The Negativity Thread

It annoys me that it’s the only reason I like delves (because otherwise they are pretty bland and uninspired) because it’s content where I can just go at my own pace and I’m not obligated to memorise every boss mechanic or be familiar with every mario kart shortcut in a dungeon. I hate that the game is designed to support this mentality along with the whole fomo/meta mindset.

I mostly blame M+ for this, it really made the game a lot worse and I’ll die on this hill.

I mean, there is literally nothing else to it. WoW has a pretty limited customisation so you need to fire up your imagination when you look at the description of each character with how samey all the models look anyway. Why would every joe shmoe have art of their toon?

It continues to be the most hillarious thing for me when this kind of braindead childish roleplayer with a growth pot approaches a character of mine and fire up the “ha ha puny! I look down on you!” spiel while my guy is much more taller than theirs, but I just refuse to use something that makes my model look goofy and break immersion even more in the process.

You get absolutely nothing out of interacting with those people and yes, generalising in this context isn’t bad because there is literally 0 positives to support using growth pots so whoever uses one is objectively a bad roleplayer, sorry. Truth hurts, I know.


Can we work together on the gnome hate now? Especially against gnome tanks?

“Gnomes shouldn’t be hunters, their pets would eat them”

“Gnome tanks make no sense because most enemies would just eat/punt them” (but somehow a tauren tanking Deathwing is no problem??).

One of the last times I RP on my gnome dk, someone “punted” him, but I just emoted out it didn’t even move him a cm backwards beneath all the saronite and steel limbs.

Or Shadowtwili getting asked where his mommy is, and if he should be out at this time?

Please send help :cry:


Gnome tanks make the most sense because they have a built-in taunt function where enemies want to kill them because, by the enemies’ line of thinking, they should be able to kill the gnome but they JUST WON’T DIE

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Erm… It’s complicated. But the short version is that they’re no more so than regular orcs are.

But I won’t turn this thread into a dissertation on Middle-earth lore.

On one hand, I enjoy it when people play to their racial advantages and disadvantages. I’ve had fun playing a blood elf who got knocked over like a bowling pin by a druid in bear form. I’ve also had fun playing an orc who was stronger than a dwarf he was fighting, but struggled to inflict any damage when said dwarf triggered his stoneform.

On the other hand, using racial differences as an excuse to mock characters of certain races is just trite and childish, even in RP. I was there one time, when Felentrick’s character was being treated like a weakling solely because he was an elf among orcs, despite being a warrior decked out in plate armour. It just felt unneeded and spoiled the mood.

But antagonistic banter is rarely ever fun in RP. Way too often, whenever two player-characters come to blows, their players often seem to resort to snide belittlement and blasé dismissal of their opponent, as though that makes them seem cool. It was a big issue back in BFA, but you can still find this problem in same-faction conflict too.

Everyone has more fun if they feel like their characters are being taken seriously.


It’s ok the people know I’m the real main character I swear :face_holding_back_tears:

You will never force me to take Gnome characters seriously, especially in combat…

Gnome pulls out disintegration rifle.

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You have my seal of approval

So I finished the TWW campaign, I’ve done most of the side quests, tried pretty much almost delve and dungeon and the events and… well, the only enjoyable part were the side quests and the fact I was playing my monk, because it’s a very well designed class now.

I felt like I’ve pretty much wasted my time anyway because a lot of the story was just forgettable nonsense that also feels incredibly rushed. Bar a few decent moments and a handful of characters, I honestly can’t see how all those reviews/youtubers/people online claim this is a grand return for WoW where this expansion suffers from similar problems that DF did both in and outside of story.

And I could excuse the story being garbage because that’s pretty much what you should realistically expect from the Blizzard writing team (save for the side quests I guess because those it feels like are made by actually competent people) if the overall content wasn’t just so bland, unimaginitive and safe. I’ve felt this way about D4 too, a game also carried by spectacular art design and atmosphere (arguably a much stronger campaign too) but then spoiled by absolutely anything and everything that has to do with actual gameplay, with bad decision after bad decision particularly when it comes to the endgame.

