The Negativity Thread

Happens to be the voice actor of the worst voice acted character in Skyrim - the lady of the three ancient tongues. The fight with Alduin was like at least 10 times less epic because of her.

back when I was playing the game at launch mainly thief, now when I came back to play the game I was maining a guardian until finishing heart of thorns but I’ve switched over to necro now, reaper is just too much fun. After beating the story I’m gonna try out the other classes. I already tried warrior but didn’t quite like the elite specs (though I haven’t tried the gunsword one)

but yeah, reaper good. I did enjoy playing my thief so that’s the first class I might go back to, if only to check the elite specs. the sniper one seems neat

and yeah I realise that swiftness/skills can help with that but I just don’t understand why they’ve done it in the first place, the combat is meant to be pretty fast-paced anyway so this is a particularly odd design choice

whoever voices Phlunt is really good and I really like the character. most of the Charr voices are pretty good too, every sylvari sounds pretty good since day 1 too.

there is a moment in heart of thorns where there’s a glimpse that he might finally stop being a completely irritating presence but then in LS3 he starts to have main character syndrome and I start to hope for one of the dragons to eat him

also norns? most boring race. when I started playing this game I also really liked how humans are painted as kind of the underdog which is pretty refreshing for a fantasy setting

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In that VA’s defence, bad direction or bad writing can lead to a bad performance, and plenty of lines of dialogue in Skyrim are either awkwardly written, or awkwardly delivered, but…

…In Skyrim’s defence, they got Charles Martinet - the voice of Mario - to sound perfect for the role of an ancient dragon, repentant towards what some of his kin did, and plenty of other lines of dialogue are delivered much more competently.

Then i hate to tell people shes also their new goth mommy Xal’atath.

Shes gotten better over the years but she’s still the weakest of the player vas and thats in a game with Nolan North and where the human female is voiced by helya

I’m tempted to think that’s largely down to direction. (most VA in bethesda games is awful and honestly gw2 ain’t showing much in that area either, even from other talented people).

Where as she is a decent actress in other things and blizzard probably have one of the best departments going. They even make Laura Bailey passable. (yes that was a cheap dig, I hate her attempts at accents).

Steve blum actually. Voices a few of the asura npcs.

A lot of the males at least are voices a wow player would be familiar with. Liam O Brien, Gideon Emerys, the guy who voiced that Nightborne in legion with the owl, the TF2 medic.

I’ll keep my mouth shut but i wish.

I love the shiverpeaks, favourite region of the game, but the norn suffer way too much from being the most underdeveloped of the five races. They never got a real.deep dive on their lore and it left them feeling superficial.

Humans by comparison are very interesting and diverse. I love the cultural differences between Krytans, Ascalonians, Elonians and Canthans. Their lore from the gw1 era is sick.

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like, i get that it’s a funny popular meme because [ah hes that guy thats everywhere] but he’s a really good voice actor, pls stop dissing on him

i wish i was more familiar with it but I read up/was told some stuff about Orr and that was a really cool thing that they’ve done in the sequel, makes you think what they’ll do in a GW3, whenever that comes

same which is why i’m looking forward to the new xpack

but to be negative for a change: i really hate the abysmal loading times in fallout: london

if im being square i used to diss him for how kinda off he was voicing the jedi consular in swtor but his range in gw2 impressed me when i found out he voiced mordremoth and one of the antagonists in path of fire.

orr is still one of my favourite pieces of the lore when it comes to humans alongside the rise of palawa joko, the interim years of cantha after the death of shiro tagachi and the rise of ebonhawke. im curious about gw3 as well and how much of a timeskip theyll do again. 200+ years between gw1 and 2 was a fair bit of time.

janthir wilds will be sick tho yeah. always knew the titans were still kicking about up there…

Speaking of, how cool is it that one of the primary legends you channel as the revenant is Shiro, and another the two dudes that teamed up to kill him. They even chat about this!

Though none as horrid. Funnily enough, despite being a janky mess of a game comparable to a car engine made out of a PVC tube, an old cast iron stove, half a wooden plank, a roll of sellotape and some rusty nails, it was a fascinatingly immersive experience at the time because of a thousand little details they added to make the world seem real. To this day I know many, many NPCs by name and I remember where they live and what they do and how they die.

