The Negativity Thread

Let’s team up, I’ll tank-spec my warrior just for you

This is why I enjoy playing Healer roles because I refuse to give this mindset any more ground and will simply not heal players who get so worked up about performance in a Normal dungeon.

There’s an interesting video I saw on YouTube that goes into the author’s personal views in regards to progression content like Mythic Dungeons and Raiding and how it rewards sociopathic behaviour - it’s hardly a new revelation, of course, but interesting to hear all the same. Unfortunately that kind of outlook is so deeply entrenched in WoW’s culture that it is probably impossible to expunge, so all that’s left is petty no-heals vengeance.

Urm… In terms of my own negativity, I’m rather miffed about the state of Dracthyr RP if only because I find them to be an interesting concept within the setting, but many players… Well, I don’t have to say; you’ve all seen it. Very disheartening and I feel like people continue to dismiss anyone playing the race due to their own previous experiences with some the more, ah, colourful concepts out there.

Oh well, maybe in two-expansions time it’ll look a bit better for us.

I’ve seen many of the growth pot squad reroll dracthyr, stormwind is literally crawling with em.

Ah yes, the kreatin crew.

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It is exceptionally daunting how accepted growth potions have become, not only in Stormwind. Sure they’re great for NPCs when it comes to RP events, but you see a lot of Dwarves, Kul Tirans and Orc homies use them and they more often than not look so out of place…


Its the same problem every expansion.

Tanks forget they aren’t literal Gods anymore, everyone dies. Its everyones fault but the tanks. Tanks leaves and everyone can requeue for another 5+ minutes.

It has nothing to do with the maximum effeciency crowd and everything to do with most tanks being thick, meat, heads who can’t keep expansions apart.

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I’ve seen people pulling ahead of the tanks when they’re going slower. Some people must pull all. Even if they end up dying as a result.
Moving out of AoE is apparently hard.


Yea, and as a Tank I let them die multiple times until they rage quit, lmao

Yea, its not a tank-only problem… Its anoyying either way!


Yes, it’s not enjoyable and many of them justify their existance by referring to the PVP Vendor Malicia who is considerably larger than average, but that could very well be a game mechanic in order to make her easier to spot, or whoever made her just thought it would be funny without considering the implications.

I don’t know, I think using a PVP Vendor as lore justification is very flimsy foundations to build upon personally, moreso when you consider the Dracthyr are supposed to be a kind of mass-produced clone army - their specialisations are in their powers, not their statures, as far as I know.

While it has certainly always been a thing, it seems much more rampant these days than before, yeah. I suppose it doesn’t help that I (and others) generally try to RP with everyone who approaches me which might be mistaken for a form of validation when, in truth, I simply don’t have it in me to gently try and nudge them away from such practises; it never goes well.

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She’s also a Growth Pot/Firewater Addict.

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I will never not be convinced that growth potions aren’t just a blatant attempt at putting a size fetish out there for all to see. If someone wishes to play a character that is very tall and muscular, they have that option already by going for one of the playable races with exaggerated proportions.

At the same time, elements of this game’s community have always been outright weird when it comes to their portrayal of size in general. Such as branding Blood Elves as ‘weak and skinny’ when they have the exact same physique as Olympic athletes. Both in a lot of the official artwork and in regards to the in-game models.

Speaking of Blood Elves, I wish it were easier to find Blood Elf role-play out in the open these days. Hopefully Midnight will solve that issue, though.

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Joining in on the facepalming of the brainrot MAX EFFICIENCY crowd. Just asking for the group to, you know, not be one makes you a target for namecalling and bashing.


You have to remember that those elements were/are usually Horde roleplayers, which is generally a crowd of cartoonishly McHuge races. Compared to a Tauren or Orc every blood elf looks effeminate or scrawny and that can translate into RP.

And this is just common knowledge at this point, given how violently defensive and vitriolic the usual suspects get when your character doesn’t acknowledge or makes fun of their growth effect addiction.

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Each to their own but they never came across as effeminate or scrawny to me even in that context. They have more chiseled facial features than the more monstrous races do and especially in the concept art, the men are drawn not unlike the likes of Henry Cavill.

Orcs and Tauren are certainly bigger but not necessarily stronger, plus the Blood Elves were introduced into the Horde seventeen years ago, so that’s more than enough time for both ‘sides’ to have proven their worth to each other. Especially when the whole ‘ORCISH SUPERIORITY’ at the hands of Garrosh backfired spectacularly.