TWW is much the same. What’s the big new feature in our expansion? Delves. Are they any fun? Well no, not really, not “at the moment” at least, but I’m sure some copium inhalers will say that “it gets better” after 50 hours you spend unlocking the higher tiers and doing them on those. But increasing the difficulty and maybe adding a new mechanic or two to the final boss won’t stop delves from simply being boring from a design perspective. What exactly am I supposed to be excited about here, that I run through mostly linear caves with 3-4 gimmicky mechanics, where half of them are going to, just like in M+, encourage speedrunning because I guess that’s the only way Blizzard knows how to design “engaging” content? Like, come on, this is the new flagship content feature of the expansion. Who on earth will want to run these for the duration of the entire expansion, where a big chuck of your progress tied to the companion will probably get reset every season because we’re meant to have a new one.

oh yeah, meanwhile the competition, guild wars 2, added player housing in its new expansion, so lol.

It’s just such a shame that they’ve made these really breathtaking zones (Harrowfall is just great) but what you actually have to do in them is so shallow and repetitive.

really blizzard, more world quests where you have to take pictures and climb rocks? are we gonna do that on void planets too?

ps: kobolds are the tuskarr of this expansion


The story was one of the stories of all time. Once again, delivering great aesthetics and pleasing characters and side-quests but the main plot is so low stakes it hurts. The fact that Geya’rah is being written to appease the garrosh crowd is hilarious, when she doesn’t have half the charisma he had. Turalyon’s loser-husband desperation and protagonism does overshade any horde presence in the main storyline, as Thrall has, by all means, become an Alliance character.

Kid yourself all you want, have him sitting in a throne in an orc ship, but he’s acting very alliancey. Aedelas Blackmoore created a decades-long psyop to break the spirit of the orcish people from the inside. And he succeeded.

The main quests were alright. I’m a bit miffed about dalaran, but I thought the loss would set up precedent for consequence in the story, however all of that was lost when khadgar makes a full recovery after we “save” him. Between that and Magni’s fakeout sacrifice the writing team seems scared of killing off characters.

Surprisingly, I enjoy the earthen. The unbound not so much, but the quiet horror of a functional society of automatons, wether intended or not, was a great thing. The other races are quite alright. Kobolds are the “joke” of the expansion and the Hallowfall Arathi are the squandered potential of it. They’re fun, in a very nice zone, but for a group of zealots surviving in the deep they were far too quick to trust us.

Speaking of Arathi, the sidequest where you help their last living mage is extremely funny when played as a Mage. What do you mean you don’t know how to cast a portal? Lol.

I’ve been enjoying the race and class fantasy “dialogue options” sprinkled around.

But this is the negativity thread.

  • What’s with Xal’atath? I see plenty people claiming she’s WoW’s next big thing, but to me she combines the worst from the Jailer and the bastardized Sylvanas. Seemingly appeasing the fans with blatant queerbaiting in her interactions with Alleria (being queerbaited by an MMO is equivalent to losing a game of chess to a dog, by the way). Toxic yuri this, toxic yuri that. You wouldn’t last a day in the Asylum where they raised me.
  • Alleria: I have my problems with Alleria since Legion, but this entire expansion and her role seem to be a hastily rewritten sylvanas plot. Or, rather, the Xal’atath/Alleria situation seems to be a hasty rewording of Sylvanas and Tyrande in Shadowlands, however using two characters nobody really gives much of a damn about so complaint is kept much to a minimum. (Alleria and Xal’atath fans aren’t real.)
  • The Horde: Where are they? I know they’re hanging on the beach, but you mean to tell me of the main cast we travel with we couldn’t spare a single Forsaken? Oh, wait, Voss is there. And then she isn’t.

Though my grievances are minor.

Wait, no. One more.

Why is Jaina here? I’m tired of seeing her. Go back to Boralus, miss Genocide 2012. Don’t play coy with me, Proudmoore. I know what you did.

