You don’t play Classic at all considering your insultingly easy class.
They would make a great addition to classic insultingly easy raids Don’t you think ? Onyxia downed by a group of 7 lol.
Except the raids were designed 15 years ago and your class, 3 years ago.
Older doesn’t mean better you know, any raid from retail is far Superior to the glorified dungeon that is MC, land of bland corridor and reskined ennemies. At least the gameplay make it up for it, behold the raid completed with half a raid group and a bunch of characters not even max level.
We all know that already. I was taking the piss out of how comparably easy your class is to WoW Raids despite it being released 12 years after Vanilla.
Jokes usually work better when you don’t have to explain it to Pepegas.
So why is a class being easy such a big deal to you when the top pve content of classic could be completed with your hands tied behind your back ?
Beside you are a classic mage, I am pretty sure your raid rotation is just frostbolt.
It’s not, it’s just funny to make fun of you.
I’d hate to know you on voice comms and have to explain things to you 24/7 lmfao.
Ah backpedaling in the trolling excuse already ?
I don’t think you know what backpedaling means.
It’s alright, you tried to flex but it backfired. We are all gonna pretend you were just joking so it’s gonna be alright, have fun with Onyxia and Don’t forget the whelps.
because we all know how tough Mages have it in Classic
Our guild planned it a week ahead and made sure as many people voted on what they wanted to do. We got the vote to move to bloodfang and we made our dash while the transfer was still active. Most people would take that offer considering the situation in the world where anyone 48+ couldnt level.
The boats or menethil harbour wasnt available so the means of transportation was gone. Even if many consideried to stay it would be hard to not have people transfer when there was a clear way out to a more balanced server(Albeit smaller) In a limited time so people were hard pressed to do it before bgs came out. Perhaps phase 2 should have been a little shorter than it was. then add bgs and return the game to a normal state of affairs.
On the note of warlords as a guild. I like ya, we did alot of pvp in gurubashi arena and i frequently saw many of the players contesting. Is sicer the mage still with you?
horde join Ally side ? thats just sick man , Sick i say !
BTW, i was ganked so much by allys that ive ended up in a 3 day fight with my girl for destroying my keyboard…STILL didnt leave… Hashtaggallysscared
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