Oh right, negativity.

So what I hate the most about GW2 and I’ll never stop hating it, the interface. I mean what were these people thinking??

The only good thing about it is that I can open like a bajillion windows at once and move them around as I please.

Also killing Parthurnaax makes sense and not because Delphine told you so - I’m the Dragonborn and the Blades serve me not the other way around - but, you know. Because of the implication.

GW2s interface always seemed ok to me. Everything else though is very poor.
The gear -looks- awful save a scant few peices here and there, the zones are all very samey - like I’ve supposedly changed zone but the only reason I know is a loading screen.

That’s ok to a point but it does nothing for atmosphere. Ok GW2, you can make your jungle varied, it’s not a crime.

The races are generally just kinda there with no real identity outside a very half hearted attempt at the start.
The Sylvari are a fascinating and brilliant race that are woefully underexplored and outside of ‘leaf people’ have very little world building to them near as I can tell.
The Charr are… brown? I can’t remember anything memorable about them at all and all I can recall comes from gw1.
The norn are big humans and the humans capitol is WAY to big to be an acceptable hub for an mmo.

The map is terribad, finding where you’re meant to be going in the cities is a fight against sanity.

The story is AWFUL until the expansions. I mean it’s terrble, I was bored out of my mind and cared nothing for anybody I met during it. (really not helped by it porting you to old maps and then acting like all this is some big shocking and brilliant moment). There’s a quest chain that refers to some toxic tower spewing nonsense all over (I believe there’s even dynamic events tied to it), trouble is until you activate that particular addon/story chain that tower is literally not there. It was very, very confusing.

I get more enjoyment out of STO then GW2 and STO is literally ‘fly in circles until you die, repeat until other thing die’ over and over and over.

what in ten chars

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Nope! No, sir.

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tell me you didnt play heart of thorns without saying you didnt play heart of thorns


Sylvari actually have some of the richest lore in the game. I should know, I mained one.

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Charr master race.


The only aspect I’d agree with is that the variety of enemy factions in vanilla Tyria were pretty sparse, or moreso predictable. Bandits in Kryta, Inquest in Tarnished Coast, Flame Legion in Ascalon, Sons of Svanir in the Shiverpeaks - if there was something wrong, or there was a source of internal strife among the races, the story would have those groups involved to the point of maybe feeling samey.

Personally, the Dragonspawn enemies like Branded, Destroyers and Orrians broke the mold, along with the Krait, Dredge, Centaur etc.


there were also a few outliers in that regard too. the white mantle operating from the shadows. the ebonhawke seperatists, the charr renegades.

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Granted, the White Mantle plotline took like four years to actually kick off to be more than a minor background note. Fields of Ruin was always a goated zone, Ebonhawke’s peak fantasy. The way they, again, would go on to excise the elements of intrigue and conflict inherent to Charr society that stood in the way of a lasting peace felt unsatisfying to me.

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yeah. i liked how the peacetalks began at least after reading ghosts of ascalon (the novels are goated btw if you havent read them, you should.) because while the talks were at the table the notion of a charr even near ebonhawke was cause for alarm. it being waived away because “oh no destroyers!” will never not have felt like a wasted intrigue plot

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That only comes almost a decade after Heart of Thorns came out, which was the last time that the sylvari got serious attention.

Baseline GW2, LWS1, LWS2 and baseline HoT all paid far too much attention to sylvari for my liking, and I say that as a fan of the race.
I really didn’t like Trahearne, who I would rather call Tree Jesus for how much the story favoured him.
I liked Scarlet Briar even less, who is tied with the Jailer for the spot of “the most poorly written villain in MMO history.”
And I had no time for the other sylvari who played significant parts in the story throughout that period, who were often frustrating to interact with.
All the while, during that period, there was more than enough exposition about how sylvari culture and physiology functions, explained through these characters.

By now, I think we’re ready for more sylvari again but I think that some of us were absolutely sick of them by the time that HoT was over.