The Negativity Thread

Yeaaaaah. My FFXIV RP group are not a collection of Ul’dah enjoyers. The biggest regret I have regarding the game’s story (not including DT which I haven’t finished) is that I wasn’t able to systematically purge every single member of the Syndicate, starting with Lolorito.

The game definitely has moments that could be described as tone-deaf and that’s being as charitable as possible.

Loved his death (excluding the sombre note it’s supposed to have, miss me with that). Wish I could have fortnite flossed over him.

To harp on GW2 as someone who has been in an RP guild there for close to 10 years now.

The game is fun, it is a breath of fresh air. But the lack of a gear treadmill depresses me to no end because my character hit the peak of their power like 7 years ago or something. I am not gonna spend day after day grinding for a legendary or some other inane collection I do not care about.

The latest trend of shoving way too much into the gemstore and black lion boxes for my comfort is also a weh.

I don’t want my spirits lifted. I want to be miserable.

Jk. I did give the thread a read, I agree with most of it, except the part were we pretend to care about the opinions of pansies and romance-writers pretending they give half a damn about the lore. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of Velen holding hands with a man’ari. I’m tired of lillian voss sullying my beautiful emerald dream with her undead stench. I’m tired of jaina getting no critique for being a literal unhinged, genocidal maniac unfit for any sort of power. I’m tired of the peace. The love. The renewal. “I’m tired, malfurion”, she says, after what translates to half an afternoon in elven years where her largest settlement got torched.

I don’t feel remorse of any sort about the vitriol I have spewed towards the faction peace crowd and will forever keep on hating. Because that’s what papa Grom would’ve wanted. What TRUE ALLIANCE PATRIOTS :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: strive for.

My gripes with peacecraft is that I don’t believe in agreeing to disagree with the crowd that has very much won the argument in canon over the years. Very much thanks to the fact that the lead writer for the last large-scale faction conflict was a -

Alas. My legal team advises me not to continue on this tangent.

Yet it very much remains within the realm of negativitity.


Queue the usual “Blaaargh BFA was trash” “Bluuurgh factions never made sense” “Hurrrrr warcraft 3 happened” rhetoric

Don’t care, RP, random or organized, was still immensely more interesting when Azeroth was a warzone than what we are getting now, particularly with how hard the Horde was shafted in TWW (yes, factions making up and being buddies does mean Blizzard can get lazy with the campaign story).

But Azeroth is bigger than our opinions so we can do our genocidal war campaigns anyway.

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Wowie! You mean to say that our wholesome 100 keanu chungus delve into a land of friendly neutral earthen and big rock puppies has poor horde representation? Surely? With those biiiiiig totally-not-alliance-coded zones? And the expedition stories without any agency and just a couple token blood elves? Surely not!

I’m sure they’ve got BIG things planned for horde characters! They even made a Tauren dragon aspect! And had a one-off Baine quest whilst night elves got an entire patch!

(And even then, the night elf lore we’ve been given thus far is so abhorrently mid I’d rather the sundering had taken the lot of them.)

This is true. I want this. More of this.



If only it was just a patch, it’s been multiple patches for several expansions.

I am my scars

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I meant IC, like in TRP, your character’s actual name, not the character name you use.


Oh I know! I’m just wondering if names that would have accents (the ones based on languages that use them, so maybe vrykul or nightfallen) don’t because of the limtiations it puts on the /tar or /focus functions, or because those accents aren’t commonly used in the English language if that makes sense

Gotta disagree with that one, though it’s definitely got lower highs than prior expansions in my opinion.

Absolutely got lows though. Why the hell did Square Enix think that the players would enjoy another trolley saga? No one in their right mind had any nostalgia for that part of Shadowbringers. Hell, the entirety of Shaaloani is hot garbage in my opinion. There was no need to spend an hour or two story time screwing around with a generic cowboy plot with little relevance to anything outside of itself.

And that’s right, even in Pet Peeves 2.0, you can’t escape FFXIV chatter. Sorry, haters.

The only thing I’ve heard about FFXIV as of late is the faction that is very clearly coded as an authoritarian fascist military group and were the antagonists are now suddenly people you’re meant to be friends with and that kind of sucks.

That’s a very common element of FFXIV, unfortunately.

Here is an extremely flawed society. Its leadership and even its common folk might be outright hostile towards the Warrior of Light. However, through a forced change of regime, the people of this society can be shown the error of their ways and can be taught to not be so flawed. By the end of the story involving this society, they have learned to view the Warrior of Light and their companions as staunch allies and true friends, for whom they will always harbour undying gratitude.

It happens uncomfortably often for my taste, roughly at a rate of at least once per expansion.


yeah that annoys me. since 1.0 theyve committed attrocity upon attrocity and because suddenly one was karmically visited upon them we must all now be friends with the people who a few hours prior would have seen the majority of the continent crucified for a laugh.

on a similar note, for gw2. i love the game much as anyone whose stuck with it in this thread, ive been playing since its beta, ive played the original, but arena net’s horrid marketing and some of its eye-peeling grinds let it down hard. but where it really gets let down is the fact during an expac you’ll get some god tier plot writing followed by the worst content padding or “plot twist” imagineable. anyone who played icebrood saga knows exactly what i mean.

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myself and crazymon haven’t gotten to any horrible parts yet, my main criticism towards the writing would have been the dialogue so far and how some characters are handled (mostly braham) though the dialogue is improving a little and there’s characters that improve (taimi) or who have been great from the start (canach). i do generally enjoy most of the story and that the way it is told, having a voice protagonist does a lot of wonders (big props to the VA who does the sylvari male who just sounds exceptionally well and all the sylvari stuff that you experience during heart of thorns)

the one thing that grinds my gears about the combat is how your movement speed is almost halved when you enter it, it feels very jarring and not very good, especially on melee specs that aren’t very mobile. I also REALLY dislike how it is all designed around boons and generally speaking any spec that isn’t able to have 100% upkeep on say might just sucks. but I do enjoy the combat and how most of the specs are designed, the ones I played so far at least. combat is miles better than it is in ESO but still, it’s not wildstar.

maybe i’m still in my honeymoon period but so far it has been a pretty great experience, one that still feels very fresh and innovative (in the mmo genre), it’s honestly not a surprise that WoW pulls so many ideas from this game

honestly if someone told me they hated a gw2 character and never said which i could instantly tell its him. hes been the most polarising character they ever introduced. you either love him or really hate him and later expacs make it really hard not to hate him.

my beloved

that’d be brandon bales. hes been one of the few i can say were great from the start. others were a shakier start (asura female, norn fem) but got better over time

The combat slow down is jarring at first, but you can get used to it quickly. Some weapons/traits/abilities are taken to help cover the possible lack of mobility.

What class did you decide to play?


Not even lmao, shortbow 5 is enough. You need the bound dodge like a true power DD gamer :nerd_face: :point_up:

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Oh, right. Localizing character names never really occured to me.
WoW isn’t localized to my native language so my game is just english.