There were other reasons beyond it but it was certainly the sort of mentality that eventually contributed to just pushing me to the Alliance. The main reason being the utterly deranged elements and OOC scheming/drama of Blood Elf role-play itself.

I do miss the more pleasant elements but the atmosphere just isn’t the same these days, it seems - especially with how quiet Silvermoon has become.

That being said, if there’s enough interest leading up to Midnight I might try my hand at creating either a guild or an event focused on Blood Elves.


Yeah, neither to me, but when Goliash Hugeaxe had grown up among orcs then his standard won’t be Henry Cavill or our IRL/OOC ideals, it’ll be the 7+ feet tall flesh golems orcs generally look like in the setting.
Now if someone chooses to roleplay an 8 ft tall, growth potion chugging body builder blood elf to match a standard orc’s physique, all power to them, but that to me falls into the same Dracthyr growth pot mentality.

I can see why it’d be grating at this stage, but I tend to give it some leeway as the overcompensation from some Belf roleplayers (queue the person who roleplayed a Sin’dorc back in Cataclysm with a 60 page long essay on why it’s fine to have such a character on AA) was way worse.


It’s not necessary to copy other races’ strengths to the letter. An elf warrior can well be a spellblade or a spellbreaker, using enchanted wargear that can well be lighter than it looks without losing in durability and compensating for the rest with skills refined over decades and centuries. While being physically fit helps, a good warrior isn’t always a massive pile of muscles.

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Plus the elven racial leader has for many years been a warrior class archetype. I think it can be interesting when people lean into the opposite of their race’s stereotype but tbh I wouldn’t trust the average RPer with the keeping of a banana.

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Whilst I wholly agree with your sentiment I think it was more player mentality / behaviour at the time. A lot of people was younger then so it was easier to pass off as “hehe scrawn elf me big stronk ork”.

It is almost mythical level that it happens in todays world of RP and culture.

Though I am with you that when it was back so many years ago that you’d be called a “pixie” or “woman” or the likes it’s easier to just brush off at this point.

I am behind the mentality that people who will just go to lengths of degrading your character IC and hiding behind the face of “It’s just RP” aren’t realy worth your time to get wound up about. They’ll eventually realise the dog-tier supposive RP won’t get them much places and they’ll generally end up as a statue at the edge of the room that nobody will deal with / harken to.

In today’s age hardly ever happens and the off chance it does it’s easy to ignore and move on to the next person.

You’ll always get that one idiot in the room who likes to think they’re god compared to the other people who just like him pay to play the game and RP away. :relieved:


Just fetch the drinks pixie-boy. We’ll call you when we need a portal.

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Yes but no, Blood Elves were specifically added as a ‘pretty’ race. People want the ‘big and strong’ but also want the ‘cool and handsome’ vibe too, a bit of wanting the cake and eating it.

This hasn’t been helped with Blizzard’s outright borderline homophobic portrayal of Blood Elf males either. As Hatescale mentioned though the issue is that compared to Stronk McHuge Orcs and Tauren and Lesauvage Trolls and Undead the Blood Elves always were the stick out race, and continue to be in some regards.

The issue I have is that the character models have a fixed height. Sure that can be annoying if you want a taller or shorter character but using a tool which increases your model’s scale by 30% is insane. You’re not adding a few cms or inches to your character. You are adding a whole two foot or so Human sized races, greater for the larger races (30% of a larger number means a larger increase in size)

Eight foot + humans? Yeah you know what we call them? Vrykul. Nine foot tall Elves? Buddy just play a Troll.

Blood Elf males are under no reasonable definition ‘effeminate’, they have the most normal male looking bodies of all the races on Azeroth though. This idea that Elves are ‘weak’ is complete fanfiction and I honestly don’t know where it’s rooted in. Tolkien elves were considerably stronger than mankind, even able to square off against Orcs. (Hell the Uruk-Hai are corrupted Elves)

Even the Alfar of Norse Mythology (where we get the word Elf from anyway) were routinely described as being taller, fairer, stronger and smarter than a human. They occupied the niche that was neither god, monster or human. They were seen as more human than the Jotnar (the giants) but less divine than the Aesir (the gods).

There’s as many tales of them helping individual humans as causing mayhem and chaos (which is probably why they were conflated with the Fae of Irish mythology). The whole thing with Elves being master archers literally comes from the tradition of ‘Elf-shot’ in which they would plague people with disease and illness by shooting magical arrows at them.

But yeah it’s really weird that there’s this idea that Elves are somehow weak or inferior to humans when its the inverse across all source material that they draw from.