The Negativity Thread

from what i’ve seen people tend to label them as “refs” too, though it’s kinda odd that the people who paint themselves as the biggest opponents of ai content label it as “art” too.

they’re also the kind of people who will have an absolute meltdown over someone listing a number of roleplay preferences/red flags/people they don’t want to associate with but then their profile will says something like “if you have ai art in your profile you can uninstall the game”

i’d rather not deal with a bad roleplayer than bad robot art but i guess i just have different priorities :man_shrugging:


I’m not saying we should hold a witch hunt for people using AI generated images, or calling them art.
I don’t agree with them, but trying to harass them out of the hobby is a scumbag thing to do, no matter which side of the argument you’re on.

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The recurring realisation that people fawn over FF so much when GW2 is objectively a better game. Constantly innovating, experimenting with new systems, adding onto itself, releasing features that WoW will inevitably copy. Meanwhile FF is like a bad 2010 WoW clone that took off because hot cat lady and hot lizard lady and semi-competent story that’s basically your average fantasy drivel but shoved into a setting so bloated with motifs it makes the Marvel comic universe look minimalist in comparison. Yes we totally like FF for the story and not the 10000 softcore ERP addons.

P.S. Thank you for making this thread, I will visit daily.

No, that’s for agreeing with what everyone else there is saying and occasionally spam posting pictures of cats or other random thoughts that the others do their best to ignore because they secretly find it just as boring as you do, but will rise in its defense whenever an outside entity brings it up.


Pet Peeve thread came too close for me to being my version of Twitter so I muted it. Now I only show up on RP/Game relevant threads instead.

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Curating your forum browsing experience so you don’t see the same inane drivel of the same 15-20 pundits is your path to a healthier lifestyle.

Or at least a far better time when you visit the realm forums.

Also the poster below me actually has horrid taste when it comes to video games.

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Oh sure friend, I wasn’t trying to target you with that, sorry if it came across that way.

I quite like some of the things FF does mechanically (their boss encounter design I think is pretty solid) but there’s also a bunch of stuff that feels incredibly archaic and just puts me off from the game, like the quest design. I don’t really care if the (STORY IS THAT GOOD) if I have to play through with is essentially a visual novel equivalent of an mmo in order to experience.

true brother, preach

the poster above me sucks because he doesn’t want to play it


Yeah I do play FF14 for it’s story, because it actually plans out where it’s going and rewards players for paying attention and following the threads which do actually lead places and are closed off.

Compare that to the average MMO, notably WoW, and it’s a breath of fresh air. It may be a fairly average story compared to other video games, but by MMO standards it’s pretty decent.

However, the story does come at the expense of moment to moment gameplay. It was fun to burn through it during lockdown, but I do find the levelling questing experience to be mind numbingly dull from time to time because there’s very little involvement beyond “talk to NPC, find item, talk to NPC.”

Can’t speak much for end game because I’ve only played it for it’s story until I finished Endwalker. I’m also an easy mark for it because I am a Final Fantasy fan and the references hit me like I’ve just seen Glup Shutto appear in episode 4 of the latest marvel Star Wars show.

I do know that the story works for players that aren’t Final Fantasy fans though.

I couldn’t get into GW2 when I tried it at launch, but I haven’t tried it again since. WoW had it’s claws in me so hard that any other MMO couldn’t capture my attention for longer than a week.

But to survive this long it must be good stuff, and we benefit from it’s existence through dragon flying and world quests.

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In GW2 it’s also like that, but it lets you make dialogue choices and quest paths and your character actually DOES things and he is VOICED.

So, let’s say you’re making an expansion. Let’s say you’re introducing mounts. Let’s say you build the map of the new zones and the quests involved and the events and challenges and jumping puzzles so that it all revolves around the new mount mechanics. Let’s say one expansion it’s gliding, so the maps are designed around gliding and its associated progression systems. Let’s say it’s ground mounts, of which there are a variety btw each with its own mechanics, and then flying mounts, and then wait a minute you’re releasing a fully fleshed out housing systems that will also feature your alts as NPCs doing their own thing on the property??

shut up crazymon this is meant to be the negative thread, stop being so positive about guild wars 2 (it’s impossible not to be i get it)

it’s a poor man’s alternative to wow


no no no i’m being negative that the only reason this is not the top mmo in the world is that Arenanet doesn’t seem to understand marketing. New expansion is coming out and I learn about it by accident when I log in???

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clown emoji

Big if true.

I became attached to how brainless the warrior of light is in Final Fantasy by greeting every big lore exposition with a simple nod and a can do attitude.

SWtOR was the gold standard for player involvement in story telling, but unfortunately it wasn’t sustainable in the long term to have that much voice acting and writing required for every expansion.

I have heard that GW2 story is good though, which again when we’re comparing stories to what World of Warcraft has been putting out in the last decade or so it doesn’t take much to vault that bar. The story doesn’t even need to be amazing, it just needs to be consistent and follow it’s own rules.

We can but dream that WoW eventually catches onto player housing, it’s the one thing that has been conspicuously absent since launch. Probably because they knew they’d never top WildStar in it’s implementation.

Banned for toxicity
only toxic positivity allowed in this dojo mister!

ok dude go do delves for a thousand hours straight i guess

You get banned for this, remember?

THIS NEEDS TO BE AN EXPANSION’S WORTH OF CONTENT says Ion. Dude just start small with a plot of land and retroactively introduce furniture as collectibles through legacy content.

And the world was very sad. Maybe they should remaster SWTOR as a single-player game with some new content.

Ill give GW2 a proper go if you and Jeyce can beat me fair and square in MK1

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The developers hanging the threat of less content in exchange for features we want is one of the stupidest things they’ve ever done. Because all it means is that now when we get less content from what we are expecting, we realise that there was no actual trade and we’ve just been robbed.

Wanted it to be the WoW killer so bad :pensive:

Feels bad.

Can we play Tekken or something? I’m better at Tekken

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i already beat you the first time i booted the game you absolute loser

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Only if you fix Tekken’s memory / shader issues with i9 14900K CPUs

Man got schooled so hard by my shao kombos that he forgot to count how many times he lost