDACTED] you

me in Italy naively thinking i’m there to rest and have a good time with my family

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did you also develop that supernatural hearing ability that let you identify your dad’s car three miles down the road when he was coming home from work or was that just me

no my dad never had a driver’s license or a car, he didn’t achieve much except for alcoholism i guess

hey man at least your childhood wasn’t a frame by frame recreation of the first fifteen minutes of rocky 4 (i starred as apollo creed)

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damn thats really awful

no wonder you’re so crazy

now everyone knows why I went easy on you in a fighting game, you have enough problems and a crushed ego wouldn’t help

what are you talking about, i grew up to be a functioning and responsible adult with a steady job, not to mention a talented roleplayer

i turn my problems into jokes dude, that is the way


Tekken, MK1. Come play Strive. OR Xrd.

Furthermore I have more bile to spew upon you my dear negativity thread: I was reminded with all this talk of AI pics and AI refs that I once saw a profile in Stormwind City that boldly claimed in its OOC information; “This profile was AI generated”.

It really pissed me off. AI grinds my gears.

BUT we should! Or, otherwise offer alternatives and see if they listen. Most of the time, should you approach an AI-head with intent to show them proper, more human-friendly ways to go about their character-generation needs they’ll come back with a “I can’t draw!” “I don’t have money for a commission!” “Finding and sourcing character references online is too hard!” – then, when offered FREE alternatives (i,e - picrew, ‘dress-up’ style webpages, or just WRITING in this WRITING-BASED HOBBY) will either: a) Lash out. Say ‘b-b-b-buh it’s the future! it’s free!’ b) ‘i don’t care about this character enough to do those things’ c) some variations of calling the one being confrontational a ‘special snowflake’. HONESTLY! AI’s getting wicked good at doing soulless dead-eyed women with big malformed chesticles and a battle standard that vaguely resembles something from WoW, or, some geralt-adjacent Male Human or Male Human With Pointy Ears. Even then… Harassment isn’t good. Witch hunt, eh… It’s a fantasy setting. We could be roleplaying Drustvar natives. Kidding, of course. Still… It’s a topic of debate in many a sphere hmhm.

Go on. Turn PvP on, too. Give in to the voices. Hunt them down. For the Horde.

Having played up until Endwalker I can say it’s a pretty good RPG. Not so much an MMO, but, alas.

This is le evil thread. You can be positively toxic, too!

( dot dot dot )

On the topic of fighting games I’m mad they added Lucy from Edgerunners before Raven to strive.


There are still some good MMO features in there for sure, but I definitely much prefer to play something like WoW as an MMO over FF14.

I was going to make a neutrality thread as a middle ground between this thread and the positivity thread but I thought it was too niche of a joke and that people’d inexplicably get mad at me for daring to express humour on our super-serious server discussion forum place despite the fact that the forums aren’t that deep and nobody actually does take things that seriously except for people who are really sweaty.

Basically I should’ve gone with my gut instinct but instead I’m posting here because I’m too much of a coward to go with my gut instinct.

The neutrality thread is dead, long live the neutrality thread.


Yeah but like no.

I don’t know if this is the reason that NPCs don’t have accents in their name but I assume it’s one of them - accented names break the /tar or /focus function. Obviously most of the time we just target things by clicking on them or hitting tab, but for the purpose of macros or finding a specific NPC it’s not too uncommon to use /tar.

I also imagine that maybe in languages where they show up more frequently that they might be included there. I’ve not checked and I don’t really know how I would go about checking it but I imagine that the French version of WoW might have accents for the characters in Suramar given how many of them use the French langauge as inspirations for their names.

This just seems strange to me. Like, don’t people get into roleplay because they want to get creative with making characters and storytelling? Where’s the fun in letting some soulless chatbot generate it all for you?

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Report them for botting and wait what happens

Every MMO that branded itself a WoW Killer ultimately died. The title is much like a Sonichu medal, you may not believe in its magic, but it’ll be your doom.

That does piss me off that I never found another MMO to dedicate as much time and investment as I did for WoW.

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If anything’s going to kill WoW it will probably be WoW itself.

Only other MMO I used to dedicate some time to next to WoW was SWTOR. But then I started getting trouble with my account and it became a hassle and I gave up. That and, one MMO already consumes enough time, I feel.

It turns on itself, very convenient for assblasting people’s alts by accident.