Despite all that it’s quite fun. Harmless distraction.

Things have been looking up for Terrorizer. Rehabilitation and character development loom over the horizon. And despite this newfound lust for life, I will never stop hating.


I think you have to consider this in the context that Danuser’s ghost hovers over 11.0’s story. This was all being planned out and written at least in its core stages during Shadowlands - WoW expacs are always written two ahead. Obviously Shadowlands turning out to be the utterly monumental disaster it became and subsequently the hack himself getting the toss has probably shifted some things but not a lot.

Metzen himself recently said in an interview something like what, 70/80% of the core of TWW had already been written before he came in and proposed tying it into a multi expansion storyline a la the Worldsoul Saga. What he’s probably done is tried to mitigate the worst parts where possible, the problem is that all the voiced lines and scenes were done ages ago, so redoing them would have probably delayed sections of the game.

My hope is that 11.1 and 11.2 going forwards shows more of classic Metzen (ie HORDE BEING BADASS) than the meekly tacked on bits that were clearly put on as a bandaid right now.


Bold claim. I wouldn’t say he’s acted at all, this expansion.

Don’t forget that queen nefarious will be alright too lol

I wish she wasn’t more often

I would buy this nonsensical out of left field secret empire if, when we do finally get to their capital, we’d learn that they are actually zealots and have pretty much a negative attitude to outsiders because why wouldn’t they when their empire is so advanced so it’s up to us to try and convince them to help us because we need all the manpower to fight xal "i am totally not a reskinned sylvanas’ tath and the void

but of course, that’s never going to happen and instead we’re going to get the most bland and boring version of this where the empire is being overwhelmed by the void and it’s up to us, the Justice League of Azerth (and friends) to help them and convince them to change their “bad” ways because we all need to get along and be friends

god forbid if there is any semblence of conflict and tension in this game, speaking of:

I do too, but the fact that the major conflict around them just sort of ends after a few hours of questing is just bad. It doesn’t really feel earned that we manage to pretty much unite all the denizens of the island and also recruit the “this is totally not suramar with bugs” rebellion in the span of a few hours.

the next expansion is gonna be it dude!!! that’s when wow truly makes a comeback!!

(it won’t)

We need a new scourge.

Lightforged orbital laser: GO!
How’s that for advanced.

It’s going to be another Suramar, isn’t it? The emperor is going to be Le Bad and Faerin Lothar will dig up some claim with her lineage to become the new Arathi empress.

Or, they’ll do yet another council.

It’s cool to have monarchies and weirdly dictatorial regimes in your game, Blizz! It’s fantasy! They can be slightly old-fashioned and evil!

I’m still pissed about the no warchief situation.

Another interpretation of this is that the War Within was originally designed as a full expansion before he came in and proposed the Worldsoul Saga, which required the sudden shrinking of the War Within despite the fact that most of it had already been written.

Plus Metzen bears some responsibility for the final product, just like how Danuser bears some responsibility for Battle for Azeroth. He got to decide what was cut, what made it into the final product and had some control over how what was written would be framed. Though he might not be the source of a lot of the War Within’s ideas, he’s responsible for how those ideas are framed and their presentation.

So if anything comes across as hastily written or rushed, I think we can pin that on Metzen. If the core concepts are garbage, then you can blame that on Danuser. Let’s spread the negativity around.


You can blame Danuser for practically everything, however.

In my quaint rural village we host a yearly festival where the town drunk is put in a paper mache head depicting that Yakubian fiend and we toss stones and rotten produce at him.

Stubbed my toe this morning.

Danuser must’ve put that wardrobe in my way.

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We do, yes…

I inhale a ton of copium

The Horde will be the focus of 11.1 it’s a goblin patch, I believe, I trust, I’m sure we’re not the secondary cast to the Alliance anime protags. The Horde will be shown more in future patches and Midnight will be Horde centric (Definitely not just a background shop for the Alliance protags to resettle in silvermoon.)

Inhales more copium to overdose levels.

We’re coming for your city and you will like it.

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