The Negativity Thread

That some furries can be weird, hence people will make the assumption that the most vocal weird ones represent them all. Same with every group that exists.

Controversial take but I think there would be far less gay-bashing if things like pride parades didn’t allow people in leather suits, leashes and dog-muzzles and ALL of that walking through as well.

That kind of thing is between dom and sub in the privacy of whatever club / bedroom, not a public spectacle. Your choice of partner in life does not give you a free pass to act like a cautionary tale in public.


That reminds me of the movie Red Dragon, the Hannibal Lecter prequel in which the crazed murderer believes himself to be the demon of a painting.

that we shouldn’t allow actual degens who look like they walked off a p*rn set parade in broad daylight (where children can see them too) shouldn’t be a controversial take

everyone has the right to sleep with whoever they choose, but the second you turn into someone who either flaunts their ‘conquests’ at every opportunity or bases their entire personality around their sexuality is a gameover screen

though it has to be said that straight people can be this way too and its just as weird. just be normal, man


Everyone struggles. Rich, poor, men, women, majorities and minorities alike.

As for negativity; The ever decreasing fertility (read: number of kids born) rate in almost all of the world and the fact that nobody seems to know how the hell to fix it.

Fact of life that developed nations will produce less kids as the main reason behind having them back in the day was to eventually take care of their parents in old age given poorer conditions, and to have as many as possible as some would not make it.

At this day and age, with the insane cost of living and inflation through the roof, you can’t even support yourself with two jobs, let alone your kids or your parents.


This is the part people ignore, and annoys the hell out of me.

“WhY aRe PeOpLe NoT bReEdInG?!”
I can tell you why, Clive, but you won’t listen. And instead strt spouting nonsense about ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy nonsense. Oh, or its ‘The Woke’ :roll_eyes:

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But there are plenty of places in the world where the economic standing of citizens is certainly miles better than it was for example when my parents had me, or when my grandparents had theirs!

I don’t disagree that the trend is that living costs etc have gone up, but if that was the only reason why people are not having kids, why dont well off people have more kids by rule either?

I’m not looking to blame anyone or anything, I just hope we could find a solution to the problem.

Whilst I pointed out primarily economic factors - they aren’t alone to explain the decline. There has been a shift of personal values and priorities over the past years, difference of cultural and social norms, the whole work-life balance, where modern parenting often involves a high level of involvement, where as you try to balance a demanding career; then the whole perceived costs beyond finance, i.e the time investment that is required for raising children, which, in return, has different opportunity costs, that could include the loss of career advancement, personal time, or the ability to travel and pursue other interests.

All in all, the decision to have children is influenced by a combination of cultural, social, and personal factors that go beyond economic considerations, as (for the majority of people, imo) it is the case of money, poor social structures and government policies.


I can agree to all of that. As can most people, I can imagine.

However, it doesn’t answer how do we fix this issue. And I don’t see anybody coming up with a realistic solution that would act as a fix-it-all.

Assuming, of course, that people agree that this is a problem in the first place. There is a disturbing number of people who think there are too many people to begin with, often wrapped in good intentions.

There reason alot of people are loud and open at Pride is specifically because for many it is one of the few times they can be.

If everyone was just there in the most modest and bland outfits you could find it would kind of take away the message of Pride.


I think there is a good middleground to be found between covering up and being dressed in a dog mask and a leash and walking on fours.

The best solution would be to have the cost of living reduced and increase right’s for both parents in general and women.

I emphasize the latter because of the conservative trend the last few years to “discuss” and go harder on women’s rights over their own bodies. It is far from just the US even if its one of the worst examples.

If that was less of an issue, I think more people would be more willing to start families on their volition.

And as I said, just parental rights in general. The nordic countries are pretty good with things like maternity leave(Paternity is a bit behind but decent), but there are plenty of issues with both in other countries.


Sure probably, but it is still also an event that is meant to sort of be a bit shocking. And the most extreme stuff tends to be very rare anyway and not associated with the main parades and instead stuff in private or smaller aftermath sections.

But that gets pinned on the whole event as a whole because reasons.

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I mean, we can’t, it’s up to the governments to realise it is a problem to fix it, as they have the means to change or enact both the policies and support benefits, as well as to build up the required community networks that support families that reduce the isolation and stress associated with parenting.

Fixing it, honestly, isn’t a problem, it’s just realising there is one.

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I wasn’t going to reply to the Pride stuff because frankly I find a lot of the things being said to be wildly off-base and frankly kind of stupid, the worst of which being the notion that we would have less homophobia if the less tame parts of queer culture were to be removed from Pride.

Kink at Pride isn’t causing homophobia, it’s the inverse - people are out and open because they’re condemned, rather than people being condemned because they’re out and open. That’s kind of the whole premise.


Yeah the initial comments here was very much in the spirit of "If they gays were just quiet and not visible everyone would be nice to them :slight_smile: "

Which is exactly why Pride is needed and is a thing.


Too busy appeasing to Pensioners with triple locks, more benefit schemes and so on.


Gotta launder the money somehow.